Degrees: 1981 - Magister in Physics (Old Italian Universitary Order) in Physics (With Honors) at the University of Bologna. 1987 - Postgraduate Specialization Studies in “Logical Programming” at the Turing Institute of Glasgow (U.K.)
Professional role: Technical-scientific consultant. Physicist (Interprovincial Order of Chemists and Physicists of Emilia-Romagna No. 2099). Business Partner (Head of the Atmospheric Physics Division) of SERVIN (Ravenna): Services Company in the fields of: Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Management and H&S. Company with an agreement with the University of Bologna.
Previously (2004-2014): Director of the Environmental Research and Services Center (Centro Ricerche e Servizi Ambientali) - C.R.S.A. - Company previously with an agreement with the University of Bologna.
Main scientific and teaching activities
1991: Scientific consultant of Italian Environmental
Office at the Commission of OECD (Paris) on: "Indicatori
di performance delle reti di monitoraggio della qualita'
1994: Scientific consultant of Italian Environmental
Office at the Commission of OECD (Paris) on:
"Indicatori di qualita' dell'aria nelle aree urbane".
1999: Scientific consultant of Emilia Romagna
Region (Consiglio Regionale della Regione Emilia Romagna) for
the regional law on Enviromental Valutation Norms.
2001-2004: Scientific consultant of the Emilia-Romagna Protection Agency and of the Regional Environmental Department for the development of the Relative Environmental Risk Analysis Methodology (A.R.G.I.A.)
2008-2010: Scientific consultant of the Emilia-Romagna Protection Agency and of Regional Environmental Department for the development of the Relative Ecological Risk Analysis Methodology (ECO.A.R.G.I.A.)
2001-2002: Adjunct Professor of "Environmental
Mathematical Modelling" at the "Scuola di
Specializzazione post-laurea in Fisica Sanitaria ed Ambientale"University of Bologna.
2002-2006: Adjunct Professor of "Environmental
Mathematical Modelling and Methodologies of Environmental
Monitoring" at the Master Degree School of "Environmental and
Medical Physics School" of the University of Bologna.
2006-: Adjunct Professor of "Mathematical
Modelling for the Enviromental Analysis Procedures" at the
Enviromental Science Course of the University of Bologna (Ravenna
Campus) .
2008-: Adjunct Professor of "Atmospherics
Pollutants Dispersion Modelling" at the Master Degree Course of
Enviromental Science Course of the University of Bologna (Ravenna
Campus) .
2008-: Adjunct Professor of "Applied Mathematics" at the
II School of Engineering of the University of Bologna (Cesena
2010-2012: Adjunct Professor of:
-“Effects of micro-climatic changes on Cultural
Masterpieces" at the Restauration and Conservation Techiniques
Course of the University of Bologna (Ravenna Campus)
-“Transport Mechanism of Pollutans in Atmosphere at
the Master Degree Course of Enviromental Science Course of the
University of Bologna (Ravenna Campus),
- “Mathematical Models for Air Quality Policy" at
the II School of Engineering of the University of Bologna
(Cesena Campus).
2013-: Adjunct Professor of:“Transport
Mechanism of Pollutans in Atmosphere at the Master Degree
Course of Enviromental Science Course of the University of Bologna
(Ravenna Campus),
-“Physical principles of energy production and environmental
monitoring techniques" at the Department of
Engineering of the University of Bologna (Cesena Campus). From 2022-: " Chemical and physical fundamentals of air pollutants and radioactive pollutants: sensors for detection and monitoring (Module 2) (CHEM/07)
From 2017 to 2020 he is tenured professor at the "Universitas Domus Mathae de Ravenna" of the Higher Education Courses: "Processes of production and dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere" and "Effects of pollutants on health and global climate".
Responsabilities of scientific and technical
1984-1985: Development of a SW for the design
of an high pervance electronic gun loaded on an the space
Space Shuttle mission: "SPACE SHUTTLE-TETHERED"
1990-1993: Project AMES (Advanced Monitoring
Environmental System).
1991-1993: Project of Italian Environmental Office for
the "Sviluppo di una nuova metodologia di analisi
dell'inquinamento atmosferico e da rumore nella aree
1997-2001: ESPRIT International Project nro.: 24917:
"Colombo: Cellular automata for sOilL reMediation using
Biological Organisms"
1999-2002. Project CRA-IMI-MIUR: "Tecnologie
innovative per la bonifica dei siti contaminati. Sotto-tema 1:
Vetrificazione. Sotto-tema 2: Bioremediation"
2002-2003: Project with RER, ARPA-RER e CRA for the
development of "ARGIA: Analisi Relativa dei rischi per la
Gerarchizzazione di siti Inquinati presenti nell'Anagrafe
2010 -: Project SEDI.PORT.SIL: "Advanced project for
the recovery of harbor sediments." Seventh Framework Programme.
Scientific Manager of the C.R.S.A.
2011: - Project ZEOLIFE: "Project for the
application and re-use of Zeolite in the treatment of wastewater
from plants zeotecnici," Seventh Framework Programme.
Scientific Manager of the C.R.S.A.
2013-: International Project: “JPI-JHEP
Joint Pilot Transnational Call for Joint Research Projects on
Cultural Heritage EMERISDA: Effectiveness of methods against
rising damp in buildings: European practice and
2016: Consultant of the Ravenna Port Authority for the devepment of the Environmental Health Risk Analysis of the Pialassa Piombone.
Scientific awards
1993 Oscar Masi award winner for the "Industrial
Innovation" of the "Italian Industrial Association for the Applied
Research" for the AMES Project (Advanced Monitoring Environmental
Scientific and editorial committee
- II International Conference on "Risk Analysis", (2000)
- III International Conference on "Risk Analysis", (2002).
Chairman of one session
- I International Conference on "Sustainable Planning and
Development", (2003). Chairman of one session
- Member of International Editorial Board of the book series:
"The Sustainable World" (2003)
- IV International Conference on "Risk Analysis", (2004)
- II International Conference on "Sustainable Planning and
Development", (2005) Memer of the "International Editorial Board"
del WIT Book Series: "The Sustainable World"
- Member of Technical Committee of “IECBES 2012 IEEE EMBS
International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and
Sciences (2012)
- Member of the editorial board of the book: "From the cold
cases to cases hot: historical investigations and forensic between
legal knowledge and new technologies". CEDAM editor.
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the universitary
course : "Dalla Scena Criminis alla prova
scientifica: recupero e gestione dei resti scheletrici", Organized
by the Istituto per la Ricerca sulla Biodiversita' e
dell'Etica delle Biotecnologie
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Conference: "Giordano
Bruno: an infinite flame", Ferrara, November 9, 2013
- Member of the Direction of the "Nuovo Hiram".
- Member of the Editorial Board of the "Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences". Science Publishing Group. WEB SITE:
- Member of the Editorial Board of the "Journal of the Siena Accademy of Science". WEB SITE:
- Member of the Editorial Board of the "Atmosphere". MDPI Group. WEB SITE:
- Coordinator of the Scientific Committee of TecnoAcademy. WEB SITE:
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the 2nd Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (2019)
Referee activity
- Atmospheric Environment
- Building and Environment
- Ecological Modelling
- Environmental Science and Pollution Research
- Journal of Cleaner Production
- Journal of Cultural Heritage
- Risk Analysis
- Entropy
- American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) Bulletin
- American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, AIMS Environmental Science
- Journal of Architectural Heritage
- Environmental Science: Atmospheres
- Member of Publons
International Scientific Associations
Society for Risk Analysis - SRA (Since 2013)
American Association for the Advancement of Science – AAAS Number: 41121543 (Since 2014)
Institute of Physics
System Dynamics Italian Chapter (SYDIC) (Since 2016)
American Meteorological Society (Since 2021)
Pursuant to art. 15 co. 1 letter. c) of the Legislative
Decree 33/2013 and in accordance with the provisions of the
Presidential Decree 445/2000, the undersigned Massimo Andretta,
born in Cesena (FC), on 03/26/1957, declares that HE DOES NOT perform
duties, NEITHER has ownership of the positions of private law
regulated or funded by the government and that HE DOES NOT carry out any
professional activities.
On 08/03/2013, pursuant to art. 15 co. 1 letter. c) of the Decree. 33/2013, I hereby declare that I carry out a professional consulting activities related to: "Health and ecological risk analysis in the Pialassa Piombone" for the Port Authority of Ravenna. The commission, which began on March 2016, will end in July 2016.