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Massimo Giovanardi

Associate Professor

Department for Life Quality Studies

Academic discipline: SECS-P/08 Management


Massimo Giovanardi, Rescaling Destination Branding, in: Beyond the Great Beauty - Book of Abstracts, 2016, pp. 20 - 21 (atti di: Beyoond the Great Beauty: Rescaling Heirtage and Tourism, Rimini, 10-12 February 2016) [Abstract]

Lucarelli, Andrea*; Giovanardi, Massimo, The political nature of brand governance: A discourse analysis approach to a regional brand building process, «JOURNAL OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS», 2016, 16, pp. 16 - 27 [Scientific article]

Giovanardi, Massimo*, A Multi-scalar Approach to Place Branding: The 150th Anniversary of Italian Unification in Turin, «EUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES», 2015, 23, pp. 597 - 615 [Scientific article]

Hytti, Ulla*; Kuoppakangas, Päivikki; Suomi, Kati; Chapleo, Chris; Giovanardi, Massimo, Challenges in delivering brand promise – focusing on municipal healthcare organisations, «THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC SECTOR MANAGEMENT», 2015, 28, pp. 254 - 272 [Scientific article]

Florek, Magdalena; Giovanardi, Massimo, Sustainability, liveability and connectivity, «JOURNAL OF PLACE MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT», 2015, 8, pp. 1 - 3 [Scientific article]

Rabbiosi Chiara; GIovanardi Massimo, Where the sea meets heritage: developing urban tourism in Italian coastal cities, in: Integrating city tourism(s) into the urban research agenda, 2015, pp. 36 - 37 (atti di: Integrating city tourism(s) into the urban research agenda, L'Aquila - GSSI, 15-16 June 2015) [Abstract]

Giovanardi, Massimo; Lucarelli, Andrea; Decosta, Patrick L'Espoir*, Co-performing tourism places: The "Pink Night" festival, «ANNALS OF TOURISM RESEARCH», 2014, 44, pp. 102 - 115 [Scientific article]

Giovanardi, Massimo*; Lucarelli, Andrea; Pasquinelli, Cecilia, Towards brand ecology: An analytical semiotic framework for interpreting the emergence of place brands, «MARKETING THEORY», 2013, 13, pp. 365 - 383 [Scientific article]

Giovanardi M, Haft and sord factors in place branding: Between functionalism and representationalism, «PLACE BRANDING AND PUBLIC DIPLOMACY», 2012, 8, pp. 30 - 45 [Scientific article]

Giovanardi M, Producing and consuming the painter Raphael’s birthplace, «JOURNAL OF PLACE MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT», 2011, 4, pp. 53 - 66 [Scientific article]

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