Foto del docente

Marco Albertini

Full Professor

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Short Bio

Marco Albertini is Full Professor at the University of Bologna. His research interests focus on intergenerational relations; the comparative study of income inequality and social stratification; the consequences of childlessness; the consequences of caregiving; long-term care policies and ageing.

Professor Albertini received his Ph.D. from the European University Institute. He has been Visiting Professor at Pompeu Fabra University and Junior Researcher at the Center for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences of the Juan March Institute. He has been Visiting Scholar and Sunstrat Guest Researcher at the Swedish Institute for Social Research; he has been visiting scholar at the Aging Studies Institute (Syracuse University, NY, USA); he is member of the Programme Committee of the Ph.D. program in Economic Sociology and Labour Studies of the University of Milan, in 2014 he has been Short Term Consultant to the World Bank for the Regional Aging Report in Europe and Central Asia. He is a founding member of the Computational Social Science Center . He is the PI of the spoke "Care Sustainability in Ageing Societies" within the Age.It project (

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+39 051 20 9 2720

Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali
Strada Maggiore 45, Bologna - Go to map

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