Foto del docente

Massimiliano Trentin

Associate Professor

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Academic discipline: GSPS-04/D History and Institutions of Asia

Director of Second Cycle Degree in International Relations

Curriculum vitae

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Curriculum Vitae – Massimiliano Trentin

Current Affiliation

Associate Professor of History and IR of Western Asia Department of Political and Social Sciences Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Italy +39 0512092540


Middle Eastern Studies, History of International Relations, Economic History, International Relations


  • 2008: Ph.D in History of International Relations, Department of Studi sullo Stato, University of Florence, Italy. Supervisor: Professor Marta Petricioli. Dissertation Which Kind of Modernity for Syria? The Birth of the Ba’thist Regime in the Shadow of the Berlin Wall, 1963-1970, April 28, Florence, Italy

  • 2005: Master of Arts in Middle East Studies, Department of Historical and Political Studies, University of Urbino, Italy. Supervisor: Professor Marta Petricioli. Dissertation: Syria. From the Crisis with the Us to the Birth of the United Arab Republic, 1957-1958. Grade: 108/110, Urbino, Italy

  • 2003: Bachelor of Arts in Political Sciences, International Relations, Supervisor, Prof. Antonino Papisca. Dissertation: Iraqi-Kurdistan. Analysis and Perspectives After a Decade of Semi-independence. 1991- 2003. Grade: 110/100 cum laude, March 23, University of Padua, Italy

  • 2003: I and II Level Degree on Arabic Language, Arabic Language Center (ALC), University of Damascus, Syria

  • 1997: High School on Foreign Languages, “Liceo Corradini”, Thiene, Italy. Diploma in Humanities, French, English and German Languages. Supervisor: Prof. Giuseppe Pesavento, Dissertation: Science and Politics in the Works of Antonio Gramsci and Bertold Brecht. Grade: 60/60, July 18, Thiene.



  • La Guerra Fredda tedesca in Siria. Diplomazia, economia e politica, 1963-1970. Padova: CLEUP, 2015

  • Engineers of Modern Development: East German Experts in Ba’thist Syria, 1965-1972, Padova: CLEUP,


    Edited Volumes

  • L’ultimo califfato. L’Organizzazione dello stato islamico in Medio Oriente, Massimiliano Trentin (eds.), il Mulino, Bologna, 2017

  • The Middle East and the Cold War. Between Security and Development, Massimiliano Trentin, in collaboration with Matteo Gerlini eds., Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012

    Articles in Peer Review Journals


“Different in Economics, Coordinated in Politics. Russia and China in the MENA region in the XXI century”, Interndisciplinary Political Studies, vol. 2, 2019, pp. 373 - 403
“Power and Integration. An Historical Overview on Euro-Mediterranean Relations”

“Divergence in the Mediterranean. The Economic Relations Between the EC and the Arab Countries in the Long 1980s”, Journal of European Integration History, vol. 21, 2015, p. 89-108,

, Marmara

Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilimler Dergisi - Marmara University Journal of Political Science, vol. 6, 2018, p.



• •

“La guerra in Siria e le difficoltà dei Paesi occidentali”, Research Papers n.16, December 2012, Scienza e Pace, ISSN 2039-1749

“The Regierungsberater in Damascus. The Expertise of the German Democratic Republic in Syrian State-building: 1965-1972”, Phoenix in Domo Foscari. Phoenix in Domo Foscari. The Online Journal of Oriental Studies, n. 2, pp. 493-608, publication online 11/02/2010
“Siria y Europa: la práctica de la multipolaridad”, Foro Internacional, 198, vol. XLIX-4, 2009, pp. 864- 891

Essays in Edited Volumes
• “Lineages and trajectories of change and conflict in Syria”

“Modernization as State-Building. The Two Germanys in Syria, 1963-1972”, Diplomatic History, vol.33, n.3, 2009, pp. 487-505
“Tough Negotiations: The Two Germanys in Syria and Iraq from 1963 to 1974”, Cold War History, n. 8.3, Summer 2008, pp. 353-380

“Changing Political Elites in the Arab World”, The International Spectator, n.1, 2005, 2018, p. 73 - 88

in Claudia Padovani, Francesca Helm,

Rethinking the transition process in Syria: constitution, participation and gender equality, Paris,

“Le Comunità Europee e gli Stati arabi nei «lunghi anni settanta»: economia, politica e potere” inL’Unione Europea e il Mediterraneo Relazioni internazionali, crisi politiche e regionali (1947-2016),

Sante Cruciani, Maurizio Ridolfi (a cura di), SIEC, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2017, pp. 129-148

  • “L’Europa e le relazioni internazionali della Siria (1973-1993), in Gianvito Galasso, Federico Imperato, Rosario Milano, Luciano Monzali (eds.), Europa e Medio Oriente (1973-1993), Cacucci editore, Bari, 2017, pp. 447-470

  • “Cogliere l’occasione: l’Organizzazione dello stato islamico nella lotta per il Medio Oriente”, in L’ultimo califfato. L’Organizzazione dello stato islamico in Medio Oriente, Massimiliano Trentin (eds.), il Mulino, Bologna, 2017, pp. 183-210.

  • "Confini e Frontiere in Siria: revisionismo e status quo" in "Mondo e Tendenza", Atlante Geopolitico Treccani, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Roma, 2015, p. 85.

  • “Crescita ed esclusione nello sviluppo economico dei Paesi MENA” in Massimiliano Trentin eds., Dossier, “Linee di conflitto. Il mondo arabo in trasformazione”, Afriche e Orienti, vol. 1-2, 2013

  • “Linee di sviluppo economico in Medio Oriente e Nord Africa. Una prospettiva storica” in Leonardo Paggi eds., Le rivolte arabe e le repliche della storia. Le economie di rendita, i soggetti politici, I condizionamenti internazionali, Ombre Corte, Verona, 2013

  • “La République démocratique allemande et la Syrie di Parti Baas: histoire d’un partenariat” in Nicolas Badalassi, Houda Ben Hamouda eds., Les Pays d’Europe orientale et la Méditerranée. Relations et regards croisés, 1967-1989, Les Cahiers Irice, n. 10, 2013, pp. 55-67

  • "Between Solidarity and Convenience: Socialist East Germany and Postcolonial Syria" in Raymond Hinnebusch eds., Syria During the Cold War: The East European Connection, Lynne Rienner, Boulder CO, 2013

  • "Siria. La nuova guerra per il Medio Oriente" in Antonio Cantaro eds., Dove vanno le primavere arabe?Ediesse, Roma, 2013, pp. 103-116

  • “Tra sicurezza e sviluppo. La guerra fredda nel medioriente post-coloniale”, in Sviluppo, crisi, integrazioneTemi di storia delle relazioni internazionali per il XXI secolo, a cura di Mauro Campus, Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 2012, pp. 145-168

  • "Conflitti e sviluppo. L’ONU negli anni Sessanta" in Politica di potenza e cooperazione.L'organizzazione internazionale dal Congresso di Vienna alla globalizzazione, in Carla Meneguzzi Rostagni eds., Cedam, Padova, 2013

  • “La misura della democrazia. Crisi, lotte e migrazioni nel mediterraneo” con Stefano Visentin, in Maria Elena Guasconi eds., Declino europeo e rivolte mediterraneee, Giappicelli editore, Torino, 2012, pp. 163- 179

  • “Le Distanze del Mediterraneo. Europa e mondo arabo tra sviluppo e nazionalismo” (The Distances of the Mediterranean. Europe and the Arab World between development and nationalism), in Il Mediterraneo attuale tra storia e politica, in Ennio Di Nolfo, Matteo Gerlini eds., Venezia, Marsilio, 2012


• •

“The Distant Neighbours and the Cooperation Agreements between the EEC and the Mashreq, 1977” in Elena Calandri, Antonio Varsori, Daniele Caviglia eds. Détente in Cold War Europe: Politics and Diplomacy in the Mediterranean and the Middle East, London: I. B. Tauris, 2012
“Vers un espace économique euro-méditerrranéen? Les accords de libre-échange entre la CEE et le monde arabe, 1975-1977” in Houda Ben Hamouda, Mathieu Bouchard (a cura di), La construction d'un espace euro-méditerranéen, Bruxelles, Peter Lang, 2012, pp. 91-103.w

“La Siria dal nazionalismo arabo alla rinascita islamica” (Syria from Arab Nationalism to Islamic Renaissance), in AlbertoTonini, Marcella Simoni eds. Realtà e memoria di una disfatta. Il Medio Oriente dopo la guerra dei Sei Giorni, Firenze: Florence University Press, 2010, pp. 57-74.

“Siria e Stati Uniti: su fronti opposti” (Syria and the US on opposite fronts)in Antonio Donno, Giuliana Iurlano eds., Nixon, Kissinger e il Medio Oriente, 1969-1973, Firenze: Le Lettere, 2010 “Modernizzazione industriale e nazionalismo arabo tra guerra fredda e crisi mediorientale” (Industrial Modernization and Arab Nationalism between Cold War and Middle East Crisis) in Daniele Caviglia, Antonio Varsori eds., Dollari, petrolio e aiuti allo sviluppo. Il confronto Nord-Sud negli anni 60-70,Milano: Franco Angeli, 2008

Book Reviews

  • Nina Berman, Klaus Mühlhahn, and Patrice Nganang (a cura di), German colonialism revisited: African, Asian, and Oceanic experiences, Ann Arbor, The University of Michigan Press, 2014, in Ricerche di Storia Politica, vol. 2, 2015, pp. 247-248.

  • Syria from Reform to Revolt. Volume 1: Political Economy and International Relations, edited by Raymond Hinnebusch and Tina Zintl. Syracuse University Press, 2015, in Middle East Policy, vol. 22, n. 3, 2015, pp. 158-162

  • Joseph Sassoon. “The East German Ministry for State Security and Iraq, 1968-1989.” Journal of Cold War Studies, vol. 16, n. 1, 2014, in H-Diplo, n. 532, June 12, 2015.

  • Fawaz A. Gerges, “Obama and the Middle East: the End of the America's Moment", in Ricerche di Storia Politica, vol. 3/14, p. 398-399

  • Volker Perthes (eds.) “Changing Political Elites in the Arab World”, The International Spectator, n.1, 2005

    Articles in Newspapers

    Contributor to the website and Lettere internazionali in La rivista il Mulino, 2015-2016EMPLOYMENT AND PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE


  • Associate Professor in History and International Relations of Western Asia (SPS/14), Department of

    Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna: appointed on 12/09/2018

  • Principal Investigator (PI), del Progetto “The Making of the Washington Consensus. International

    assets, debts and power (1979-91)”, PRIN-2015, MIUR, Italia, durata 2017-2020.

  • Assistant Professor in History and Institutions of Asia (SPS/14) at the Department of Political and

    Social Sciences, Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna, Italy: appointed on 10/01/2012.

  • April 2017: Visiting Professor at School of Oriental Studies, Higher School of Economics, Moscow,


  • September 2015-2017: member of the Research Team "Russia e Cina nel Mondo" as for the

    International Relations of Russia and China in the Middle East and North Africa, University of Bologna,

    Campus Forlì

  • March 2012- March 2015: member of the research unit of the University Ca’ Foscari, Venice, on the

    FIRB project The engines of growth: for a global history of the conflict between renewable, fossil, and fissile energies (1972-1992)


  • May 2011-May 2012: Research Assistant for the Project Il Veneto nel Maghreb: opportunità, sfide e prospettive per l’internazionalizzazione del sistema produttivo regionale, European Social Fund-Veneto Region –Department of History, University of Padua. Supervisor: Prof. Giovanni Luigi Fontana

  • August – November 2010: Research Assistant for the Project The World Bank and the Middle East in the 1970s, Supervisor: Prof. Carla Meneguzzi, Department of International Studies, University of Padua

  • April – July 2010: Research Assistant for the Project Company Towns in the World: Origins, Evolution and Rehabilitation (16th-20th Centuries), Supervisor Prof. Giovanni Luigi Fontana, Department of History, University of Padua

  • January 2005 – April 2008: Ph.D Candidate in History of International Relation, University of Florence

  • October 2004 – February 2005: Internship at Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI, Institut for International Affairs), Supervisor: Prof. Roberto Aliboni, Dissertation: The Political-Economy of Libya,

    1990-2004, Rome, Italy

    Research Activity

  • UN Library Archives, Geneva on UNCTAD - Trade and Development Board of Governors

  • OECD Archives, Paris

  • Archival Research at Italian-Arab Chamber of Commercio (CC), CC in Padua, Venice, Vicenza,

    Unioncamere Veneto; archival research and oral research at CC in Tunis, Algeri, Rabat and Venetian

    companies in Maghreb

  • Historical Archives of the European Communities, Florence, Italy

  • IFPO (Institut Français pour le Proche Orient), Damascus, Syria; IFPO, Beirut, Lebanon; Al Asad

    Library, Damascus, Syria; ECSWA (Economic Council for South-West Asia), Beirut, Lebanon; Orient Center for International Studies, Damascus, Syria; Syrian International Academy, Damascus, Syria; Central ministries and parties of the National Progressive Front, Damascus, Syria.

  • Sapmo-Bundesarchiv, Berlin, Germany; Politisches Archiv, Auswärtiges Amt, Berlin, Germany

  • Institut Kurde de Paris, Paris, France

    Awards and Fellowships

    • 2017/2020: 78.000 € Research Grant (PRIN-2015), as Principal Investigator (PI) for the Project “The

      Making of the Washington Consensus. International assets, debts and power (1979-91)”, Italian

      Ministry for Education and Research.

    • 2011/2012: 29.000 € Grant for Research Assistance in the Project Il Veneto nel Maghreb: opportunità,

      sfide e prospettive per l’internazionalizzazione del sistema produttivo regionale, European Social Fund-Veneto

      Region –Department of History, University of Padua

    • 2011: 700 € Grant for Seminary and Teaching Assistance at the Course of Contemporary History of

      Africa and Asia, Department of International Studies, University of Padua, 2010

    • 2010: 3664 € Grant for Research Assistance in the Project The World Bank and the Middle East in the 1970s. Supervisor: Prof. Carla Meneguzzi. Department of International Studies, University of


    • 2010: 700 € Grant for Seminary and Teaching Assistance at the Course of Contemporary History of

      Africa and Asia, Department of International Studies, University of Padua, 2010

    • 2010: 4000 € Grant for Research Assistance in the Project Company Towns in the World: Origins, Evolution and Rehabilitation (16th-20th Centuries). Supervisor: Prof. Giovanni Luigi Fontana.

      Department of History, University of Padua.

    • 2009: 1000 € Grant for Seminary and Teaching Assistance at the Course of Contemporary History of

      Africa and Asia, Department of International Studies, University of Padua, 2008/2009

    • 2005-2007: 30.000 € 3-Year Grant for the Ph.D Scholarship by the Department of Studi sullo Stato,

      Faculty of Political Sciences, Florence.



A.A. 2019/2020

  • I Semester, 2019: Professor of History and International Relations of the Middle East, 40h within the

    MA in International Relations, School of Political Sciences, University of Bologna

  • I Semester, 2019: Professor of Storia internazionale, 60h within the BA in Political, Social and

    International Studies, School of Political Sciences, University of Bologna

    A.A. 2018/2019

  • II Semester, 2019: Professor of History and International Relations of the Middle East, 40h within the

    MA in International Relations, School of Political Sciences, University of Bologna

  • II Semester, 2019: Professor of International History 60h within the BA in Political, Social and

    International Studies, School of Political Sciences, Universiy of Bologna

  • March 17, 2019: Lectures, 4h, in The EU and the South Mediterranean. History and Politics of a

    Contested Relationship; Master in Mediterranean Studies, University of Peloponnese, Corinth, Greece.

  • Febraury, 2019: Visiting Lecturer on the International History of the Middle East and North Africa,

    National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, Moscow, Russia

  • I Semester, 2018: Professor of Laboratory n. 10, 20h, BA in Political Science and International Studies,

    School of Political Sciences, Universiy of Bologna

    A.A. 2017/2018

  • II Semester, 2018: Professor of Relazioni internazionali del Medio Oriente, I Module, 24h, within the

    MA in International Studies and Diplomacy, School of Political Sciences, University of Bologna

  • I Semester, 2017: Professor of History and International Relations of the Middle East, 40h within the

    MA in International Relations, School of Political Sciences, Universiy of Bologna

  • I Semester, 2017: Professor of Laboratory n. 10, 20h, BA in Political Science and International Studies,

    School of Political Sciences, Universiy of Bologna

    A.A. 2016/2017

  • I Semester, 2016: Professor of History and International Relations of the Middle East, 40h within the

    MA in International Relations, School of Political Sciences, Universiy of Bologna

  • November 4 and 11: Lecture, 8h, Foreign-led Transformations in the MENA in Master in Democratic

    Governance, Democracy and Human Rights in the MENA Region, EIUC, Venice, Italy.

  • February 17-18, 2017: Lectures, 8h, in The EU and the South Mediterranean. History and Politics of a Contested Relationship; From the Arab Uprisings to the Arab Wars, Master in Mediterranean Studies,

    University of Peloponnese, Corinth, Greece.

    A.A 2015/2016

  • I Semester, 2015: Professor of History and International Relations of the Middle East, 40h within the

    MA in International Relations, School of Political Sciences, Universiy of Bologna.

  • March 18-19, 2016: Lectures, 8h, in The EU and the South Mediterranean. History and Politics of a Contested Relationship; The Arab Uprisings. Preliminary Observations on History and Politics, Master

    in Mediterranean Studies, University of Peloponnese, Corinth, Greece.

  • March 4-5, May 30-31: Lectures, 8h, in Modern History of the Levant; The War for Syria, Master in

    Middle East Studies (MIMES), Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy.

  • March 14, April 11: Lecture, 8h, Foreign-led Transformations in the MENA in Master in Democratic

    Governance, Democracy and Human Rights in the MENA Region, EIUC, Venice, Italy.

    A.A 2014/2015

• II Semester, February 27-28, 2015: Lectures, 8h, in The EU and the South Mediterranean. History and

Politics of a Contested Relationship; The Arab Uprisings. Preliminary Observations on History and Politics, Master in Mediterranean Studies, University of Peloponnese, Corinth, Greece


• I Semester 2014-2015: Professor of International Relations of the Middle East, 40h within the MA in International Relations, School of Political Sciences, Universiy of Bologna

A.A 2013/2014

  • II Semester 2013-2014: Professor of Political Development of the Middle East, 60h within the MA in

    International Relations, School of Political Sciences, Universiy of Bologna

  • I Semester 2013-2014: Professor of History of International Relations, II Section, 24h ,within the BA in

    International and Diplomatic Studies, School of Political Sciences, Forlì Campus, Universiy of Bologna

  • I Semester 2013-2014: Adjunct Professor of Political Economy of Asia (Middle East), 30h, within the MA in Languages and Economic and Juridical Institutions of Asia and North Africa, Department of Asian and North African Studies, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University Ca’ Foscari, Venice,


    A.A 2012/2013

  • II Semester 2012-2013: Professor of International Relations of the Middle East, I Part 20h within the

    MA in International Relations and Diplomatic Affairs, School of Political Sciences, Forlì Campus,

    Universiy of Bologna

  • I Semester 2012-2013: Adjunct Professor of Political Economy of Asia (Middle East), 30h, within the

    MA in Languages and Economic and Juridical Institutions of Asia and North Africa, Department of Asian and North African Studies, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University Ca’ Foscari, Venice, Italy

    A.A. 2011-2012

  • May 25, 2012: Guest Lecturer of The Politics and Economics of the Arab Revolts in 2011, Lecture at the

    MA in Mediterranean Studies, Department of Studi sullo Stato, University of Florence, 2012

  • II Semester 2012: Adjunct Professor of History of International Relations, 30h, within the MA in Compared International Relations, Department of Linguistic and Comparative Cultural Studies,

    University Ca’ Foscari, Venice, Italy

  • Adjunct Professor of International Relations, Full Course -30h- within the BA in Modern and

    Contemporary Languages and Civilizations, Department of Language Science, University Ca’ Foscari,

    Venice, Italy

  • II Semester 2012: Adjunct Professor of History of International Relations, 60h, within the MA in

    Languages, Markets and Culture of Asia, Faculty of Languages and Foreign Literatures, University of

    Bologna, Italy

  • I Semester 2012: Adjunct Professor of Local Economic Development, Full Course -42h- within the MA

    in Local Development, Department of Geography, University of Padua

  • I Semester 2011-2012: Adjunct Professor of Political Economy of Asia (Middle East), 15h, within the

    MA in Languages and Economic and Juridical Institutions of Asia and North Africa, Department of Asian and North African Studies, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University Ca’ Foscari, Venice, Italy


  • April-June 2011: Guest Lecturer of An Historical Perspective on the Revolt of the Arab World in 2011,

    Seminar -10h-, Course of Contemporary History of Africa and Asia, Faculty of Political Sciences,

    University of Padua

  • April – June 2011: Adjunct Professor of History of the Near and Middle East, Full Course -42h- within

    the MA in International Politics and Diplomacy, Department of International Studies, Faculty of Political

    Sciences, University of Padua

  • February - April 2011: Adjunct Professor of Economic History of Developing Countries, Full Course -

    42- within the BA in Cooperation to Development, Department of History, Faculty of Philosophy and

    Arts, University of Padua

  • Spring 2011: Adjunct Professor of Religion and Politics, Full Course -45h- at Lorenzo de Medici,

    International Graduate School, Florence, Italy


  • September – February 2010-2011: Adjunct Professor of International Politics, Full Course -30h- within the MA in Compared International Relations, Department of Language Science, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University Ca’ Foscari, Venice, Italy

  • September – February 2010-2011: Adjunct Professor of International Relations, Full Course -30h- within the BA in Modern and Contemporary Languages and Civilizations, Department of Language Science, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University Ca’ Foscari, Venice, Italy

  • Fall 2010: Adjunct Professor of Religion and Politics, Full Course -45h- at Lorenzo de Medici, International Graduate School, Florence, Italy


  • April – June 2010: Adjunct Professor of History of the Near and Middle East, Full Course -42h- within

    the MA in International Politics and Diplomacy, Department of International Studies, Faculty of Political

    Sciences, University of Padua

  • April – May 2010: Guest Lecturer of An Introduction to the International History of the Near and

    Middle East, Seminar -10h- at the Course of Contemporary History of Africa and Asia, Faculty of

    Political Sciences, University of Padua

  • February 18, 2010: Guest Lecturer of Europe and the Near East: an Historical and International

    Introduction, US Universities affiliated at Palazzo Rucellai, Florence, Italy

  • February - April 2010: Adjunct Professor of Economic History of Developing Countries, Full Course -

    42- within the BA in Cooperation to Development, Department of History, Faculty of Philosohpy and

    Arts, University of Padua

  • December 2009 – January 2010: Guest Lecturer of Lybia under Muhammad al Qadhafy: an

    International and Historical Appraisal and Algerian Decolonization and Postcolonial Development,Seminar -12h-, Course of Contemporary History of Africa and Asia, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Padua

  • December 16, 2009: Guest Lecturer of Arab Nationalism. Myths and Realities, Course of International Relations, Faculty of Oriental Languages, University of Venice, Italy

  • December 2008 – January 2009: Guest Lecturer of French and Italian Colonization and Decolonization in North Africa: An Historical Appraisal, Seminar -16h-, Course of Contemporary History of Africa and Asia, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Padua


• October – December 2008: Guest Lecturer of An Introduction to the Economic and Social History of

the Middle East and North Africa since the XVIII Century, Seminar -15h-, Course on Economic History of Developing Countries, Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, University of Padua

• April 16, 2008: Guest Lecturer of Iran, Syria and Lebanon. Triangulating Defence Policies, Course

of History of International Relations, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Florence, Italy


  • September 10, 2006: Guest Lecturer of Capitalism and the Middle-East in a Long-Term Perspective,

    Orient Center for International Relations, Damascus, Syria

  • August 7, 2006: Guest Lecturer of European Politics and the Middle East, Orient Center for

    International Relations, Damascus, Syria

  • March 29, 2006: Guest Lecturer of The United States and Iraq from 1958 to 1991, Research

    Seminary “From the British to the Us Empire”, within the MA Course of Diplomatic History, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Florence, Italy

    Workshop and Panel Organization

• June 13-15, 2019: Scientific Co-Director of the Panel Energia, Finanza e Potere: il controshock

petrolifero e le sue conseguenze internazionali, VIII Convegno Nazionale SISI, Cagliari, 2019

  • October 10-11, 2018: Scientific Dicrector of the International Workshop The Making of the Washington Consensus in the Middle East and North Africa. Negotiating international assets, debts and power (1979-91), Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna, Italy

  • March 29, 2017: Scientific Director of the Workshop La Russia nella guerra di Siria. Strategie globali, realtà locali, Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna, Italy

  • March 17, 2016: Scientific Director of the Workshop Guerra e Patrimonio culturale, Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna, Italy

  • June 6, 2015: Scientific Co-Director of the Panel Le mille facce del denaro e del potere. Ricerche di storia internazionale a cavallo tra anni Settanta ed Ottanta, IV Convegno Nazionale SISI, Padova, 2015

  • January 16, 2015: Scientific Co-Director of the Panel The rise of the Gulf in the contemporary Middle East and North Africa, XII SeSaMo Conference, Venice, Ca’ Foscari, 2015

  • January 16, 2015: Scientific Co-Director of the Panel What economic changes? Theoretical debates and actors at stake in the MENA region, XII SeSaMo Conference, Venice, Ca’ Foscari, 2015

  • December 5, 2014: Scientific Director of the Workshop, Cold War Legacies in XXI Century. Patterns of International Relations in a Changing World, Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna, Italy

  • May 14, 2012: Organizer of the workshop, Strategies of Economic Aid and Development in the Arab World from the Cold War to the Present, European Universitary Institute, Florence

  • July 21, 2010: Organizer of the Panel Series, The Middle East During the Global Cold War, World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES), Barcelona, 2010

  • June 3 2010: Organizer of the Workshop Arrighi in Padua. The Hegemonic Cycles and the Works of Historians, Departments of International Studies and History, University of Padua, Italy

  • September 24, 2009: Organizer of the Panel The Research on the International History of the Middle East: New Disciplinary Intersections, SISSCO Conference “Cantieri di Storia”, Trieste, Italy

  • October 17, 2008: Organizer of the Panel A Middle-Eastern Matrix? The Transfer of Political Violence in the Global Middle East, Annual Congress of SeSaMo, Turin, Italy

  • December 6-7, 2008: Organization of the International Conference Caucasus and Central Asia: the Near Abroad?, Faculty of Political Sciences University of Florence, Italy

  • May 12, 2006: Organization of the Workshop Between Threat and Balance. Nuclear Competition in the Indian-Pakistani Line of Fracture, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Florence, Italy

  • May 19, 2006: Organization of the Workshop Central Asia in International Relations, University of Florence, Italy



  • June 13-15, 2019: Controshock e debito, dall’ONU al Medio Oriente e Nord Africa (1976-1997). Prospettive su energia, sviluppo, debito e riforme, VIII Convegno Nazionale SISI, Cagliari, 2019

  • September 15, 2016: Arab Nationalism and Social Justice, 1950s-1970s, Conference “Fair is Fair.

    International Historical Perspectives on Social Justice”, Padova, September 15-16, 2016

  • June 3-4, 2016: La convergenza delle differenze. Una prospettiva storica delle politiche di Russia e Cina in Medio Oriente e Nord Africa, Panel "Russia e Cina nel mondo globale: alle radici del

    multipolarismo", V Convegno Nazionale SISI, Forlì, 2016

  • May 2, 2016: Stability, Change and Disarray. An historical overview on the EU facing the Arab Mediterranean, International Conference, Migrations and the Future of the Euro-Mediterranean Relationships for the Project of a New Partnership, University of Bologna, Campus Ravenna

  • November 11-12, 2015: Discussant Panel "Quelle cooperation entre le Maghreb et ses environnements?", Colloque internationale Le Maghreb dans les relations internationales. Diplomacies and Crises, Archives Nationales de Tunis, Tunis, 2015.

  • June 6, 2015: Dal "liberalismo temperato" alla "disciplina del mercato". Le trasformazioni delle politiche euro-mediterranee tra anni Settanta e Ottanta, Panel “Le mille facce del denaro e del potere.


Ricerche di storia internazionale a cavallo tra anni Settanta ed Ottanta”, IV Convegno Nazionale SISI,

Padova, 2015

  • January 16, 2015: Wealth, Power and Crisis in the Middle East and North Africa. The 2000s compared to the 1970s, Panel “The rise of the Gulf in the contemporary Middle East and North Africa”, XII SeSaMo Conference, Venice, Ca’ Foscari, 2015

  • November 3-4, 2014: "Tough Negotiations": the partnership between the German Democratic Republic and B'athist Syria, 1963-1970, Conference “Alternative Encounters: the “Second World” and the “Global South”, 1945-1991, Imre Kertész Kolleg, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena

  • June 5-6, 2014: Relazioni pericolose e affatto scontate: la Guerra Fredda in Medio Oriente e la nuova storiografia, Panel “Fronti e trasformazioni della Guerra Fredda. Alcuni casi da Africa e Medio Oriente”, III Convegno Nazionale SISI, II Università di Napoli

  • October 10-13, 2103: How the Cold War was Entrapped into the Middle East: The Case of Ba'thist Syria and the German Democratic Republic, 1963-1970, Panel “New Histories of National Development during the Middle Eastern Cold War”, Middle East Studies Association MESA, Annual Meeting, New Orleans

  • Settembre 17-19, 2013: I percorsi di sviluppo nel Medio Oriente e Nord Africa: una prospettiva storica per l'inizio del XXI secolo, Panel I mille volti dello sviluppo in Medio Oriente e Nord Africa, SeSaMo Annual Conference, 2013, Pavia, Italy

  • Settembre 10-12, 2013: Il 1979 nelle relazioni tra Europa e Medio Oriente in Panel Crisi, ricomposizione, regionalizzazione: il 1979 anni chiave a cavallo di due decenni, Cantieri di Storia, Sissco, Salerno, Italia

  • November 11-12, 2011: The Social and Economic Transformations and the Revolutionaries’ Expectations, Conference “Europe and the Mediterranean between the XIX and XX centuries”, Livorno, Italy

  • December 3, 2010: The Patterns of Development Between the Cold War and Arab Nationalism,Conferenza “Il Mediterraneo tra storia e politica”, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Florence, Italy

  • September 17, 2010: Syria and the Practice of Multipolartiy, Panel “IR and the Middle East: State, Market and Society Between Continuity and Change”, Annual Conference of the Italian Society of Political Science, SISP 2010, Venice, Italy

  • June 21, 2010: The Pragmatic Politics of the Improvised Socialism”. The GDR Advisors in Syria, 1965- 1972, Panel Series “The Middle East During the Global Cold War. A Political-Economy of State- Building in the Middle East: Between Domestic and International Influence”, WOCMES 2010, Barcelona, Spain

  • June 25, 2010: Les “Voisins distants” aux années Soixante-Dix. Les accords de libre-échange entre la CEE et l’Egypte, la Syrie et la Jordanie. Conference “La construction d'un espace euro-méditerranéen. Genèses, mythes et perspectives”, Paris I-Sorbonne, Paris, France

  • March 24, 2010: Syria and the two Germanys from 1963 to 1972: between Cold-War and Modernization, Panel “Superpower Rivalry and the Third Way(s) in the Mediterranean”, XI Mediterranean Research Meeting, Montecatini Terme, Italy

  • March 17, 2010: East and West Germanys' presence in Syria and Iraq in the Sixties and early Seventies, International Conference, “Rethinking the Middle East? Values, Interests, and Security Concerns in Western Policies toward Iraq and the Wider Region, 1918-2010”, British Academy, London, UK

  • September 24, 2009: Which Brand of Modernity for the Middle East? The Economic Policies in the Region in the Sixties and Seventies, Annual Conference of the Italian Society for the Study of Contemporary History (SISSCO), Trieste, Italy

  • August 4, 2009: The Pragmatic Politics of Improvised Socialism. The GDR Advisors in Syria, 1965- 1972, Panel “Between Empire and Nation-states: Continuity and Change in the Economies of the Middle East and North Africa in the 20th Century, World Economic History Congress, Utrecht, The Netherlands

  • October 10, 2008: The Pragmatic Politics of Improvised Socialism. GDR Advisors in Syria, 1965- 1972, Annual Congress of the Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Vorderer Orient (DAVO), Erfurt, Germany

  • September 14, 2007: Setting Priorities. Syrian Nationalism facing World Interdependence, International Conference of the “Standing Group of International Relations”, University of Turin, Italy


  • May 10, 2007: Syria from the Arab Nationalism to Islamist Awakening, Annual Congress of the Italian Society for the Middle Studies (SeSaMo), Florence, Italy

  • May 12, 2006: Tough Negotiations. Cold War Rivalry and Industrial Modernization in the Middle East. The case of Syria, Iraq and the Two Germanies, from 1963 to 1972, Joint Conference on International History and European Integration History, European University Institute, Fiesole, Italy

  • March 19, 2005: The Middle East and the World-System, Conference “War and Democracy”, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Padova, Italy

  • May 18, 2003: The Kurdish Question, Conference “War and the Middle East”, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Padova, Italy


  • October 8, 2016: Appunti per lo studio della storia e delle istituzioni del Medio Oriente e Nord Africa, Workshop “Tematiche, caratteristiche e metodologie delle storie di area in Italia: un confronto”, University of Pavia, October, 7-8, 2016.

  • December 11-12, 2015: GDR Advisors in Syria, International Workshop "Actors in the history of development. Triangular relations between "East", "West" and "South" in the Age of Development (1960-1990)", Department of Social and Economic History, University of Vienna

  • December 5, 2014: Preliminary Observations on the Middle East and the Legacies of the Cold War in XXI Century, Workshop, "Cold War Legacies in XXI Century. Patterns of International Relations in a Changing World", Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali, Univ. Bologna

  • May, 2013: The making of a new deal: the ECC and the Arab World in the 1970s, “Mapping the External Relations of the EC: Origins, Evolutions and Challenges”, School of Political Sciences, Forlì, University of Bologna

  • May 14, 2012: Development Policies of the GDR in the Arab World, “Strategies of Economic Aid and Development in the Arab World from the Cold War to the Present”, European Universitary Institute, Florence

  • November 24, 2011: The Distance of the Mediterranean: The Economic Diplomacy of the European Communities towards the Arab World, IMT Lectures for Ph.D Students, Lucca.

  • April 6-9, 2011: Instructions for Socialism: East German Expertise in Ba’thist Syria, WorkShop: Breakdowns of Democracy Revisited: Transitions from Liberal-Democratic to Authoritarian Regimes around the Mediterranean Littoral, XII EUI-Mediterranean Research Meeting, Montecatini Terme

  • February 11-12, 2011: Patterns of Modern Development in Southern and Eastern Mediterranean during the Cold War, Workshop “The Global Cold War in the Mediterranean Region”, Columbia University European Institute-Harriman Institute, NYC, USA

  • January 28, 2010: State and Economics in the Near East: Instrument for Hegemony or Development?, Seminar of the Society of International Contemporary History (SSIEC), Padua, Italy

  • November 9, 2008: Syrian-European Relations, Workshop “Syria in a Changing World”, University of St. Andrews and Orient Center for International Studies, Damascus, Syria

  • September 9, 2008: The Long-Term Challenges of the XXI Century. Which Role for Europe and the Middle East?, Lecture at the Syrian International Academy, Damascus, Syria

  • March 29, 2008: Tough Negotiations, the Two Germanys in Syria, 1963-1972, Workshop “Modernization as a Global Project: American, Soviet, and European Approaches”, German Historical Institute (GHI), Washington D.C. U.S

  • October, 19, 2006: Syria and Lebanon. An Historical Perspective, Workshop, “Dove arriva il conflitto israelo-palestinese”, Faculty of Political Science, University of Florence, Italy

  • March 25, 2006: Industrial Modernization and Arab Nationalism between the Cold War and the Middle East, Workshop “Le Relazioni Nord-Sud tra decolonizzazione e guerra fredda”, Libera Università S.Pio V, Rome, Italy


    Italian (native language); English (fluent); French (fluent); German (fluent in reading, proficient in talking and writing); Arabic (basic)



Since 2013-2014, Middle East Studies Association (MESA-USA) Since 2012, Società italiana di storia internazionale (SISI)
Since 2011, Società Italiana di Storia Economica (SISE)
Since 2011, Syrian Studies Association-US (SSA)

Since 2011, Société Internazionale des Historiens de la Mediterranée (SIHMED) Since 2007, Standing Group on History of International Relations (Storelint) Since 2006, Società Italiana per gli Studi sul Medio Oriente (SeSaMo)
Since 2013, Management Committee of the academic journal Afriche e OrientiSince 2019, Istituto Affari Internazionali, Rome



  • Prof. Riccardo Redaelli, Professor of History and Institutions of Asia, Catholic University of Sacred

    Heart, Milan,

  • Prof. Filippo Andreatta, Professor of International Rrelations, Department of Political and Social

    Sciences, Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna

  • Prof. Giovanni Luigi Fontana, Research Supervisor, Department of History, University of Padua, Italy.


  • Prof. Matteo Legrenzi, Research Supervisor, University Ca’ Foscari of V enice. E-mail:


  • Prof. Odd Arne Westad, Research Supervisor, Department of International History, London School of

    Economics, UK. E-mail:

  • Prof. Fred Lawson, Research Supervisor, Lynn T. White, Jr. Professor of International Relations, and

    Head of the Department of Government, Mills College, US. E-mail: