Foto del docente

Maria Luisa Dindo

Full Professor

Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Academic discipline: AGRI-05/A General and Applied Entomology

Curriculum vitae


PhD in Agricultural Entomology (University of Bologna, 1987)

Laurea (BSc/Msc Equivalent) with honours in Agricultural Sciences (University of Bologna, 1982)

High school diploma (classical studies) (Liceo Ginnasio "Scipione Maffei" of Verona, 1977, grades 60/60)


Full Professor of General and Applied Entomology at the University of Bologna (Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences – DISTAL) since 2021. Formerly (2014-2021) associate professor and (2001-2014) assistant professor at the same University.


Since 2001 she teaches courses related to General and Applied Entomology for Degree, Master's Degree, PhD Courses and for the “Collegio Superiore” of the University of Bologna. She has been supervisor / co-supervisor / co-tutor of degree / specialization / doctoral theses, also within Erasmus Programs.

In April/May 2023, she taught a total of 10 hours in a course on "Biologia de los parasitoides: fundamentos para su empleo en el control biologico de plagas" at the University of La Plata in Argentina. In November 2021, she was an invited lecturer in an online course on "Control biológico y la producción de artrópodos como enemigos naturales para el manejo de plagas en agricultura" organized by the Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ)and other institutions in Ecuador and supported by the International Organization of Biological Control. She has also hosted foreign students and visiting scientists at her laboratory, including a Visiting PhD Student from Tarbiat Modares University in Iran who conducted research for 4 months in 2018. Additionally, she co-tutored a PhD thesis iunder a co-tutorship agreement between the University of Bologna and Macquarie University (Sydney - Australia area) for the achievement of the double degree in Agricultural, Environmental and Food Sciences and Technologies and Biological Sciences (Macquarie).



Member of the Scientific Board of the Institute of Advanced Studies of the University of Bologna since 2022

Delegate to the incoming orientation for the Master degrees of the Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences (Bologna Campus).

Member of the Board of the PhD Course "Health, Safety and Green Systems" since 2018.

Coordinator of the PhD Course in Agricultural Entomology from 2009 through 2013. Vice-Coordinator of the same Course from 2006 through 2009.

Elected member of the Board of the Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences (2018-2021).

Component of the Overseas Commission - Oceania subcommission, for the assignments of travel grants, for the AYs 2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20 and 2020/21.

Component of the Quality Assurance Commission of the First Cycle Degree in Sciences and Technologies for Green and Landscape.


“Legume crops as natural sources of phytoestrogens and melatonin as a function of new and sustainable production inputs” (LEFEM) funded by the University of Bologna ("Progetto Strategico d'Ateneo" 2006) (in charge of the Unit of Entomology)

“New associations between indigenous parasitoids and exotic insects recently introduced in Italy" funded by MIUR (PRIN 2008) (National Coordinator of the Project)

“Use of plant extracts of argentine origin for the control of biotic adversities in Italy and Argentina” funded by CUIA in 2010 (In charge of the Unit of Bologna).

"Insects and globalization: sustainable control of exotic species in agro-forestry ecosystems" funded by MIUR (PRIN 2010-2011) (coordinated by UNIBO) (participant)

"Improvement of monitoring traps and evaluation of innovative methods for the control of Drosophila suzukii, a new fly pest of cherry trees and small fruit crops" funded by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Vignola (years 2015-16) (responsible for UNIBO Entomology area)

"Cultural, agronomic and phytotherapic assessment of Monarda spp. to be used for ornamental and medicinal purposes in Emilia-Romagna "funded by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Imola and presented at Expo 2015 as part of the workshop (promoted by SIROE) “Healthy nutrition and valorization of excellence in the cultivation of herbs in Italy, an environmentally sustainable approach and a source of essential oils - the contribution of hemp. more quality - less contamination" (participant)

"The interaction between kiwifruit and BMSB lifecycles and potential parasitoid and predator control" (years 2018-2019) funded by Zespri Group LTD (BS1821) (responsible)

POT “SISSA" - Integrated System Supporting Students in Agricultural Sciences" - Area Agricultural Sciences, Animal Husbandry and Food Sciences. (years 2020 e 2021) (participant)

"BMSB Orchard Border Control"(years 2020-21) funded by Zespri Group LTD New Zealand (BS1821) (responsible)

"Possibility of Parka to limit fruit cracking and oviposition by Drosophila suzukii in cherry fruits" (year 2021) funded by Cultiva SRL (responsible)


"Agritech" (National Research Center for Technology in Agriculture) (PNRR project) (in progress) (participant)

She is a member of the Informal Thematic Group (GTI) "Plant Health" [] of DISTAL since October 2020.


• Member of the Editorial Board of the journals "BioControl" (ISSN: 1386-6141) and Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata (ISSN:0013-8703. Executive Editor of the journal "Bulletin of Insectology" (ISSN 1721-8861)


• Member of the Italian Academy of Entomology since November 2019.

• Member of the “Mass Rearing and Quality Assurance” (MRQA) Working Group of the International Organization of Biological Control. Co-convenor of the same group from 2017 to 2023. In this role she organized the XV Workshop of the WG (Bologna, 5-9 September 2022)

  • ISA Topic 2016 Award for the project: "Insects as food for humans: tradition, present and future" (coordinator - cooperators: G. Burgio, D. Viaggi, A. Martini, E. Magnani)

    • Speaker, also at invitation, at national and international congresses on topics related to entomophagous insects and their rearing techniques.

  • She has held invited seminars at Italian and foreign institutions [most recently: 'Biology of fly parasitoids and their relevance for biological control' at the Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Sciences (GELIFES) - NL].
