Michele Caianiello (Bologna, 1970) graduated in law in 1994, cum laude. In 2000 he obtained a PhD in Criminal Procedure.
He was appointed as researcher in Bologna in 2006, and became Associate Professor in 2007.
Since 2016 he has been Full Professor at the Department of Legal Sciences.
A lawyer since 1998, he practised in the field of criminal law until 2006. In 2015, he was admitted to the list of Assistants to Counsel of the International Criminal Court.
He has taught Criminal Procedure and European and International Criminal Procedure at the Faculty of Law of the Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli in Rome (L.U.I.S.).
He is a member of the board of the PhD programme in Legal Sciences at the University of Bologna.
During his career, he has conducted studies on various aspects of criminal justice, such as the prosecution phase, the law of evidence, and international and European criminal justice. More generally, he has been working for several years on issues concerning the relationship between legality and criminal proceedings and the effects of globalisation and the internationalisation of systems on criminal proceedings. He is the author of three monographs (Poteri dei privati nell'esercizio dell'azione penale, Giappichelli, Turin, 2003; Ammissione della prova e contraddittorio nelle giurisdizioni penali internazionali, Giappichelli, Turin, 2008; Premesse per una teoria del pregiudizio effettivo nelle invalidità processuali penali, BUP, Bologna, 2012), and of more than 100 publications in journals, encyclopaedias and collective volumes.
He is on the editorial board of the journals European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, Revista Brasileira de Direito Processual Penal, Kazan University Law Review. He is on the scientific board of the following Italian journals: Diritto Penale Contemporaneo - Rivista Trimestrale, Sistema penale, Archivio giuridico Filippo Serafini. He is a member of the editorial board of the Collana Procedura penale, Sez. Commenti e Nuovi itinerari, Giappichelli, as well as an associate editor in the Collana "Comparative, European and International Criminal Justice" of Springer/Giappichelli.
He has participated in numerous national and international research projects since 2005. These include:
- Suspects in Europe. Procedural Rights at the Investigative Stage of the Criminal Process in the Europen Union, coordinated by Ties Prakken and Taru Spronken, University of Maastricht, AGIS 2005
- Rethinking European Criminal Justice, coordinated by Ulrich Sieberg, Max-Planck Institut fur Auslandische-und-Internationale Strafrecht, Freiburg, AGIS 2006
- The Harmonisation of Declarative Evidence in the European Union, coordinated by Giulio Illuminati, PRIN 2005;
- Effective defence rights in the EU and access to justice, coordinated by Taru Spronken, Maastricht University, European Commission, 2007.
He was also co-leader in the coordination of the following OLAF-funded research:
- "Criminal and administrative investigations in the field of VAT and Custom Duties, from national practices to an EU integrated system of information and Evidence Exchange";
- "Devices" - Digital forensic EVIdence: towards CommonEuropean Standards in antifraud administrative and criminal investigations. - DEVICES: https://site.unibo.it/devices/en);
- E-Procedure: Evidence in Time of Increased Use of Technology and Digitisation
(The International Nuremberg Principles Academy: https://www.nurembergacademy.org/projects/detail/45ed2d129b0e19459764c4684e317a95/digital-evidence-23/)
He was Principal Investigator in the research project (MTS-JACC-AG-2018 Program) CrossJustice (Knowledge, Advisory and Capacity Building Information Tool for Criminal Procedural Rights in Judicial Cooperation: https://crossjustice.eu/en/index.html).
Together with scholars from other universities - the University of North Carolina, the University of Warwick and the University of Basel - he set up a research group on the topic of the future of procedural systems ('The Future of Adversarial and Inquisitorial Systems'), with which he organises conferences and edits the publication of books and articles on comparative criminal justice. Publications in this field include Preventing Danger. New Paradigms in Criminal Justice, Carolina Academic Press, Durham, North Carolina, USA, 2013.
Since May 2018, he has been Director of the Department of Legal Sciences up to May 2024.
Since May 2022 he has been Director of The 'Enrico Redenti' School of Specialisation for the Legal Professions up to 2024.
He is currently member of the Academic Senate.
In 2022 he was Coordinator of the Working Group appointed by the Minister of Justice for the digitization of criminal process and the establishment of the Office of the Process in Criminal Matters.