Foto del docente

Maurizio Cattani

Associate Professor

Department of History and Cultures

Academic discipline: ARCH-01/A Prehistory and Protohistory

Director of Second Cycle Degree in Archaeology and Cultures of the Ancient World


Keywords: Study of social complexity Steppe archaeology Breeding Arabian archaeology Central Mediterranean Bronze Age Nomadic societies Archaeometallurgy Northern Italy

§ Main topics of the research concern the study of social complexity during the Bronze Age, applied in several regions:

- Arabian Peninsula, where during the IV and III mill. We can recognize the formation of arab civilization, founded on tribal structure;

-Central Asia and steppe world, where aside sedentary population were developing the new style of life based on nomadism and metallurgical exploitation;

- Sicily with particular reference to the island environment of Pantelleria, a unique case of structured settlement with monumental defensive wall and burial structures;

- Northern Italy, characterized during the Bronze Age by an impressive demographic increase and by tribal organizations devoted to a well balanced exploitation of resources (mainly agriculture and breeding).

- Sardinia, with famous nuraghe complexes, where the investigation of landscape and settlement pattern offer a unique case of study of ancient social structures;

- Mississippian civilization, where despite che chronological gap (1000-1400 d.C.) we can recognize the emergence of chiefdom linked to the agricultural exploitation and resources collection.

 Among the intensification of research of new methods, he is interested in experimental Archaeology with field application on pottery, metal, textile and cultivation replica carried out in the Laboratory activated near the Bronze Age site of Solarolo.

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