Foto del docente

Massimiliano Mazzanti

Full Professor

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna


Massimiliano Mazzanti is currently associate professor and lecturer in Environmental Economics at the University of Ferrara. He collaborates as research fellow with the National Research Council in Milan, dealing extensively with waste and resource issues, with a strong focus on policy assessment. He was awarded with the Master of Science in Environmental and Resource Economics at the University College in London, and got the Doctorate degree at the University of Rome III, with a thesis on the economic valuation of cultural impure public goods.

His major fields of interest are environmental economics and environmental policy, labour economics, applied microeconomics, technological and organisational innovation. He has participated in many research projects at local, national and European level. Research projects have dealt with techno-organisational innovation, social capital, environmental innovation, ex ante and ex post evaluation of waste and resource policies, methods of economic evaluation, effectiveness of environmental economic instruments and environmental policy, water demand estimation. He has published many papers in leading journals such as environmental & resource economics, ecological economics, applied economics and journal of environment & development among others. He is publishing two books with Routledge in 2009, one on Waste & environmental policy and a second on Economic dynamics, environmental efficiency and policy, co-edited with Anna Montini.