Foto del docente

Mario Zamponi

Full Professor

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Academic discipline: GSPS-04/C History and Institutions of Africa

Curriculum vitae

Full Professor


Africa in International Political History; Development issues in the Global South

University background

Graduated in Political Science, Department of Politics and History, University of Bologna, with distinction, 1987;

Diploma in International Co-operation and Development Policies in Developing Countries, University of Bologna, Faculty of Political Science, December 1988


Country Experience

Zimbabwe, Mozambique, South Africa, Angola, Uganda, Malawi


Participation to research projects

2002-4: Department Pluriannual Research Programme "Consenso e legittimazione nella trasformazione dei regimi politici"

2003-4 Project MIUR-PRIN: "La costruzione e la crisi del discorso politico sull'Occidente nel novecento"

2004-5: Department Pluriannual Research Programme "Immaginare l'Occidente. La libertà fra proposta e imposizione"

2006-2008 Research Project MIUR-PRIN 2006: "Governance e institution building "circolo virtuoso" delle politiche di sviluppo e di riduzione della povertà in Africa australe?"

2010-13 International project "Community based system in HIV treatment - CoBaSys", finanziato da ACP Science and Technology Programme, with European and African partners.

"2012-15  Research project Prin-Miur 2010-11 "State, plurality, change in Africa".

Partecipation to the Boards of Editors of academic journals

Member of the board of editors of the journal of studies about Africa and Middle East "Afriche e Orienti"

Member of the editorial board of the journal "NAD - Nuovi autoritarismi e democrazie"

Other Activities

He is member of Academy of Sciences, Bologna

He is member of the Centro Dipartimentale di Studi Storici e Politici su Africa e Medio Oriente and of the Centro Dipartimentale MigLab in the Department of Political and Social Sciences