Foto del docente

Marco Giacinti Baschetti

Full Professor

Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering

Academic discipline: ICHI-01/B Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering

Curriculum vitae

Marco Giacinti Baschetti is currently Full professor in the Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Material Engineering of the University of Bologna.

In1996 he graduated in Chemical Engineering at the University of Bologna where he also obtained his Ph.D in Chemical and Environmental engineering in 2001.

In the year 2000 M. Giacinti Baschetti entered as Researcher at the University of Bologna, where he became associate professor first and finally Full Professor in november 2023. In these years, he focused his activity in the undergraduate teaching program as well as in different research projects.

He was also Scientific Coordinator of the Chemical Engineering Laboratories at the Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering for three years from 2012 to 2015.

The teaching activity of Prof. Giacinti Baschetti was carried out mainly in Chemical engineering (CHE), Biomedical engineering (BE) and Energetic engineering (EE) curricula at the university of Bologna, where from 2005 he had the responsibility of at least 2 courses per year, focused mainly on topics related to thermodynamics, transport phenomena and chemical engineering principles.

Concerning the activities related to students support, it is also worthwhile mention that Prof. Giacinti Baschetti is currently involved in several student exchange agreements in the framework of the ERASMUS Lifelong Learning Program (LLP) of the European Union. In particular he is or has been coordinator of exchange programs with the following European Universities:

- Universidad De Extremadura - Universidad De La Laguna - Universidad De Zaragoza

- Universidad Politècnica De València (Spain)

- Loughborough University, University of Edimburgh (UK)

- DTU - Technical University Of Denmark (Denmark)

- NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway)

- KTH - Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden)

He tutored different PhD students and several under-graduated students during their graduation thesis both for Master and Bachelor degrees. He was part of the Doctorate committee for Chemical, environmental and safety engineering (2007-2014) and for “Civil, chemical environmental and material engineering (2015-now) of the University of Bologna.

He has also been invited speaker in two Summer Schools of the European Membrane Society (33rd EMS Summer School on “Membranes and Membrane Processes Design”, Bertinoro, 26/06-01/07/2016 and 36th EMS Summer School - Membranes for a Sustainable Future, Edimburgh 23-28 June 2019)

The scientific activity of Dr. Giacinti Baschetti is conducted inside the Diffusion in polymer group of the University of Bologna even if it was not limited to polymeric materials. His scientific interests are mainly related to the study of the mass transport in polymers and inorganic materials in view of possible applications in the field of membrane separation processes, barrier materials development and energy production through fuel cells. These activities were developed inside different research projects, founded by Italian Government or European Union, such as:

2024 - 2027 CHARMPOL - Characterization and Modeling of high-performance polymers for gas
barrier applications, funded by “Dutch Polymer Institute” DPI (role: Co-coordinator)

2022-2025 ECCSELLENT - Development of ECCSEL - R.I. ItaLian facilities: usEr access, services and loNg-Term sustainability finanziato dal Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca nell'ambito della Missione 4 “Istruzione e Ricerca” del PNRR – Next Generation EU. I partner, (Role: responsible of the UNIBO research unit)

2020/2024 MUMPOL project Modelling and Design of Multiphase Polymeric Materials for High Performance Applications Across Multiple Scales funded by “Dutch Polymer Institute” DPI 

2020-2024 COST Action CA19124 - CIRCUL-A-BILITY: Rethinking packaging for circular and sustainable food (role: Co-coordinator)supply chains of the future (role: Substitute Member of the Management committee)

2016-2019 H2020 project NANOMEMC2 - Nanomaterial enhanced membranes for carbon capture (role: Project coordinator)

2014-2018 FPS COST Action FP1405 Active and intelligent fibre-based packaging - innovation and market introduction (ActInPak) (role: member of the management committee and Short term scientific mission coordinator)

2011-2015 FP7-PEOPLE-ITN Newgenpak: New Generation of Functional Cellulose Fibre Based Packaging Materials for Sustainability (role: responsible of the UNIBO research unit and training coordinator)

2010-2014 FPS COST Action FP1003 Biomatpack: Impact of renewable materials in packaging for sustainability - development of renewable fibre and bio-based materials for new packaging applications (role: member of the management committee)

2009-2013 Italian Project “Combined biological production of methane and hydrogen from wastes of the agro-food industry (Bio-Hydro)”, funded by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry (MIPAAF). ( role: responsible of “membrane separation” research unit)

2005-2010 Italian Project “Pure Hydrogen from total conversion natural gas reforming obtained integrating chemical reaction with membrane separation” financed by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR) through the Special Integrative Fund for Research (FISR). role: member of the UNIBO research unit)

2004-2008 European Project (FP6) Sustaipack “Innovation and Sustainable Development in the Fibre-based Packaging Value Chain”. (role: member of the UNIBO research unit)

2004-2008 European Project (FP6) Multimatdesign “Computer aided molecular design of multifunctional materials with controlled permeability properties”. (role: member of the UNIBO research unit)

2004-2007 Italian Project PRIN “Preparation and characterization of barrier properties of polymeric film with organic-inorganic coatings with nanocomposite structure” funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR) as a Research Project of National Interest (PRIN). (role: member of the UNIBO research unit)

2004-2007 Italian Project PRIN “Determination and modelling of thermodynamic and transport properties of polymer-silica Nanocomposites” funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR) as a Research Project of National Interest (PRIN). (role: member of the UNIBO research unit)

1999 Italian Project PRIN “Flow induced crystallization of polymers: impact on the filming process and on the film properties” funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR) as a Research Project of National Interest (PRIN). ( role: member of the UNIBO research unit)

As well as in collaboration with different national and international companies like Renco S.r.l. (2016-present), Ausimont (later Solvay Solexis) (2000 - present) , PolimeriEuropa (2005 – present), Korked S.r.l. (2007-2009), GVS S.p.A and Universities such as Sheffield Hallam University (UK), Karlstad University (SE), Institut Polytechnique d Grenoble (FR), The Ohio State University (USA), The University of Texas at Austin (USA), KTH Royal Institute of Technology (SE), the Drexel University (USA). In particular in the latter univesty, Professore Giacinti Spent 5 months as visiting researcher to study the use of ionic liquids in membranes for CO2 separation. 

In 2001 Prof. Giacinti Baschetti has been conferred with the A.K. Doolittle Award from the American Chemical Society for his study on the modelling of gas solubility in polymeric blends.

The results of Prof. Giacinti Baschetti's scientific activities are published in different papers appeared in international scientific journals and books and presented in several communications to conferences. Dr Giacinti Baschetti is also actively involved as scientific referee for several high impact factor scientific journals, such as, among the other, the Journal of Membrane Science, the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy and the Journal of Materials Science.

Other roles covered in his international scientific activity are:

Member of the scientific committee of the international congresses:

  • HYPOTHESIS XIII (HYdrogen POwer THeoretical and Engineering Solutions International Symposium) Singapore 24-27 July, 2018
  • Tappi Nano 2016 (Grenoble (FRA) 13-16 June 2016
  • HYPOTHESIS XI Toledo (SPA) 6-9 September 2015 and 8

Plenary speaker at the 11th National Chemical Engineering Congress of Turkey, 2-5 September 2014 held in the Eskişehir Osmangazi University.