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Marco Settembrini

Adjunct professor

Department of History and Cultures


Keywords: Judaism, Hebrew Bible, apocalyptic literature, critica textus

Critical edition of the Masoretic text of the book of Daniel. In collaboration with Agustinus Gianto (Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome), I contribute to the Biblia Hebraica Quinta fascicule of Daniel (Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft). This means we aim at a new edition of the Codex Leningradensis EBP. I B19a and evaluate the variants attested in the Qumran scrolls, in the ancient Greek, Latin and Syriac versions, as well as any divergences from the Cambridge Add. 1753, Firkovitch 2 (0034) and Sassoon 1053 manuscripts.

Commentary on the book of Numbers for the series Libri biblici / Primo Testamento (Edizioni Paoline). I have been working on an exegetical commentary on the Masoretic text of Numbers 10.11-36.13: I take into consideration its differences with respect to the Greek, Latin and Aramaic versions, I highlight both the theological thrust of the book within the Hebrew Bible and its reverberation in the canon of the Christian Bible.

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