Foto del docente

Marta Ilardo

Research fellow

Department of Education Studies "Giovanni Maria Bertin"

Short Bio

Academic discipline: M-PED/01 Pedagogy, Theories of Education and Social Education 

Marta Ilardo is a Ph.D doctor, Junior assistant professor (fixed-term) at the Bologna Department of Education, University of Bologna. She conducts research on issues relating to inclusive and innovative practices for integration; violence and authority meaning in education; Hannah Arendt’s Theory in education; sustainability education.

Go to the Curriculum vitae


+39 051 20 9 9021

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Dipartimento di Scienze Dell'Educazione "Giovanni Maria Bertin"
Via Filippo Re 6, Bologna - Go to map

Online Resources

Office hours

Il ricevimento si svolgerà, previa prenotazione in presenza nello studio 50 (Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Educazione) o online, sulla piattaforma Teams: occorre inviare una mail alla docente per accordarsi per un appuntamento