Foto del docente

Maurizio Ascari

Full Professor

Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Academic discipline: ANGL-01/A English Literature


Collaboration with:
Università degli Studi della TUSCIA
I have been repeatedly invited to give talks at the Università della Tuscia and I have also become a member of the scientific and organising committee of the conference “Detective Fiction / Crime Fiction: teorie e applicazioni didattiche”, Università della Tuscia at Viterbo, 3-4 December 2009. Some of the papers presented at the conference were published in a thematic issue of the journal "Fictions": "Crime e detective fiction nel Novecento: voci a confronto" (X, 2011), eds Maurizio Ascari and Francesca Saggini, while others have been collected in L’investigatore allo specchio: un approccio transdisciplinare al poliziesco, a cura di Francesca Saggini e Maurizio Ascari, Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2012. I also acted as a respondent within the conference "La chiave gialla: delitti e lettori nel terzo millennio", Università degli Studi della Tuscia, 21-22 May 2013.
Formal collaboration with:
University of Cardiff
United Kingdom
In the course of the last few years I have given various talks in the School of English of the University of Cardiff and I have cooperated with various members of the school of English, such as Stephen Knight, Martin Kayman, David Skilton, Heather Worthington and Claire Gorrara, notably concerning two fields of research – crime fiction and the literary canon. I have also participated as External Examiner in the Ph.D. vivas of Heather Worthington (“Criminality and Criminography: Textual representations of crime and detection in the British popular press, 1820-1850”, May 2003) and Bill Alder (“Social Class and Social Change in the Maigret Narratives of Georges Simenon”, August 2009). Between 25 October and 8 November 2009, I spent two weeks in Cardiff as Cardiff Humanities Research Institute (CHRI) Distinguished Research Fellow. In that period I gave various talks (Research Workshop “Narrative and Intercultural Understanding”, Research and Graduate School in the Humanities, 26 October 2009; Crime Narratives in Context (CNIC) Research Seminar Paper: “Cesare Lombroso and the Italian School of Criminal Anthropology”, 5 November 2009; Cardiff Humanities Research Institute (CHRI) Annual Lecture: “‘The God of our Idolatry!’ Pilgrims and Heretics at the Birthplace of Shakespeare”, 6 November 2009). I also participated in a forum on “The Changing Face of the Humanities in European Universities” (3 November 2009) and I participated in the University of Cardiff, Crime Narratives in Context (CNIC) 2009 Colloquium – “Capital Crime: Reading and Writing Crime and Cities”, 28 October 2009 – with a paper entitled “The Mysteries of the Vatican: from 19th-century anti-clerical propaganda to Dan Brown’s religious thrillers”. I have coedited with Heather Worthington a thematic issue of the "European Journal of English Studies" on "Crime Narratives: Crossing Cultures" (14.2, 2010). My paper on "The Mysteries of the Vatican" is forthcoming in the proceedings of the conference. Moreover, I have been involved by Heather Worthington and Claire Gorrara in the drafting of a research project which aims to map and analyse the translations of nineteenth- and twentieth-century French crime fiction into English, both in the UK and in the US.
Formal collaboration with:
University of Leicester
United Kingdom
Coordinator of an Erasmus Exchange.
Collaboration with:
Università degli Studi di PARMA
I have acted as Convenor, together with Laura Bandiera and Gioia Angeletti, of the Literary Workshop within the 26th AIA Conference, “Remediating, Rescripting, Remaking: Old and New Challenges in English Studies”, Parma, 12-14 September 2013. Moreover, I have chaired a Sessions entitled “Nineteenth-Century 3: From Proto-Cinematic Writing to Film Adaptation”.
Collaboration with:
Catholic University Ružomberok
Slovak Republic
I participated with a plenary talk in a conference entitled "Katherine Mansfield and Continental Europe", which was organised at Ruzomberok on 27-30 June 2012 by the Katherine Mansfield Society. Moreover, I have cooperated with this university in the field of crime fiction. Among the products of this cooperation, I will mention my translation of an article by Prof. David Levente Palatinus, which appeared in "Crime e detective fiction nel Novecento: voci a confronto", a cura di Maurizio Ascari e Francesca Saggini, numero speciale della rivista Fictions. Studi sulla Narrativita’, volume 10, giugno 2011. I also invited Prof. Palatinus to teach two classes in my course on crime fiction in December 2012. In 2013 Prof. Palatinus obtained an Early Stage Research Fellowship from the Institute of Advanced Studies of the University of Bologna, where he is spending the entire year 2014 doing research.
Collaboration with:
Università degli Studi di PADOVA
I was a member of the scientific board of the international conference “Rethinking Early Modern: Critical Approaches”, Università degli Studi di Padova, 17-18 May 2013. More recently, I was invited to Padua to give a talk entitled “Crossing the Green Line: World Literature and Intercultural Understanding” within the Seminario di Anglistica e Americanistica, Dip. Di Studi Linguistici e Letterari, Dottorato in Scienze Linguistiche, Filologiche e Letterarie, Università degli Studi di Padova, 26 February 2014.
Formal collaboration with:
Università degli Studi di URBINO "Carlo BO"
In the course of the last few years, I have been repeatedly invited to give talks at the University of Urbino. Within the framework of the Dottorato di Ricerca in Studi Interculturali Europei, which is coordinated by Prof. Gualtiero De Santi, I supervised the Doctoral Thesis of Fabio Pesaresi, which was completed in December 2012. In April 2012 I was also appointed External Examiner for the final exam of the Doctorate. In addition, I was appointed member of the Scientific Board of the Conferences "Urbinoir 2011" and "Urbinoir 2012". During the conference “Sub-Urbinoir 2013: Il (sotto)suolo e l’immaginario” (Università degli Studi di Urbino, 28 November 2013) I took part in the presentation of Giovanni Darconza's volume "Il detective, il lettore e lo scrittore: l’evoluzione del giallo metafisico in Poe, Borges, Auster" and in the discussion of the film "Viaggio al centro della terra".
Collaboration with:
Università degli Studi di ROMA "Tor Vergata"
Member of the scientific board of the international conference "Shakespeare e la nuova scienza in età early modern" / "Shakespeare and the New Science in Early Modern Culture", Università degli Studi Roma Tre, 9-10 June 2011;
Formal collaboration with:
University of Edinburgh
United Kingdom
Coordinator of an Erasmus Exchange
Formal collaboration with:
University of Manchester
United Kingdom
Coordinator of an Erasmus Exchange.
Formal collaboration with:
UCL - University College London
United Kingdom
Coordinator of an Erasmus Exchange.
Collaboration with:
Università degli Studi di VERONA
As a member of AIDEL (Italian Association for the study of Law and Literature), I attended the two conferences they organised in Verona in 2010 and 2011. In the more recent conference I presented a paper entitled "‘The law is a wise serpent’: legge e potere in The Revenger’s Tragedy".
Formal collaboration with:
Université Paris Sorbonne
In the past few years I have been cooperating with the Université Paris Sorbonne, notably with Prof. Moureau, in the field of travel literature. The cooperation has resulted in the publication of an essay in the CRLV Journal: “‘To be or not to be’: suicide in the writings of continental travellers to Britain”, Astrolabe, n° 15, Septembre-Octobre 2007. Online source Moreover, I participated in the Jury de thèse that assessed the Doctoral Thesis of Alessandra Grillo: "Au pays des vendeurs de vent. Voyages et voyageurs en Laponie et en Finlande du XVe au XIXe siècle: L'invention du récit de voyage aux terres boréales". The Viva took place at the Université Paris Sorbonne, École Doctorale III, Littératures Françaises et Comparées, on 18 October 2008; Directeur de thèse: M. le Professeur François Moureau, Président M. le Professeur Jean-Marie Maillefer, Membre du jury Mme la Professeur Tuula Laakkonen.
Collaboration with:
Università "Cà Foscari" di VENEZIA
On 27th novembre 2012 I gave a talk entitled “Blurred Boundaries: Ambivalence and Power in Macbeth”, Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Culturali Comparati e Dottorato in Lingue, Culture e Società Moderne, Università di Venezia, Seminario di approfondimento sul Rinascimento inglese, a cura di Laura Tosi.