Foto del docente

Maria Carla Galavotti

Professoressa emerita

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna

Curriculum vitae

Incarico attuale:

Professore ordinario di Filosofia della scienza, Università di Bologna (dal 1998).

Incarichi precedenti:

Professore ordinario, Università di Trieste (1994-1998).

Professore associato, Università di Bologna (1982-1994).

Ricercatrice, Università di Bologna (1975-1982).

Altri incarichi accademici:

Associate Researcher del Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Sciences (CPNSS) della London School of Economics (dal 2014).

Membro del Conseil Scientifique del Réseau national des Maisons des Sciences de l’Homme (2016-2018).

Life Member, Center for the Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh (dal 1990).

Life Member, Clare Hall College, Cambridge (dal 1998).

Membro della Leopoldina Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften - Accademia nazionale delle scienze di Germania (dal 2014).

Membro dell'Accademia Nazionale di Scienze, Lettere e Arti di Modena (dal 2013).

Membro del Comitato scientifico del Centro "Federico Stella" per la Giustizia e la politica criminale (CSGP) dell'Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano (dal 2009).

Membro dell'editorial board delle riviste scientifiche “Erkenntnis”, “European Journal for the Philosophy of Science”, e “Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook”.

Membro del Scientific Committee della Vienna International Summer University (VISU) (dal 2002).

International cooperation partner del PhD Programme "The Sciences in Historical, Philosophical and Cultural Contexts", Università di Vienna.

Membro dello Steering Committee della European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA) dal 2006 al 011.

Direttrice del CIRESS (Centro Interdipartimentale di Storia e Filosofia delle Scienze) dell'università di Bologna dal 2006 al 2011.

Coordinatrice, European Science Foundation Network su “Historical and contemporary perspectives of the philosophy of science in Europe” (2000-2003).

Chair, European Science Foundation Scientific Networking Programme “The Philosophy of Science in Europe” (2008-2013).

Membro dell'Executive Board dell'ICSU - International Council for Science (2011-2014).

1st vice-President of the Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science of the International Union for History and Philosophy of Science (2011-2015).

Co-editor con Friedrich Stadler della collana The Philosophy of Science in a European Perspective pubblicata da Springer, e co-editor con Dennis Dieks and Wenceslao J. Gonzalez della collana European Studies in Philosophy of Science, pubblicata da Springer.

Visite all'estero:

Visiting fellow, Center for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI), Stanford University (1984, 2 mesi; e molte altre visite negli anni seguenti).

Visiting Fellow, Center for the Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh (anno accademico 1989-90).

Visiting Fellow, Department of Philosophy, Princeton University (1991, trimestre autunnale).

Bologna-Clare Hall Visiting Fellow, affiliata al Department of History and Philosophy of Science, Cambridge University (Lent term 1998).

Visiting Fellow, Centre for Time, University of Sydney (2004, 1 mese).

Visiting Scholar, Centre for the Foundations of Science, University of Sydney (2012, 2014, 2016, 1 mese).


Graduated in Philosophy at the University of Bologna in 1970. 

During the academic year 1971-71 was granted a fellowship to spend one year at the Department of History and Philosophy of Science of Indiana University. 

From 1973 to 1976 was "researcher" near the Department of Philosophy of the University of Bologna.

From 1976 to 1994 was associate professor of Philosophy of science at the University of Bologna.

Visiting Fellow near the Center for Philosophy of Science of the University of Pittsburgh during the academic year 1989-1990.

From 1994 to 1998 full professor of Philosophy of science at the University of Trieste.

Since 1998 full professor of Philosophy of science at the University of Bologna.

Visiting fellow at various institutions, including the Department of Philosophy of Princeton University, the Center for the study of language and information (CSLI) of Stanford University, the Pittsburgh Center for the Philosophy of Science, the Centre for Time of the University of Sydney. 

Lectured at many other institutions, including Collège de France, and the universities of Barcelona, Budapest, Konstanz, La Coruna, LSE, Nancy, Nantes, St Andrews, Vienna.

Research Associate of the Centre for Philosophy of the Natural and Social Sciences (CPNSS) of the London School of Economics since 2013.

Life member of the Pittsburgh center for the Philosophy of Science since 1990.

Life member of Clare Hall College, Cambridge since 1998.

Member of the Leopoldina Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften since 1014.

Corresponding Member of the Accademia Nazionale di Scienze, Lettere e Arti di Modena since 2013.

Member of the  Steering Committee of the European Philosophy of Science Associationin the period 2006- 2011. 

Member of the scientific board of Vienna International Summer University (VISU) and of the PhD Programme "The Sciences in Historical, Philosophical and Historical 
Contexts", University of Vienna.

Coordinator of the ESF Network "Historical and Contemporary Perspectives of the Philosophy of Science in Europe" (2000-2003). 

Chair of the European Science Foundation Research Networking Programme "The Philosophy of science in a European perspective" (2008-2013). 

1st vice-President of the Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science of the International Union for History and Philosophy of Science.

Member of the Executive Board of ICSU - International Council for Science (2011-2014).

Member of the scientific committee of the Center "Federico Stella" for Criminal Justice and Policy (CSGP) of the Catholic University of Milan. 

Member of the Editorial Board of ErkenntnisEuropean Journal for the Philosophy of Science andVienna Circle Institute Yearbook