Foto del docente

Marco Balboni

Full Professor

Department of Political and Social Sciences


The research activity focuses on some main topics.

The first area of research concerns the role of the domestic courts in the implementation of the Law of the European Union. This analysis aims to examine which effects the domestic judges have to recognize to the Law of the EU within their national legal system.

The second research area focuses on the contribution of the EU in promoting the principles of the rule of law in the international arena. The purpose of this analysis is to evaluate the role of the EU, especially in its external as well as internal dimension, in the realization of an international legal system based on the rule of law.

The research on the international criminal justice aims mainly to examine the role of the EU in promoting this specific area of international law. The same can be said about the immigration law, where, however, the internal dimension in the realization of the Member States' common policy is also important.

Finally, in the last years, I started to research on anti-discrimination European law, concerning both gender and LGBT issues.