Foto del docente

Marco Solaroli

Associate Professor

Department of the Arts

Curriculum vitae

2022- Associate Professor - Department of the Arts, University of Bologna

2019-22 Senior Assistant Professor (tenure track) - Department of the Arts, University of Bologna

2018-19 Research Fellow - Department of the Arts, University of Bologna

2015-19 Adjunct Professor - Department of Philosophy and Communication, University of Bologna

2013-14 Fulbright Research Scholar - Department of Media, Culture, and Communication, New York University

2012-17 Research Fellow - Department of Philosophy and Communication, University of Bologna

2009-11 PostDoc Research Fellow - Carlo Cattaneo Research Institute, Bologna

2010 PhD in Sociology (with distinction) - University of Milan

2005 B.A. in Communication (with distinction) - University of Bologna

2003-04 Visiting student - University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (Overseas fellowship)