Foto del docente

Mariagrazia Benassi

Full Professor

Department of Psychology "Renzo Canestrari"

Academic discipline: PSIC-01/C Psychometrics

Curriculum vitae

Mariagrazia Benassi is born in Scandiano (Reggio Emilia), Italy in 1974.



Academic positions

Actual stutus: Full Professor in Psychometrics (M/PSI-03)

2015-2023: Associate Professor in Psychometrics (M/PSI-03)

2005-2014 Researcher, Dept. of Psychology University of Bologna



2000 Grant from Faculty of Psychology, University of Bologna, for Thesis work on "Visual perception in Developmental Dyslexia" in collaboration with Karolinska Institutet di Stoccolma.

2000-2005 Travel grant from Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Stoccolma, Svezia for research project on "Visual perception in Developmental Dyslexia"

2001 Travel Grant ECVP per partecipare alla conferenza internazionale European Conference of Visual Perception, Kusadasi, Turchia

Teaching Activities

2015/2016 – present Statistica Psicometrica, BSc deg. course, Dept. Of Psychology, University of Bologna (8 ECTS; 200 students).

2015/2016 - present Tecniche psicometriche e di analisi dei dati, M.A. deg. course, Dept. Of Psychology, University of Bologna (6 ECTS; 35 students).

2015/2016 - present Research Projects in Psychometrics, BSc deg. course, Department of Psychology, University of Bologna (3 ECTS 5 students).

2013- present Advanced statistical models for PhD course in Psychology, University of Bologna (20 hours, 10 students)

2012/2013 - 2014/2015 Metodologia della Ricerca Psicologica, BSc deg. course, Department of Psychology, University of Bologna (8 ECTS, 200 students).

2011/2012 -2014/2015 Metodi statistici nella ricerca psicologica for the School of Health Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Bologna (4 ECTS, 10 students).

2014/2015 Laboratorio di Psicometria, M.A. deg. course, Dept. of Psychology, University of Bologna (30 hours; 25 students).

2014/2015 Corso Recupero OFA BSc deg. course, Department of Psychology, University of Bologna (30 hours).

2011/2012 Psicometria BSc deg. course, Faculty of Medicine, University of Bologna (2 ECTS).

2006/2007 - 2010/2012 Metodologia della Ricerca Psicologica, BSc deg. course, Department of Psychology, University of Bologna (8 ECTS, 200 students).

2005/2006 Seminario di Metodologia della Ricerca Psicologica BSc deg. course, Department of Psychology, University of Bologna (6 ECTS, 200 students).

2005/2006 Seminario di Metodologia della Ricerca Psicologica BSc deg. course, Department of Psychology, University of Bologna (3 ECTS, 200 students).

2000/2001 Informatica BSc deg. course, Faculty of Medicine, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (10 hours, 20 students).

2000/2001 Statistica Medica e Biometria BSc deg. course, Faculty of Medicine, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (10 hours 20 students).


Research projects

A.A. 2010-11 Predictive factors of Learning Disorders, Progetto finanziato per un anno dalla Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Cesena (Principal investigator) (24.000 Euro).

A.A. 2011-now Collaboration with l'Ausl della Romagna on the topic The evaluation of specific learning disorders (Principal investigator, 12,000 Euro; 19.000 Euro; 20,000 Euro; 86000Euro, 94,600 Euro).

AA 2015 – now Project in collaboration with SPDC Unit ASL della Romagna on methods of analyzing eye movements in psychiatric patients.

Research Activities and Collaborations

Since 2000 she collaborates with the Bernadotte Laboratory, Department of Ophtalmology of the Karolinska Insitiutet of Stockholmon different projects concerning the methods of the analysis of eye movement and visual perception (Prof. Gunnar Lennerstrand, Jan Ygge, Tony Pansell, Kerstin Hellgren and Dr Agneta Rydberg).

Since 2013 she collaborates with Prof Pierluigi Zoccolotti, Dept. of Psychology University of Rome in projects concerning the methods of analysis of reading errors in Developmental Dyslexia

She collaborated with the University of Rome, NeuroPyschiatry Unit of the Bambino Gesù Hospital (Vicari Stefano) and the Department of Psychology of the University of Padova (Facoetti Andrea) in projects on the link between different neurocognitive functions implicated in Developmental Dyslexia.

She collaborated with Prof Paolo Alfieri (Ospedale Gemelli Rome) in projects concerning the Methods of analysis of visual perception in Noonan syndrome.