Foto del docente

Maya De Leo

Adjunct professor

Department of Philosophy

Curriculum vitae

Maya De Leo is a historian and her research interests focus on cultural history of LGBTQIA+ communities and queer theories. Adopting intersectional and decolonial perspectives, her work lies at the intersection of gender and queer studies, cultural and visual studies, with a privileged focus on the dimension of racialization.


Maya De Leo holds a Laurea (M.A.) and a Ph.D. in History from the University of Pisa.

Teaching Experiences

She in currently Adjunct Professor of Gender Studies at the University of Bologna. She has been Adjunct Professor of Gender History at the University of Genoa (2017 and 2018) and of History of Homosexuality at the University of Turin (2018/2022). She also taught LGBTQIA+ History at the University of Trento (2022/2023) and at the Scuola Galileiana di Studi Superiori of Padua (2023).

Scientific Activities

She attended as a speaker in numerous national conferences and published significant contributions in scientific journals.

Referees of international and Italian scientific journals in the field of history and gender studies.

Prizes and Awards

2022: SISSCO (Italian Society for the Study of Contemporary History) prize for best first work for her book: Queer. Storia culturale della comunità LGBT+, Einaudi, 2021.

2022: Emma Goldman Snowball Award, promoted by Flax Foundation.

2007: “Maria Baiocchi” Award, promoted by Dì Gay Project association in Rome, for the best Ph.D. thesis in LGBT+ studies.

2007: The Equal Opportunities Committee of the University of Pisa Award for the best doctoral thesis in gender studies.

Other Activities

She is a member of Centro di Ricerca PoliTeSse – Politiche e Teorie della Sessualità, University of Verona.

She co-directed (with Sara Garbagnoli and Francesca Romana Recchia Luciani) the Academy of the 2023 edition of the Sherocco Festival.

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