Foto del docente

Maria Elena Tisi

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of History and Cultures

Curriculum vitae

2007   Shirayuri College (Shirayuri joshi daigaku), Tokyo – Department of Children's Literature    Ph. D. in Literature  Ph.D. Thesis: Nichi I bunka koryu kankei to Miyazawa Kenji (Cultural Realationship between Italy and Japan and Miyazawa Kenji);

2003-13  Shirayuri College, Tokyo  Research Center for Children's Literature and Culture;

2000-03  Shirayuri College, Tokyo - Department of Children's Literature, Doctoral ourse in Japanese Children's Literature;

1998-2000 Shirayuri College, Tokyo - Department of Children's Literature, Master's Degree in Japanese Literature for Children, thesis: Miyazawa Kenji to Italia bunka (Miyazawa Kenji and the Italian culture);

1996-98 Shirayuri College, Tokyo - Department of Children's Literature, research student;

1993-94  Keio University (Tokyo)     Japanese Language Program;

1992   “La Sapienza” University (Rome) Post graduated course in Teaching Methods;

1991  Italian Institute for the Middle and Far East (ISMEO, now ISIAO) (Rome) Degree in Japanese Culture and Language; 

1989  Bologna University (Bologna) Degree in Oriental History (Japanese Language and Literature).

 * Awards and scholarships

2022 Best Presentation Award, Asia Future Conference 6, S8-4, “Cooperation through children’s books”,
2007 Prize "Jeanne D'Arc" 2007 Shirayuri College, Tokyo;
2003-04 Scholarship "Atsumi International Scholarship Foundation";
1996-2003 Scholarship of the Japanese Government (Monbusho);

1993-94 Scholarship of Keio University (Tokyo).

* Professional experience

Bologna University, Faculty of Letters, Adjunt Lecturer, Course of Japanese Language and Literature; 

University for Foreigners Perugia, Adjunt Lecturer, Course of Language and Culture of Japan;

University of Catania, Faculty of foreign Languages and Literature (Ragusa), Adjunt Lecturer, Course of Japanese Literature;

Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Faculty of foreign Languages and Literature, Adjunt Lecturer Course of Japanese language;

Salento University (Lecce), Faculty of foreign Languages and Literature, Adjunt Lecturer, Course of Japanese Sectorial Translation (Japanese Italian Japanese).

2001- 2007 Collaboration with Italian Institute of Culture in Tokyo (Italian Embassy), Library and Events sections: Japanese-Italian translations and promotion events, Italian language classes.


From 2020 Junior assistant professor (fixed-term) Department of History and Cultures

Japanese Literary Civilisation (SSO)

Japanese I (ARCO)

Coordinator of Japan related seminars.

a.a. 2021/2022 – today Member of Commissione di gestione AQ (Assicurazione Qualità) SSO.

a.a. 2021 – today Referente d’area Sinologia-nipponistica (Curriculum Studi orientali) del Corso di Laurea

Magistrale in Scienze Storiche e Orientalistiche, Università di Bologna.

a.a. 2020/2021 – 2023 Referente per il DISCI dei corsi ULCAM (Università di Bologna: Lingue nei CAMpus)