1. Intercultural communication
2. Language and Literature in Colonial and Postcolonial Contexts
3. Onomastic sciences
4. Dependency and valency in grammar
1. Intercultural communication: my research is focussing on the
communication between Italians and Germans, a field where we can
find to day only very few studies.
2. Language and Literature in Colonial and Postcolonial Contexts
3. Onomastic sciences: my special interest is focussing on the
perception of pseudo-italian brand names created for the German
market and their perception by German consumers.
4. Dependency and valency in grammar: the modell of verbal
valency is present in almost all scientific German grammars.
Therefore, my prior interest is how to introduce Italian students
of German to this modell in order to give them the notions
necessary to an autonomous use of German grammars.