Foto del docente

Micaela Antonucci

Associate Professor

Department of Architecture

Curriculum vitae


2004 PhD in Engineering: Architecture and Construction, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tor Vergata, Rome

2002 Second level Specializing Master in History of Architecture, University of Roma Tre, Rome

1999 MD in Archictecture, Faculty of Architecture, University of Roma Tre, Rome

Employment & Appointments

2007-Present Department of Architecture, University of Bologna. Associate Professor in History of Architettura, 2019-present. Delegate for International relations and programs of the Department of Architecture, 2018-present. Coordinator of the Publishing series of the Department of Architecture, 2014-present. Member of the Board of the PhD in Architecture, 2014-present. Assistant Professor in History of Architecture, 2012-2019. Research Fellow, 2007-2010.

2005-2007 Scientific coordinator of the Second level Specializing Master in Construction Manager for Architectural and Archaeological Restoration, University of Roma Tor Vergata.

2001-2003 Scholarship, Centro per lo Studio di Roma (CROMA) of the University of Roma Tre.

1999-2000 Research Grant, “Young researchers Project” of the Italian Ministry of Education.


In 2003-2010 she was Professor of History of Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture of the Universities of Roma Tre, Genova and Bologna; at the Faculty of Engineering of the Universities of Roma Tor Vergata and Bologna. She has lectured in Italian universities and international research centres and she has partecipated to several international congresses in Italy and abroad.

Since 2011 she’s Professor of History of Architecture at the Department of Architecture of the University of Bologna.

In 2012-2013 she has been Professor at the Master in Architettura, Arti Sacre e Liturgia of the Università Europea di Roma. Since 2020 she’s Professor at the Master di II Livello in Progettazione Costruzione Gestione delle Infrastrutture Sportive of the Politecnico di Milano.

Funded Research & Awards

2022-2024 Principal Investigator of the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education project “InVisiBLe - Inclusive and Innovative Learning Tool for Visually Impaired and Blind People”, focused on innovative tools for the inclusion of the visually impaired and blind students in HE courses related to visual arts

2020-21 David and Julie Tobey Fellow at I Tatti – The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies.

2018 Selected by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation as Ambassador of Italian Design at the Italian Consulate in Cape Town, South Africa on occasion of the Italian Design Day 2018.

2017-2019 University of Bologna unit Coordinator within the Erasmus + Strategic Partnership Program funded project “Timeline Travel. An Alternative Tool for Architectural History Learning and Teaching” (€ 65.490,00).

2014-2016 Scientific Coordinator of the research project “Pier Luigi Nervi. Gli stadi per il calcio”, funded by Fondazione CEUR – Centro Europeo Università e Ricerca (€ 5000) and Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Bologna (€ 5000).


She has been working in a large number of research teams and scientific programs linked to history of architecture, to preservation and exploitation of the architectonical heritage.

Her scholarly studies focus on Italian Renaissance architecture, with special concern for Rome and the work of Antonio da Sangallo the Younger; and on topics and protagonists of contemporary architecture, particularly Otto Wagner and Pier Luigi Nervi. She has published and co-edited books and essays and has contributed many essays to international peer review journals, among the recent ones are: Pier Luigi Nervi in Africa. Evoluzione e dissoluzione dello Studio Nervi 1964-1980 (con G, Neri, 2021), Il palazzo della Zecca in Banchi a Roma (2008), Otto Wagner (2009). She's editor of the books La Manifattura Tabacchi a Bologna. Ricerche sull’architettura industriale contemporanea tra storia, tecnica e riuso (2019), Pier Luigi Nervi. Gli stadi per il calcio (2014) e Pier Luigi Nervi. Architetture per lo sport (2016).

Since the late 2000s, she has been engaged in a research project on engineer Pier Luigi Nervi and his work in Italy and abroad. On this topic she co-curated, with Annalisa Trentin and Tomaso Trombetti, the travelling exhibition Pier Luigi Nervi. Gli stadi per il calcio (2014–2016), and was curator of the exhibition Pier Luigi Nervi Architetture per lo Sport/Pier Luigi Nervi’s Sports Facilities at the MAXXI – Museo delle Arti del XXI secolo in Rome (2016).

Curatorial Experiences

2017 Curator of the cycle of conferences "HPA Talks - Dialogues on Contemporary Architecture and on the contaminations with the arts, history and society" (Bologna, April-June 2017)

2016 Curator of the International exhibition Pier Luigi Nervi. Architetture per lo sport/ Pier Luigi Nervi’s Sports Facilities (MAXXI – Museo delle Arti del XXI secolo di Roma, February 5 – October 23, 2016).

2015 Co-organizer (with Sabine Frommel) of the International Conference Da Bologna all'Europa: artisti Bolognesi in Portogallo (XVI-XIX secolo) (Bologna, November 30 December 1, 2015), promoted by the Department of Architecture – University of Bologna and the École Pratique des Hautes Études – Paris Sorbonne, in collaboration with Universidade Nova de Lisbona, Universidade de Coimbra, Museu de Arte Antiga de Lisboa, Universidade de Algarve, Centro de História de Além-Mar (CHAM) de Lisboa, Universidade de Porto.

2014-2016 Curator of the travelling exhibition Pier Luigi Nervi. Gli stadi per il calcio (Bononia, Cesena, Florence, Ravenna, 2014-2016), promoted by the Deaprtment of Architecture of the University of Bologna, in collaboration with the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the Princeton University (USA), University of Florence, University of Roma Tor Vergata, Fondazione CEUR – Centro Europeo Università e Ricerca, Scuola Superiore di Studi per la Città e il Territorio – University of Bologna; under the High Patronage of the President of the Italian Republic and under the patronage of Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio, Pier Luigi Nervi Research and Knowledge Managment Project of Bruxelles, Istituto per i Beni Artistici Culturali e Naturali – Regione Emilia Romagna.



Editorial Board, Histories of Postwar Architecture; Editorial Board, Journal of Creative Practices in Cities and Landscapes; Committee Member, PhD in Architecture, University of Bologna; Delegate for International relations and activities, Department of Architecture, Bologna; Coordinator of the Publishing series of the Department of Architecture, Bologna

2019 Dissertation Thesis Examiner, PhD in Engineering, Polytechnic of Marche (Italy)

2019 Session Chair, X International AISU Congress, Bologna, 9-11 September 2019

2015 Scientific Committee and Session Chair, International Congress Da Bologna all’Europa. Artisti bolognesi in Portogallo, Bologna

2016-2019 Referee: Lexicon. Storie e architettura in Sicilia e nel Mediterraneo; Opus Incertum; In_Bo


Member: Associazione Italiana di Storia Urbana (AISU); Centre d'Arte d'Època Moderna (CAEM), Universidad de Lleida; RR Roma nel Rinascimento; European Architectural History Network (EHAN); Associazione Italiana Storici dell’Architettura (AISTARCH); Registration

Licensed Architect in Italy (1999)


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