Foto del docente

Marco Corsino

Adjunct Associate Professor

Department of Management

Academic discipline: SECS-P/08 Management

Curriculum vitae


Sep. 2002 - Jan. 2008
Ph.D. in Economics & Management  Laboratory of Economics & Management (L.E.M.) Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy Title of the Thesis: ``Three Essays on the Determinants and Economic Consequences of Product Innovation''

Sep. 1995 - Jul. 2001
B.Sc. in Business Administration
University of Calabria, Cosenza, Italy
Final grade: 110/110 cum laude.



March 2011 - present
Assistant Professor
Department of Management
University of Bologna


Economics & Management of Innovation,
Firm Growth, Entrepreneurship



Sep. 2005 - Feb 2011  
Senior Research Fellow
Department of Management and Computer Sciences
University of Trento, Italy

Apr. 2004 - Feb. 2005  
Research Fellow
St'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy
Research project: ``The adoption of open source software by Italian firms''.


University of Bologna
Faculty of Economics – Rimini
Master in “Economics and Market Policy”
Teaching - “Strategic Managent - International Business”

University of Bologna
Faculty of Economics – Rimini
Teaching - “Economia e gestione delle imprese turistiche”
2010 - 2011
University of Trento, Italy
Department of Management and Computer Science,
Master in International Management
invited lecturers - ``Industrial Organization''

University of Trento, Italy
Department of Management and Computer Science,
undergraduate course
teaching fellow - ``Laboratory of market analysis''


 June 2008
Best Paper Award
DRUID Celebration Conference, 2008 Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

Sept 2002
3 years scholarship
PhD in Economics and Management
St'Anna School of Advanced Studies


Oct. 2005 - May 2006
University of California at Berkeley, USA
Haas School of Business
Visiting Scholar

Industrial and Corporate Change
European Management Review
Industry & Innovation
Journal of Management & Governance
Economics of Innovation and New Technology



September 2010
Journal of Management & Governance
International Workshop, Pisa (IT)
"Measuring and Reporting Productivity: New Perspective on old Issues for Corporate Control"

December 2009
COST IS0701 Working Group Meeting
Free University Amsterdam, Netherland
"How do organizational capabilities shape industry dynamics?"

September 2009  
European Association for Research in Industrial Economics
Annual Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia
"How do organizational capabilities shape industry dynamics?"

September 2009
Exaptation 2009 - International Workshop, Brescia (IT)"
Organizational Capabilities and Industry Dynamics:
a Computational Model"

January 2009  
3rd Italian Congress of Econometrics and Empirical Economics
University Politecnico delle Marche, Ancona (IT)
"Product Innovation and Growth: The Case of Integrated Circuits"

December 2008
BRICK-GREDEG International Workshop, Turin (IT)
"R&D, Firm Size and Product Innovation Dynamics"

September 2008
5th ENEF Workshop, Pisa (IT)
"Organizational Capabilities and Industry Dynamics: a Computational Model"

July 2008  
12th Joseph A. Schumpeter Society International
Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
"Organizational Capabilities and Industry Dynamics: a Computational Model"

July 2008

25th DRUID Celebration Conference
International Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark
"Product Innovation and Growth: The Case of Integrated Circuits"

May 2006
European Academy of Management (EURAM)
International Conference, Oslo, Norway
"Within-Industry Diversification, Product Innovation, and Firm Performance: Evidence from the Integrated Circuits Industry"




Articles in Refereed Journals

 Corsino M., Espa G., Micciolo R. (2011),``R&D, Firm Size and Product Innovation Dynamics'', Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 20(5): 423-443.

Corsino M., Gabriele R. (2011), ``Product Innovation and Firm Growth: Evidence from the Integrated Circuit Industry'', Industrial and Corporate Change, 20(1): 29-56.

Corsino M., Passarelli M. (2009), ``The Competitive Advantage of Business Units: Evidence from the Integrated Circuit Industry'', European Management Review, 6(3): 182-194.


Working Papers

Corsino M., Gabriele R., Giunta A. (2011), ``R&D Incentives: The Effectiveness of a Place-Based Policy''.

Corsino M., Gabriele R., Trento S. (2010), ``Job flows in Italian SMEs: a longitudinal analysis of growth, size and age'', DISA Working Paper 2010/8.

Corsino M., Gabriele R., Tundis E., Zaninotto E. (2010), ``Measuring and reporting productivity: new perspectives on old issues for corporate control'' (presented at the International Workshop ``Measuring and Reporting Productivity: New Perspective'', organized by Journal of Management & Governance, September 2010, Pisa (IT).


Chapters in Books 

Corsino M., Gabriele R., Zaninotto E. (2010), Organizational Capabilities and Industry Dynamics: a Computational Model, in Zambelli, S. (a cura di) Computable, Constructive and Behavioural Economic Dynamics, London: Routledge, pp. 485-512.


Articles in National Journals 

Corsino M., Mirabella C., Tundis E., Zaninotto E. (2011), ``Fattori manageriali, condizioni di contesto ed efficienza produttiva nei servizi: uno studio sul settore alberghiero in Trentino'', Economia dei Servizi, forthcoming.

Corsino M., Passarelli M. (2008), ``The Determinants of Business Unit Competitive Position: Evidence from the Integrated Circuits Industry'', Finanza, Marketing e Produzione, 26(4): 41-65.

Corsino M., Passarelli M. (2007), ``Heterogeneity and Product Innovation Strategy in Semiconductor Industry'', Sinergie, Rapporti di Ricerca, n. 26: 253-.264.