Laurea degree in Physics cum laude in 1983 at
University of Bologna.
"Dottore di Ricerca in Fisica Tecnica" (Ph.D. in Technical
Physics) in 1991 at School of Engineering of the University of Bologna.
Foreign languages: English and French.
Position at University
Full Professor, affiliated with the Department of Industrial
Engineering (DIN) of the University of Bologna.
Professor of "Environmental Technical Physics" and "Applied
Acoustics and Lighting" .
Teacher for the post-graduate course "Competent technician in
acoustics" held at University of Bologna and of the
post-graduate "School of Acoustics" at University of
Supervisor of some international Exchange programs
Head of the Applied Acoustics team of the Department of Industrial
Past Vice-director of the Center for Industrial Research on Building
and Constructions of the University of Bologna.
Position in standardization bodies
President of the "Acoustics and Vibrations" Committee of UNI
(Italian Standardisation Organisation) and convenor of the working
groups "Noise screens" and "Determination of uncertainty in
Convenor of CEN/TC 256/SC 1/WG 40 "Railways noise
Convenor of CEN/TC 226/WG 6
"Road traffic noise reducing devices".
Member of ISO/TC 43/SC 1/WG 33 "Measuring method for comparing traffic noise on different road surfaces".
Member of ISO/TC 43/SC 1/WG 38 "Sound absorption
of road surfaces" until its disbanding.
Member of ISO/TC 43/SC 2/WG 35 "Sound absorption".
Member of ISO/TC 43/SC 2/WG 36 "Room acoustics".
Full member, member of the board and past-treasurer of the
Italian Acoustics Association (AIA), full member of EAA (European
Acoustics Association), full member of INCE-USA (Institute of Noise
Control Engineering of the USA), full member of AES (Audio
Engineering Society) and full member of ASA (Acoustical Society of
Member of the board of the Italian Association of
Technical Physics (FTI) for the term 2014-2019.
Scientific work
He has been responsible of many research projects and authored about 340 papers and four books. His scientific interests include: outdoor sound
propagation, acoustic barriers, environmental impact assessment,
building acoustics, room acoustics, industrial noise control,
digital signal processing, innovative materials and metamaterials, environmental sustainability.
Reviewer for the international journals Applied Acoustics, J. of Sound and Vibration, J. of the Acoustical Society of America, Noise Control Engineering J., Acta Acustica united with Acustica, J. of Environmental Management, Landscape and Urban Planning, Science of the Total Environment, Building and Environment, Textile Research J., J. of Pollution Effects and Control, Building Acoustics, J. Applied Physics, Int. J. Modern Physics B.
Member of the Editorial board
of Rivista Italiana di Acustica.
Associate Editor of the journals Frontiers in the Built Environment, Applied Sciences, Open Journal of Acoustics and The Open Transportation Journal.
Congratulated by Elsevier Publisher for being one of the most cited authors of Applied Acoustics for the years 2002-2005.
“Outstanding Reviewer” for the journal Applied Acoustics for the years 2013, 2015, 2018. “Outstanding Reviewer” for the journal Energy and Buildings for the year 2018.
Session chair and invited speaker in many national and international congresses.
General chairman of the International Symposium on Temporal Design ISTD 8 (2017).
Keynote lecturer at the international congress Inter-Noise 2024, Nantes (FR).
Best Paper Award at ISTD 2009, ISTD 2011 and at the International Building Physics Conference IBPC 2015.
Awarded by UNI with the Paolo Scolari Prize 2022 for the "the constancy and dedication shown in the standardization activities at national, European and international level, as well as to the consistent commitment and contribution at a scientific level in the field of acoustics".
Scientific responsible of several competitive research projects.
He currently coordinates as Principal Investigator the research project of significant national interest PRIN 2022 "Metawave - New METAmaterial Window for simultaneous Acoustic, Ventilation and Energy performance" (2023-2025) and is WP leader of the European project "LIFE SILENT - Sustainable Innovations for Longlife Environmental Noise Technologies" (2023-2028).
Certified as "Competent technician in acoustics" according
to Italian law 447/95.
Certified at level 3 (maximum) in "Acoustics" by CICPND.
Consultancy work
Consultant in acoustics for national road and railway
authorities, strategic projects, airports, industrial plants,