Foto del docente

Massimo Garai

Full Professor

Department of Industrial Engineering

Academic discipline: IIND-07/B Building Physics and Building Energy Systems


Keywords: sustainability characteristics of materials metamateriali uncertainty of measurements and calculations mitigation of noise from infrastructures acoustics of historical Italian opera houses room acoustics simulation building acoustics energy and buildings

Environmental noise impact and control – M. Garai coordinates a research group leader in Europe for the development of new measurement methods of intrinsic characteristics of acoustic barriers. From these researches, published on international journals, the European standards EN 1793-4, EN 1793-5, EN 1793-6, EN 16272-4, EN 16272-5 and EN 16272-6 stemmed out. The group participated in the European projects ADRIENNE, QUIESST (2009-2012) and SOPRANOISE (2019-2021, funded by CEDR). M. Garai is convenor of CEN/TC 256/SC 1/WG 40 “Railways noise barriers” and CEN/TC226/WG6 "Road traffic noise reducing devices". From 2007 to 2012 the group has been working for Regione Emilia-Romagna on the strategic noise maps and related action plans according to European directive 2002/49/EC. In the second half of 2023 the new LIFE SILENT project has started, with the UNIBO team as WP leader.

Solutions and materials for the improvement of acoustic performance of buildings – The research aims to find solutions for a good acoustic design of buildings, complying with and exceeding the limiting values stated by law. The group has laboratory facilities unique in Italy, capable of performing insulation tests with and without flanking transmission.  Many experimental evaluations of constructive systems and new materials have been done. A mathematical model of the acoustic behaviour of polyester fibre materials has been developed. At the same time, the extension of the CEN model for building acoustics calculations with data and formulae well fitted to the Italian situation is going on. M. Garai has been the principal investigator of a national competitive project (2019-2023)  aiming at the development of innovative materials and metamaterials having high acoustic performances in the full frequency range 50-5000 Hz being also sustainable, i.e. with a low environmental impact and low embodied energy. Then, another national competitive project has started (2023-2025) on innovative windows providing simultaneously natural ventilation, good sound insulation and thermal performance.


Room acoustics – The research includes both the study by computer simulation of theatres, auditoria, multi-purpose halls and the development of new binaural measurements techniques of acoustic quality criteria of rooms. New methods for the evaluation of the effective duration of ACF and of the EDT from non-linear decays have bee developed. An interdisciplinary research on the historical theatres of Emilia-Romagna has been published on a high-level journal. An in-depth analysis of the acoustics of the famous Bayreuther Festspielhaus has been done. A cooperation is ongoing with the Mittweida Hochschule (DE) on German historical theatres.


Noise at workplace - The research includes both non-conventional measurement techniques and computer simulations of non-Sabinian environments. M. Garai has been the scientific responsible of the project INAIL BRIC ID 27/2016-2018 about the risk from exposure to noise and vibration in the most critical sectors. It is under development the application of advanced statistical tecniniques for studying the discomfort in open plan offices caused by the background noise from speech.


Energy efficiency of buildings and plants – M. Garai has been the scientific responsible of the project INVOLUCRO, funded by Regione Emilia-Romagna in the frame of POR-FESR 2014-2020. The project concerned the development of adaptive, sustainable and innovative systems for building envelopes having high thermal and acoustic performances. Now a monitoring system on real-size prototypes is active for research, development and technological transfer to enterprises.


Uncertainty in measurements and calculations – The evaluation of the uncertainty is fundamental to quantify the reliability of measurements and calculations. The research has produced novel results, published at national and international level, like those coming from the co-ordination of inter-laboratory tests on flow resistivity measurements (first in Europe), acoustic simulation of workplaces (first in Italy) and measurement of vibrations of work equipments (first in Italy). M. Garai is chairman of the UNI working group on uncertainty in acoustics.