Trentin M., Review of: L.M. Lüthi, Cold Wars. Asia, the Middle East and Europe, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2020, «RIVISTA ITALIANA DI STORIA INTERNAZIONALE», 2023, 4, pp. 209 - 218 [Review]
Trentin M, Tra risorse e politica: lo "sviluppo" in Maghreb e le sue trasformazioni dall'indipendenza ai primi anni Novanta del XX secolo, in: Il Maghreb contemporaneo: Atti dell’omologo convegno promosso dall’Istituto il 10 ottobre 2022, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2023, pp. 117 - 141 (STORIA INTERNAZIONALE DELL'ETÀ CONTEMPORANEA) [Chapter or essay]
Trentin Massimiliano; Leopardi Francesco Saverio, The international ‘debt crisis’ of the 1980s in the Middle East and North Africa: a review, an outline., «MIDDLE EASTERN STUDIES», 2022, 58, pp. 699 - 711 [Scientific article]Open Access
Trentin Massimiliano; Leopardi Francesco Saverio, The international ‘debt crisis’ of the 1980s in the Middle East and North Africa: a review, an outline., «MIDDLE EASTERN STUDIES», 2022, 58, pp. 699 - 711 [Scientific article]Open Access
Trentin, Massimiliano, The 1980s ‘debt crisis’ in the Middle East and North Africa: framing regional dynamics within the international stage at UNCTAD, «MIDDLE EASTERN STUDIES», 2022, 58, pp. 728 - 747 [Scientific article]Open Access
Trentin M, Unlikely, wary ... and yet coordinated: the “Innovative Conservatism” of Russia and China in the Middle East and North Africa, in: Reconfigurations of authority, power and territoriality, Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022, pp. 31 - 45 (POLITICAL SCIENCE AND PUBLIC POLICY) [Chapter or essay]
Trentin M, Review of: M. Trecker, Red Money for the Global South: East-South Economic Relations in the Cold War, Abingdon Oxon, Routledge, 2020., «RIVISTA ITALIANA DI STORIA INTERNAZIONALE», 2021, 1, pp. 200 - 207 [Review]
Trentin, Massimiliano, State-led Development: The Privileged Linkage between East Germany and Ba'athist Syria, 1965–1972, «CONTEMPORARY EUROPEAN HISTORY», 2021, 30, pp. 581 - 596 [Scientific article]Open Access
Trentin M, “Socialist Development” and East Germany in the Arab Middle East, in: Alternative Globalizations Eastern Europe and the Postcolonial World, Bloomington, Indiana 47405 USA, Indiana University Press, 2020, pp. 127 - 144 [Chapter or essay]
Trentin M, The Convergence of Differences: Russia and China in the Middle East and North Africa, in: Rekindling the Strong State in Russia and China. Domestic Dynamics and Foreign Policy Projections, Leiden, Boston, Brill, 2020, pp. 404 - 428 [Chapter or essay]
M Trentin, Different in Economics, Coordinated in Politics. Russia and China in the MENA region in the XXI century, «INTERDISCIPLINARY POLITICAL STUDIES», 2019, 2, pp. 373 - 403 [Scientific article]
M Trentin, D Basosi, G Garavini, Counter-Shock. The Oil Counter-Revolution of the 1980s, London New York, IB Tauris, 2018, pp. 400 . [Editorship]
Massimiliano Trentin, Lineages and trajectories of change and conflict in Syria, in: Claudia Padovani, Francesca Helm, Francesca Rondina, Lilian Halls French, Lama Kannout, Paola Degani, Sara Pennicino, Annalisa Oboe, Joumana Seiif, Mariam Jalabi, Ibrahim Draji, Francesco Biagi, Maya Alrahabi, Massimiliano Fanno Cannelles, Giulia D'Odorico, Roula Baghdadi, Yousef Razouk, Rethinking the transition process in Syria: constitution, participation and gender equality, Paris,, 2018, pp. 73 - 88 [Chapter or essay]
M Trentin, Potere ed economia nel Mediterraneo: le relazioni tra Comunità Europee e Paesi arabi (1970-1992), «STORIA E PROBLEMI CONTEMPORANEI», 2018, 78, pp. 29 - 48 [Scientific article]
Massimiliano Trentin, Power and Integration. An Historical Overview on Euro- Mediterranean Relations, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF POLITICAL SCIENCE & URBAN STUDIES», 2018, 6, pp. 1 - 18 [Scientific article]