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Massimiliano Mazzanti

Full Professor

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna

Curriculum vitae

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  • Spinozzi P. Mazzanti M., 2017, Routing Sustainable Development towards a culture of well being, Routledge, London (forth.)§
  • D’Amato A., Mazzanti M. Montini A., 2013, Waste Management in Spatial Environments, Routledge, London. §
  • Costantini V. Mazzanti M. 2013, The Dynamics of Economic and Environmental Systems. Innovation, Policy and Competitiveness, Springer.
  • Costantini V. Mazzanti M. Montini A., 2012, Hybrid Economic Environmental Accounts, Routledge, London. §
  • Mazzanti M. Montini A., 2010, Environmental Efficiency, Innovation and Economic Performances, Routledge, London. §
  • Mazzanti M. Montini A., 2009, Waste & Environmental Policy, Routledge, London. §
  • Mazzanti M. 2006, Metodi e strumenti per la valutazione economica dei beni culturali, Franco Angeli.
  • Dinamiche innovative, relazioni industriali, performance nelle imprese manifatturiere (in collaborazione con Antonioli D., Delsoldato L., Pini P.) Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2007.
  • Strategie di innovazione e risultati economici. Un’indagine sulle imprese manifatturiere dell’Emilia-Romagna (in collaborazione con Antonioli D., Bianchi A., Pini P. Montresor S.), Milano, Franco Angeli, 2011
  • Crudeli L. Guidetti G. Mazzanti M., 2004, Dinamiche occupazionali e formazione nelle imprese, Milano, Franco Angeli


  1. Cainelli G: D’Amato A: Mazzanti M. (2015), Adoption of waste-reducing technology in manufacturing: Regional factors and policy issues, Resource and Energy Economics, 41, 185-201.°
  2. D’Amato A. Mazzanti M. Nicolli F. (2015), Waste and Organized Crime in Regional Environments How waste tariffs and the mafia affect waste management and disposal, Resource and Energy Economics, 41, 185-201. °
  3. Borghesi S. Cainelli G. Mazzanti M., (2015), Linking emission trading to environmental innovation: Evidence from the Italian manufacturing industry, Research Policy, 44, 669-683. °
  4. Borghesi S. Crespi F. D’Amato A. Mazzanti M. Silvestri F., (2015), Carbon abatement, sector heterogeneity and policy responses: evidence on induced eco innovations in the EU, Environmental Science and Policy, forth. I-first ° (pubblicazione del FP7 CECILIA2050)
  5. Antonioli D. Mazzanti M. Montresor S. Pini P., (2015), Outsourcing and firm productivity in local production systems, Growth and change, 46, 292-320. °
  6. Antonioli D. Gilli M. Mazzanti M. Nicolli F. (2015) Backing Environmental Innovations through Information Technology adoption, Technological Development and the Economy, forth. (pubblicazione del FP7 Emininn)
  7. Ding W. Gilli M. Mazzanti M. Nicolli F. (2015-16), Green inventions and greenhouse gas emission dynamics. Evidence from Italy, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, forth.
  8. Mazzanti M. Musolesi A., (2014), Non linearity, heterogeneity and unobserved effects in the CO2 income relation for advanced countries, Studies in non linear Dynamics and Econometrics, 18, 5.
  9. Mancinelli S. Marin G: Nicolli F. Mazzanti M. (2014), Carbon dioxide reducing environmental innovations, sector upstream/downstream integration and policy: evidence from the EU, Empirica, online august 2014 (pubblicazione del FP7 CECILIA2050)
  10. Antonioli D: Gilli M. D’Amato A. Borghesi S. Nicolli F: Mazzanti M. (2014), Analysing the interactions of energy and climate policies in a broad policy ‘optimality’ framework: the Italian case study, Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences, 11, 205-224. (pubblicazione del FP7 CECILIA2050)
  11. Gilli M. Mancinelli S. Mazzanti M. (2014), Innovation complementarity and environmental performances: reality or delusion? Evidence from the EU, Ecological Economics, 103, 56-67. °
  12. Corradini M. Costantini V. Mancinelli S. Mazzanti M. (2014), Unveiling the dynamic relation between R&D and emission abatement. National and sectoral innovation perspectives from the EU, Ecological Economics, 102, 48-59.°
  13. Cecere G. Mancinelli M. Mazzanti M. (2014), Waste prevention and social preferences: The role of intrinsic and extrinsic motivations, Ecological Economics, 107, 163-187°
  14. Corradini M. Costantini V. Mancinelli S. Mazzanti M. (2014), Interacting innovation investments and environmental performances: a dynamic impure public good model, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 17, 109-29.
  15. Cainelli G. Mazzanti M. Zoboli R. (2013), Environmental Performance and Firm Growth in Manufacturing Sectors. Empirical evidence on structural factors and dynamic relationships, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 15, 367-87.
  16. Costantini V. Mazzanti M. Montini A. (2013), Environmental performance, innovation and regional spillovers, Ecological Economics, 89, 101-114°
  17. Antonioli D., Mancinelli S. Mazzanti M. (2013), Is Environmental Innovation Embedded within High-Performance Organisational Changes? The role of human resource management and complementarity in green business strategies, Research Policy, 42, 975-88.
  18. Marin G., Mazzanti M. (2013), The evolution of environmental and labour productivity dynamics, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 23, 357-399
  19. Gilli M. Mazzanti M. Nicolli F. 2013, Sustainability, Environmental Innovations and competitiveness in evolutionary perspectives. Evidence from the EU, Journal of Socio Economics, 45, 204-15. °
  20. Cainelli G. Mazzanti M. 2013, Environmental Innovations in services, Research Policy, 42, 1595-1604°
  21. Mazzanti M. Nicolli F. (2013), Landfill diversion in a decentralized setting: A dynamic assessment of landfill taxes, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 81, 17-23.
  22. Mazzanti M. Musolesi A. (2013), Carbon Kuznets curves for advanced countries, Applied Economics, 45, 3827-3842.
  23. Mazzanti M. Zoboli R. (2013) Resource taxation and Regional planning, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 56, 893-916
  24. Antonioli Davide & Bianchi Annaflavia & Mazzanti Massimiliano & Montresor Sandro & Pini Paolo, 2013. "Innovation Strategies and Economic Crisis: Evidence from Firm-level Italian Data []," Economia Politica, issue 1, pages 33-68.
  25. Costantini V. Mazzanti M. (2012), On the green side of trade competitiveness? Research Policy, 41, 132-53°
  26. Mazzanti M. Montini A. Marin G., (2012), Aggregation biases in environmental extended input output: evidence from Italy and Spain, Ecological Economics, 74, 71-84°
  27. Cainelli G. Mazzanti M. Montresor S. (2012), Environmental Innovations, Internationalisation and local networks, Industry and Innovation 19(8)
  28. Borghesi S. Cainelli G. Mazzanti M., 2012, The European Emission Trading Scheme and environmental innovation diffusion: Empirical analyses using Italian CIS data, Annali di Economia - Giornale degli Economisti, 71, 71-97.
  29. Iafolla V. Mazzanti M. Nicolli F., (2012), Waste dynamics, country heterogeneity and European environmental policy effectiveness, Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 14, 371-93.
  30. Mazzanti M. Montini A. Nicolli F., (2012), Waste delinking, convergence and spatial effects, J of environmental planning and management, 55, 63-81.
  31. Mazzanti Massimiliano & Nicolli Francesco, (2012). "Firm's Social and Economic Role Within Local-Global Sustainability Strategies: EU Frameworks, Environmental Innovations, Public Goods []," Economia dei Servizi [], Società editrice il Mulino, issue 2, pages 249-272.
  32. Alessio D’Amato & Shunsuke Managi & Massimiliano Mazzanti, (2012). "Economics of waste management and disposal: decoupling, policy enforcement and spatial factors []," Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies - SEEPS [], Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies - SEEPS, vol. 14(4), pages 323-325.
  33. Mazzanti M. Montini A. Nicolli F., (2011), Embedding Landfill Diversion in Economic, Geographical and Policy Settings, Applied Economics, 43, 3299-3311.
  34. Cainelli G., Mazzanti M., Zoboli R. (2011), Environmentally-oriented innovative strategies and firm performance in services. Micro-evidence from Italy, International Review of Applied Economics, 25, 61-85.
  35. Mazzanti, M., Montresor S., Pini P., (2011), Outsourcing, delocalization and firm organization: industrial relations vs transaction costs in a local production system, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 23, 419-37.°
  36. Mazzanti M. Montini A., (2010), Embedding emission efficiency at regional level. Analyses using NAMEA, Ecological Economics, 69, 2457-2467. °
  37. Mazzanti M. Musolesi A. Zoboli R., (2010), A Bayesian Approach to the estimation of EKC for CO2, Applied Economics, 42, 2275-87.
  38. Mazzanti Massimiliano & Zoboli Roberto, (2010). "Joint Economic and Environmental Efficiency. Empirical Analyses on the Italian NAMEA over 1993-2006 []," Economia politica, Società editrice il Mulino [], Società editrice il Mulino, issue 3, pages 421-451.
  39. Mancinelli, Susanna & Mazzanti, Massimiliano & Piva, Nora & Ponti, Giovanni, (2010). "Education, reputation or network? Evidence on migrant workers employability []," Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics), Elsevier [], Elsevier, vol. 39(1), pages 64-71, January.
  40. Mazzanti M. Zoboli R., 2009, Waste generation, incineration and landfill diversion. De-coupling trends, socio-economic drivers and policy effectiveness in the EU, Environmental & Resource Economics, 44, 2, 203-30.
  41. Mazzanti M. Zoboli R., 2009, Environmental efficiency and labour productivity: trade-off or joint dynamics?, Ecological Economics, vol.68, n.4, 1182-94.
  42. Mazzanti M. Montini A. Nicolli F., 2009, The dynamics of landfill diversion: economic drivers, policy factors and spatial issues, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, October.
  43. Mazzanti, M., Montresor S., Pini P., 2009, What drives (or hampers) outsourcing? Evidence for a local production system in Emilia Romagna, Industry and Innovation, vol.16, n.3
  44. Mancinelli S. Mazzanti M., 2009, Innovation, networking activities and complementarity Empirical evidence on SME performances for a local economic system in Northern Italy, Annals of Regional sciences, vol.43, n.3, 567-97.
  45. Antonioli D. Mazzanti, M. Pini P., 2009, Working conditions and industrial relations. Evidence for a local production systems, Economics and Industrial Democracy, 30: 157-81.*
  46. Mazzanti M. Zoboli R., 2009, Embedding Environmental Innovation in Local Production Systems: SME strategies, networking and industrial relations, International Review of Applied Economics, vol.23, n.2
  47. Mazzanti M. Montini A. Zoboli R., 2008, Environmental Kuznets curve for air pollutant emissions in Italy: evidence from environmental accounts NAMEA panel data, Economic Systems Research, vol.20, n.3, pp.279-305.
  48. Mazzanti M. Montini A. Zoboli R., 2008, Municipal waste generation and socio economic drivers. Evidence from comparing Northern and Southern Italy, The Journal of Environment & Development, vol.17, pp.51-69.
  49. Mazzanti M. Zoboli R., 2008, Complementarity, firm strategies and environmental innovations, Environmental sciences, vol.5, n.1, pp.17-40
  50. Guidetti G. Mazzanti M., 2007, Firm training activities and complementarities in production: conceptual insights and empirical evidence, Journal of Socio-Economics vol.36, n.6, pp.875-94°
  51. Cainelli G. Mancinelli S. Mazzanti M., 2007, Social Capital and innovation dynamics in district based local systems, Journal of Socio-Economics vol.36, n.6, pp.932-48. °
  52. Mazzanti M. Zoboli R., 2006, Economic Instruments and Induced Innovation: the European Directive on end of Life Vehicles, Ecological Economics, vol.58, n.2, pp.318-37. °
  53. Mazzanti M. Montini A., 2006, The determinants of residential water demand, Applied Economics Letters
  54. Mazzanti M., 2003, Discrete Choice Models and Valuation Experiments, Journal of Economic Studies, vol. 30, n. 6, pp. 584-604