Foto del docente

Marco Di Felice

Full Professor

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Academic discipline: INFO-01/A Informatics

Director of First Cycle Degree in Information Science for Management


Keywords: Pervasive and mobile systems Internet of Things Context-aware systems Robotic networks Edge computing and edge AI

Within the IoT Prism, his recent research focuses on pervasive and mobile systems, particularly on architectures and methodologies for data collection and processing across the continuum, as well as on applications and services.

The following are some of his recent research areas:


1) Data and Device Interoperability in Robotic IoT Networks

 He focuses on integrating heterogeneous devices, both at the networking and data levels, in large-scale IoT systems or hybrid systems characterized by static sensor networks and autonomous mobile devices (such as terrestrial robots and drones).

Recent publication:

L Sciullo, L Gigli, F Montori, A Trotta, M Di Felice, "A Survey on the Web of Things", IEEE access 10, 47570-47596, 2022 


2) AIoT-based Solutions for Structural/Environmental Monitoring Systems

 He works on networking and IoT platforms for developing highly scalable and pervasive monitoring systems, with applications such as structural monitoring.

Recent publication:

L Gigli, I Zyrianoff, F Zonzini, D Bogomolov, N Testoni, M Di Felice, et al, "Next Generation Edge-Cloud Continuum Architecture for Structural Health Monitoring", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2023 


3) Digital Twin of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)

 He addresses issues related to the modeling and analysis of cyber-physical systems (CPS) in various application contexts (e.g., healthcare, smart agriculture) aimed at creating digital twins (DT).

Recent publication:

L Sciullo, A De Marchi, A Trotta, F Montori, L Bononi, M Di Felice, "Relativistic Digital Twin: Bringing the IoT to the future", Future Generation Computer Systems 153, 521-536 


4) Edge Computing and Edge AI

 He investigates techniques for managing and processing IoT data across the edge-cloud continuum, in distributed environments (e.g., federated/split learning) or on the extreme edge (e.g., microcontroller-based systems).

Recent publication:

I. Zyrianoff, L Montecchiari, A Trotta, L Gigli, C Kamienski, M Di Felice, roactive Caching in the Edge-Cloud Continuum with Federated Learning, 2024 IEEE 21st Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), 234-240


5) Context-Aware Systems

 He focuses on sensor data analysis for systems such as indoor localization and human activity recognition (HAR).

Recent publication:

A Trotta, F Montori, L Ciabattini, G Billi, L Bononi, M Di Felice, Edge human activity recognition using federated learning on constrained devices, Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 101972, 2024

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