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Marco Di Felice

Full Professor

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Curriculum vitae

Marco Di Felice received his Bachelor Degree (summa cum Laude) in Computer Science in 2002, from the University of Bologna, Italy. He received his Master Degree (summa cum Laude) in Computer Science in 2004, from the University of Bologna, Italy. His master thesis addressed the design of distributed protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs). In January 2005 he was a PhD candidate in the Department of Computer Science, University of Bologna, Italy, under the supervision of Prof. Lorenzo Donatiello and of Prof. Luciano Bononi. From August 2007 to December 2007 and April 2008 to August 2008 he was a visiting researcher in the Broadband Wireless Networking Laboratory, School of Electrical and Computer Engeneering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA. He worked under the supervision of Prof. Ian Akyildiz on the design, analysis and performance evaluation of distributed routing and MAC protocols for next-generation Cognitive Radio Networks. In April 2008, he received his PhD degree in Computer Science, from the University of Bologna. Italy. His PhD thesis addressed cross-layer optimizations for multi-hop wireless ad-hoc networks. From September to December 2009, he was a visiting researcher at the Northeastern University, Boston, USA. From April 2012, he is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science, University of Bologna, Italy.

He authored more than 60 international Journal and Conference Publications on Wireless and Mobile systems, protocols, modeling and simulation. In 2012, his paper: "DySCO: A DYnamic Spectrum and COntention Control Framework for Enhanced Broadcast Communication in Vehicular Networks" received the Best Paper Award at the 10th ACM International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access (MOBIWAC 2012). In 2013, his paper: "Re-establishing Network Connectivity in Post-Disaster Scenarios Through Mobile Cognitive Radio Networks" received the Best Paper Award at the 12th IEEE Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop (IEEE Med-Hoc-Net 2013).

Since August 2014, he is Associate Editor of the Ad Hoc Network journal (Elsevier), and member of the technical committee of the Computer Communications journal (Elsevier). He served as Program Committee (PC) member in more than 20 international conferences and workshops. He was Track Chair organizer in CogART 2011, CogART 2012 and BWCCA 2012, and he served as Program Co-Chair of the 82nd Vehicular Technology conference (VTC Fall 2015, track on Next Generation Wireless systems), of the First International Workshop on Emerging COgnitive Radio Applications and aLgorithms (CORAL'12), of the Second International Workshop on Emerging COgnitive Radio Applications and aLgorithms (CORAL'13), of the Third International Workshop on Emerging COgnitive Radio Applications and aLgorithms (CORAL'15) and of the First International Workshop on Self-organizing Wireless Access Networks for Smart-City (SWANSITY 2014). He was Co-Publication Chair of WoWMoM 2011 and WoWMoM 2012. He collaborates with several Italian and International research groups, e.g. Karlstad University (Sweden), Northeastern University (USA), Arizona State University (USA), UCLA (USA), Supelec (France), American University of Beirut (AUB), etc.

He joint the following national and European research projects: PRIN 2006 NADIR (on the study of MAC and routing protocols for self-organizing multi-hop wireless mesh networks), PRIN 2009 STEM-NET (on the study of self-configuring wireless systems based on the utilization of cognitive radio systems and decision making techniques), ARTEMIS EU Internet-of-Energy (on the study of modeling platforms and mobile services to support electric mobility).

His research activity includes: the design, analysis and performance evaluation of Wireless and Mobile protocols and architectures (e.g. Cognitive Radio Networks, Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, Wireless Mesh Networks), the network self-configuration based on swarm intelligence and learning based approaches, the distributed resource optimization, the multi-hop communication in wireless systems, the Machine-to-Machine (M2) communication, the seamless integration of sensors and heterogeneous mobile devices on smart-spaces and smart-home environments.  Moreover, he is interested on mobile applications, integration with big-data technologies and social media analytics.

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