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Mariangela Picciuolo is currently a PhD student in English Linguistics at the University of Bologna. Her research project focuses on English-Medium Instruction (EMI) and the analysis of discourse and interaction strategies used by lecturers in different teaching modalities – face-to-face, blended and online teaching – from a multimodal perspective. Her research interests also include: Corpus Linguistics, CADS, Computer-Mediated Communication, and Multimodal Discourse Analysis. In 2022, she was appointed Expert in the field of English Linguistics by the faculty of the Master's Degree programme in Language Society and Communication at LILEC, UniBo. Since 2015 she has been teaching English Language at the Department of Political and Social Sciences at the same university. She is actively engaged in several projects related to teaching and learning of new contents (multimodal literacy) and methods (MOOC).
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