Foto del docente

Massimiliano Trentin

Associate Professor

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Academic discipline: SPS/14 Asian History and Institutions

Director of Second Cycle Degree in International Relations


History and International Relations of the Middle East: course online

To all those who might be concerned. 

On the background of the first class, I would recall all students that the first 3 weeks of the course take place only and exclusively for students in class, by "physical" attendance: that is only for those who registered through the platform "Presente" and got notified the permission to attend. 

Hence, there will be no online, simultaneous, virtual class. Unfortunately, the virtual class does already activate automatically. Please do not enter. 

The Online class, dedicated only for students attending online, will take place on the successive 3 weeks: from Monday 12th october to Wednesday 28th October. The content of the course is the same of the previous class but only dedicated to students online. Hence there will be no physical class. 

For the remaining 6 weeks, from 2nd of November on, the course will take place only and exclusively online: for all students, both those who attended physically in class during the first 3 weeks and those who attended online during the second 3 weeks. 

thank you for your attention and patience. We are on the same course of events, and learning as well. 

best regards, 

Massimiliano Trentin

Published on: September 22 2020