Foto del docente

Marco Antonio Boschetti

Associate Professor

Department of Mathematics

Academic discipline: STAT-04/A Mathematical Methods for Economy, Finance and Actuarial Sciences


vai alle Pubblicazioni

Publications prior to 2004

M.A. Boschetti and A. Mingozzi. The two-dimensional finite bin packing problem. Part I: New lower bounds for the oriented case. 4OR, 1, 27-42, 2003.

M.A. Boschetti and A. Mingozzi. The two-dimensional finite bin packing problem.Part II: New lower and upper bounds. 4OR, 1, 135-147, 2003.

M.A. Boschetti, E. Hadjinconstantinou, and A. Mingozzi. New upper bounds for the two-dimensional orthogonal non-guillotine cutting stock problem. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 13, 95-119, 2002.

A. Mingozzi, M.A. Boschetti, L. Bianco, and S. Ricciardelli. A set partitioning approach to the crew scheduling problem. Operations Research, 47, 873-888, 1999.

M.A. Boschetti and C.G. Broyden. A comparison of three basic conjugate direction methods. Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 3, 473-489, 1996.

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