Foto del docente

Michele Palermo

Associate Professor

Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering

Academic discipline: CEAR-07/A Structural Analysis and Design

Curriculum vitae

Short bio

Senior Assistant Professor at the University of Bologna since 2021. His research studies focus on structural engineering with special attention to seismic engineering and seismic risk, structural health monitoring and historical constructions, advanced manufacturing and automation in construction.

Previous and current academic positions

In 2018 he became junior assistant professor at the School of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Bologna. In 2018 he was granted for Associate professor from the national committee. He is currently Senior Assistant professor at the same university since 2021.

Visiting academic positions

  • Visiting Researcher at the University of Granada in 2011 to carry out research on the structural response and numerical modelling of RC sandwich walls.
  • Visiting Researcher at the University of Berkeley in 2013 to carry out research on a concrete damage model to simulate the structural response RC sandwich walls.

Teaching activities and PhD supervision

  • Michele Palermo teaches 3 master level courses for the international master degrees of Offshore Engineering (e.g., Advanced structural design, 9 CFU, and Design of offshore structures, 6 CFU) and Historical Buildings Rehabilitation (e.g., Structural strengthening and rehabilitation, 6CFU).
  • He is currently supervisor of one PhD student for the PhD programme “Structural and Environmental Health Monitoring and Management SEHM2” at the University of Bologna. He is currently co-advisor of one PhD student for the PhD programme “Structural and Environmental Health Monitoring and Management SEHM2” at the University of Bologna. He was former co-advisor of 5 PhD students at the University of Bologna.

Administrative role and position responsibility

  • Member of the “Paritetica” committee of the Department DICAM of the University of Bologna.

  • Member of the teaching boards of the master courses in Offshore Engineering and Structural Rehabilitation at the University of Bologna.


Scientific organizations/Coordination of academic activities

  •  Member of the Organizing or Scientific Committee of the following international conferences:
  • International Conference on Construction Engineering: Towards more Sustainable Structures (ICCE 2022), November 28-30, 2022, Damascus , Syria
  • IFCRASC 2020 congress (CRolli, dell'Affidabilità Strutturale e del Consolidamento), Bologna 2021.
  • Mechanics of masonry structures strengthened with composite materials Modeling, testing, design, monitoring, control (MURICO6), June 26-28, 2019 Bologna, Italy
  • 5th International Conference on Mechanical Models in Structural Engineering (CMMoST2019) , October 23-25, 2019 Alicante, Spain
  • Eighth European Workshop on the Seismic Behaviour of Irregular and Complex Structures (8EWICS), 19-20 October 2017, Bucharest (Romania).
  • 4th Congress on Mechanical Models in Structural Engineering (CMMOST 2017), Madrid (Spagna) 29 November-1 December 2017.

    Editorial activity

  • --Member of the “Scientific Editorial board” of the journal “Frontiers in Built Environment”; EPFL Lausanne.
  • --Topic editor for the Research Topic “Seismic Risk Reduction in Developing Countries" - “Frontiers in Built Environment”; EPFL Lausanne. Topic editor for the Research Topic “Urban vibrations" -“Frontiers in Built Environment”; EPFL Lausanne.
  • Topic editor for the Research Topic “Energy dissipation devices and vibration-control systems for structures and infrastructures to mitigate damages under different hazards”, Frontiers in Built Environment, EPFL Lausanne. Lead Guest
  • Associate Editor for the Special Issue "Innovative Manufacturing Technologies in Architecture and Structural Engineering" Buildings, MPDI.
  • Reviewer for the NWO (Dutch Research Council, within the Call Materials NL: Challenges.
  • Referee for the following international journals: Engineering Structures – Elsevier; Nonlinear Dynamics – Springer; Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration – Springer; Earthquakes and Structures – Techno Press; Construction & Building Materials- Elsevier; Journal of Earthquake Engineering- Taylor & Francis; Material and Structures-Springer; Materials and Design- Elsevier; Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering - Springer, Journal of Constructional Steel Research -Elsevier.

    Membership of scientific societies

  • --Working group Member of the COST Action CircularB - Implementation of Circular Economy in the Built Environment
  • Member of the ASTM Committee F42 on Additive Manufacturing Technologies.
  • Member of the Italian committee Collegio dei Tecnici della industrializzazione Edilizia (CTE).
  • Member of the “Osservatorio Claudio Ceccoli” on the structural defects and deficiencies (Ingegneria Forense). Research Center of Department DICAM, University of Bologna., since 2011.
  • Member of the European Working Group (WG) 8: seismic behavior of irregular and complex structures, since 2012.

    Patents ownership:

  • lattice structural pole (patent number: #IT102021000032411)
  • Mobile 3D printer (patent number: #IT102020000024109)

    Main Research interests

  • Applications of metal Additive Manufacturing (AM) in architecture and construction.
  • Computational design and optimization of metal AM structures.
  • Structural design and mechanical testing of metal AM components and structures.
  • Dynamic modelling (both analytical and experimental) of the seismic behavior of asymmetric in plan structures.
  • Monitoring, structural analysis and retrofitting of historical monumental building structures.
  • Innovative techniques for mitigation of the seismic action (viscous dampers, hysteretic metallic dampers, strong back system).
  • Seismic behavior of squat silos containing grain like material.
  • Seismic behavior of squat reinforced concrete walls structures
  • Structural reliability.

    Research grants on competitive calls

    Local coordinator and PI of several National and European research projects, among which:

  • 2023-Local Coordinator of the project CIRCULAR WELD - Circularity Improvement in Retrofit of Constructions Using Lattice Arrangements Realized by Waam Enhanced by Leveraging Digital-Twins. Bando PRIN2022 PNRR
  • 2023-Principal Investigator of the proposal: Sistema di stampa robotica 3D Wire-Arc-Additive-Manufacturing per elementi di grandi dimensioni (Call ALMA ATTREZZATURE 2022 Linea 2. Nuove attrezzature)
  • 2022- Local Coordinator of the UNIBO unit for the research project “Address for future: ADDRESS” (Call ERASMUS+ 2021-2027 “KA2 – COOPERATION PARTNERSHIPS”)
  • 2022-Principal Investigator for the research project: “Stampante tridimensionale, relativo procedimento per la realizzazione di un oggetto stampato ed oggetto così ottenuto(Call Proof of concept 2021 – funded by University di Bologna)
  • 2021-Local Coordinator of the UNIBO unit for the research project “Worker-centric programing tools for free designing of lightweight aluminium-based products: SHARKY” (EU Trinity Call)”
  • 2020-Local Coordinator of the UNIBO unit for the research project “DED-arc manufacturing of highly customized functional injection moulds, to produce thermoplastic parts for agricultural machinery, optimising for weight reduction and forest fire prevention: AGRIAM”. (EU 3DPanEU Call).
  • 2017- Principal Investigator for the research project “Verso l’ AUTO‐costruzione di gusci RetICOLARI spaziali mediante stampa 3D: AUTOR3DICOLARI” (Call Alma Idea 2017 – funded by University of Bologna).

    Research grants funded by private companies or public institutions

    Member of the research team of several research agreements since 2008, among which:

  • MX3D: characterization of mechanical properties of WAAM metal element (2016-2020).
  • Società Autostrade: assessment and inspections of existing bridges (2019-2020).
  • Municipality of Bologna: structural health monitoring of the two towers of Bologna (2018-2020), 108.000€ grant.
  • Italian ministry of Justice: study of defects of building structures (2016-2017).
  • Mulmix: structural behavior of steel tanks (2015-2016).
  • Capitolo Metropolitano of Modena Cathedral (UNESCO monument): structural evaluation of Modena Cathedral (2009-2013).

    Invited lectures and seminars

  • “Dispositivi di mitigazione sismica per le costruzioni dell’architettura e ingegneria civile: principi, criteri e applicazioni”. “COMPOSITI e TECNOLOGIE CORRELATE nella INGEGNERIA CIVILE e ARCHITETTURA”. miniMuRiCo2020 congress, by AICO with Carrara Fiere. 6 February 2020 Carrara.
  • “ll miglioramento sismico di strutture in CA mediante torri dissipative: un metodo semplificato per il dimensionamento”, Simposio: Prestazioni strutturali degli edifici esistenti in cemento armato soggetti ad azioni sismiche. International CAE Conference 2016. 18 October 2016, Parma, Paganini Congressi.
  • Invited lecture at ETH Zurich: “From Earthquake Engineering to Additive Manufacturing: An overview of practice-oriented research on damper sizing and new perspectives of Additive Manufacturing in structural design”. Ibk Seminar ETH Zurich, 18 September 2018.
  • Invited lecture at University of Granada: “Seismic behaviour of frame structures equipped with passive dampers: Design approaches and Modelling issues”, 10 may 2017, Granada.

Research products and bibliometric data

Author of more than 130 scientific papers (source IRIS), published in international journals, conference proceedings, book chapters. 89 papers indexed in Scopus. H index, Scopus = 18, total number of citations = 880 (Scopus, July 2023)


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