Foto del docente

Maurizio Fabbri

Full Professor

Department of Education Studies "Giovanni Maria Bertin"

Academic discipline: PAED-01/A General and Social Pedagogy

Curriculum vitae


- Since 2021 he has been President of the Italian Society of General and Social Pedagogy (SIPeGeS).
- From 2021 to 2024 he was Director of the Department of Educational Sciences 'Giovanni Maria Bertin', University of Bologna.
- From 2021 to 2024 he was a member of the Council of the Conference of Education Sciences.
- From 2018 to 2021 he was Deputy Director of the Department of Education Sciences.
- From 2015 to 2018 he was Vice President of the School of Psychology and Education Sciences.
- Since 01/12/2011 he has been Full Professor of General and Social Pedagogy at the Department of Educational Sciences, University of Bologna.
- From 2012 to 2015 he was President of the Degree Course in Primary Education Sciences.
- From 2009 to 2012 he was President of the Degree Course in Educator in Children's Services.
- On 01/12/2004 he took up his post as Associate Professor at the Department of Educational Sciences, University of Bologna.
- On 01/07/2000 he took up his post as Researcher at the Department of Educational Sciences, University of Bologna.
- From 1994 to 2000 he was Pedagogical Coordinator at the Early Childhood Services of the Municipality of Bologna.

- From 1990 to 1997 he was a lecturer at the first training and professional requalification courses for Professional Educators, organised by the Emilia-Romagna Region, in Piacenza.
- From 1985 to 1987 and from 1990 to 1994 he was a Social Worker in the socio-educational area, assigned to care for minors at the Social Service of the then U.S.L. 29 - Bologna EST.


- In 1991 he obtained a PhD in Pedagogy from the University of Bologna.
- In 1983 he obtained a degree in Pedagogy from the University of Bologna.


- Since 2011 he has been Co-Director of the series "Pedagogia Teoretica" by Franco Angeli.
- Since 2012 he has been Co-Director of the series "Nuovi Paradigmi" by Junior.
- Since 2016 he has been Co-Director of the band A journal "Scholè".
- Since 2022 he has been Director of the scientific journal "Cultura pedagogica e scenari educativi".


Responsible for the University of Bologna for the PRIN 2017 "Curriculum for Moral Education (CEM). The challenge of the moral education of preadolescents today".
From 2016 to 2019, he was part of the ERASMUS PLUS project "Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices".
From 2007 to 2011, he took part in the research activities of the multi-year project "From Paris to Caltagirone", born from the collaboration between the Department of Education Sciences of the Alma Mater and the Emilia Romagna Region.

In 2019, he was awarded the SIPED prize for the publication of the volume: Oltre il disagio, Franco Angeli 2018.
In 2014, he was awarded the SIPED prize for the publication of the volume: Il transfert, il dono, la cura, Franco Angeli 2012.


Since 2001, he has been continuously teaching General and Social Pedagogy for the Single-Cycle Degree Course in Primary Education, at the Degree Course in Educator in Children's Services and in other courses in Class L-19. From 2011 to 2021, he taught Reflexivity and Pedagogical Deontology for the Master's Degree in Pedagogy. From 2009 to 2022, he continuously taught courses in Pedagogy and Communication Pedagogy at the School of Medicine. He is a member of the Teaching Board of the PhD in Pedagogical Sciences. In the academic year 2015/2016, he also lectured in the MASTER of basic training for teachers with a Montessori orientation; in the academic year 2021/2022, he lectured in the MASTER on Interculture for teachers and school leaders; in the academic year 2022/2023, he lectured in the MASTER for school leaders. He has also held and continuously holds courses in Pedagogy for the training of secondary school teachers at the TFA, PAS, the 24 CFU and, today, at the 60 CFU.



Being part of the critical-rationalist problematism perspective of Antonio Banfi and Giovanni Maria Bertin and 'contaminating' it with contributions from other knowledge and models (hermeneutic, scientific and complexity), he has maintained an interdisciplinary approach and method, tending to conceive research on education more in terms of an epistemology of connections than of specialisation on single thematic areas. From a heuristic point of view, the prevailing approaches are as follows:
- deconstructing the categorical foundations of the metaphysical tradition and the ideological inferences of contemporary thought by analysing their elements of ambivalence and overcoming disjunctive reasoning;
- broadening the field of investigation and opening up pedagogical reflection to educational, cultural and scientific contexts that can challenge established acquisitions;
- use of the dialectical procedure, with the dual purpose of analysing the conflicts taking place in our cultural context and outlining their overcoming through the position of alternatives that are only apparently antinomian;
- re-elaboration of possible models of scientific, ethical and design relevance according to the priorities and problems of the educational experience, in order to guide the action of teachers, educators and parents.


In terms of content, his research work has explored the following themes:
- the dialogue with the thought of Soren Kierkegaard and the analysis of the links between morality, ethics and faith, within the educational experience, constituted a valuable opportunity to highlight the elements of radical problematicity, which are imposed whenever educators, teachers and trainers are forced to deal with complex paths of choice construction, which do not find adequate support and significant contributions in the elaborations already made at the level of culture and civilisation;
- the reference to some central moments of neuroscientific research (in particular, to studies on brain plasticity) has allowed him to analyse the profound interconnections that are established within the educational experience between traditionally antinomic moments of pedagogical reflection, such as nature and culture, mind and body, autonomy and dependence, spontaneity and conditioning. Over the years, this has resulted in an analysis that expands on the transformation trends of civilisation and questions the very nature of the relationships between phylogenetic evolution and socio-cultural evolution;
- the analysis of the thought of the Crisis, of its elements of ambivalence and of its possible frames of meaning allowed him to highlight the deep and not always visible connections between the processes of transformation of the historical-cultural context and the events of the educational experience, with all the discrepancies and tensions that derive from them: the attention to narrative frames, to the corresponding problems of epistemological frameworks, to phenomena of social reorganisation, to trends of radical transformation of civilisation also challenge pedagogical reflection and its ability to decline as ecological-systemic thinking;
- The analysis of the 'educating environment' and the dialogue with the complex world of services, schools and families has highlighted the need to translate categories and knowledge from different disciplinary backgrounds according to the dynamics and priorities of educational contexts. In this direction, phenomena such as those of transference, interpersonal communication and the understanding of emotional experience have been the subject of reconceptualisation in the pedagogical sphere. The interest in the educating environment has also been expressed in the form of field research, with analyses and contributions aimed at bringing out the changes taking place today in the educational and scholastic services and at envisaging some possible directions for the training of educators, which would make them capable of confronting the levels of increasing complexity inherent in their professional experiences: first and foremost, those inherent in the acquisition of adequate communicative, relational and emotional skills.



He has published the following monographs:

La competenza pedagogica, Clueb, Bologna 1996.
Sponde, Clueb, Bologna 2003.
Nel cuore della scelta, Unicopli, Milano 2005 (seconda edizione riveduta e aggiornata 2015).
(con M. Contini, P. Manuzzi), Non di solo cervello, Cortina, Milano 2006.
Problemi d’empatia, ETS, Pisa 2008.
Il transfert, il dono, la cura, Franco Angeli, Milano 2012.
(con M. Contini, S. Demozzi, A. Tolomelli) Deontologia pedagogica, Franco Angeli, Milano 2014.
Controtempo, Junior, Parma-Spaggiari 2014.
Oltre il disagio, Franco Angeli, Milano 2018.
Pedagogia della crisi, crisi della Pedagogia, Scholè, Brescia 2019.
Essere insegnanti, essere genitori, Franco Angeli, Milano 2022.
Evoluzione e pedagogia, Scholè, Brescia 2024 (forthcoming).

For the complete list of publications, please refer to the page:
Maurizio Fabbri - University of Bologna - Publications (