1988 Degree in Political Sciences, Università Cattolica di
Milano, with a thesis on "The mafia as an institutional type".
1990-1993 PhD in Sociology and Social Research, Università di
1993-1995 Post-doc Fellowship, Università di Bologna
1995-1999 Lecturer in the History of Political Institutions,
Università Cattolica di Milano
1999-2001 Lecturer Sociology, Faculty of Statistics, Università
di Bologna
2001- Associate professor Sociology, Facolty of
Statistics, Università di Bologna
2012- Associate professor Sociology, Dipartimento di Filosofia e Comunicazione, School of Letters, Università di Bologna
Dec. 2012 Qualification (Abilitazione) to full professorship in the academic sectors of Sociologia (14/C1) and Sociologia dei processi culturali (14/C2)
Marc 2017 Full Professor in Sociology (Dipartimento di Filosofia e Comunicazione, School of Letters, Università di Bologna)
Spring 2002 Visiting fellow, School of Economic and Social
Studies, University of East Anglia (UK).
Dec. 2006-Feb. 2007 Visiting Fellow, Department of Sociology,
London University, Goldsmith College
May 2010 Visiting research fellow at Columbia University,
March 2015 Visiting research fellow at LSE, Dept. of Sociology
Nov.-Dec. 2015 Chercheur invité at the EHESS (Paris)
He has been invited to present his researches at many international universities and research centers, as the Centre of Cultural Sociology of Yale University, the Dept of Sociology of the Copenhagen Business School, London School of Economics, EHESS (Paris).
In 2011 he was invited as speaker at the Presidential Panel on the sociology of Mafia, held at the American Sociological Association annual Congress (August, Las Vegas).
In 2013 he has been invited to organize the official session of the History of Sociology section of the ASA at the annual Congress of the American Sociological Association (August, New York)
Scientific director of the Italian research unit (based at the Istituto Carlo Cattaneo) of the European (EU) research "Art Festivals and the European Public Culture", years 2008-2010.
Scientific director of the Italian research unit
(Università di Bologna) of the European research INTERCO-SSH
(INTERnational COoperation in the SSH: Comparative Socio-Historical
Perspectives and Future Possibilities) coordinated by G. Sapiro
(Paris Sorbonne-EHESS) (project number 319974; topic The Future of
Social Sciences and Humanities in the context of the European
Research Area) / 2013-2017.
Scientific director for the projects "Riconoscere le mafie" (2013-14) and "Segnali di mafia" (2015-16), in the frame of a cooperation agreement between Dipartimento di Filosofia e Comunicazione and Regione Emilia-Romagna.
Co-founder member of "Studi Culturali" (Il Mulino, 2004- ) and founding editor of "Sociologica. Italian Journal of Sociology online" (Il Mulino, 2007- )
Editorial Board member: Poetics (2008-2015), "Cultural Sociology" (2011- ), "American Journal of Cultural Sociology" (2013- ), "Polis" (2006- ).
Scientific committee member of the journal "Gli Spazi della musica" (University of Turin)
Peer reviewer for the following scientific journals:American Journal of Sociology, American Sociological Review, British Journal of Sociology, Sociological Theory, Poetics, Cultural Sociology, American Journal of Cultural Sociology, Actes de la recherche en sciences socials, Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, Polis, Studi Culturali, Social Psychology Quarterly, Ethnography, Sociological Forum, Rivista italiana di filosofia del linguaggio, Social Epistemology, Law and Society Review, European Sociological Review