Foto del docente

Marco Abbiati

Full Professor

Department of Cultural Heritage

Academic discipline: BIO/07 Ecology


Coordination of a Research Project: TWReferenceNET - Management and sustainable development of protected transitional waters.

Basset A.; Sabetta L.; Fonnesu A.; Mouillot D.; Do Chi T.; Viaroli P.; Giordani G.; Reizopoulou S.; Abbiati M.; Carrada G.C., Typology in Mediterranean transitional waters: new challenges and perspectives, «AQUATIC CONSERVATION-MARINE AND FRESHWATER ECOSYSTEMS», 2006, 16, pp. 441 - 455 [Scientific article]

M. Abbiati; A. Basset; F. Boero; F. Caporali; M. Francesca Cotrufo; G. Crosa; P. de Angelis; R. Danovaro; C. Gaggi; M. Gatto; G. Nascetti; L. Rossi; R. Valentini; P. Viaroli, XVI Congresso SItE sarà incentrato su Cambiamenti Globali, Diversità Ecologica e Sostenibilità, 2006. [Exhibition]

L. Airoldi; M. Abbiati; M. W. Beck; S.J. Hawkins; P.R. Jonsson; D. Martin; P.S. Moschella; A. Sundelöf; R.C. Thompson; P. Åberg, An ecological perspective on the deployment and design of low- crested and other hard coastal defence structures., «COASTAL ENGINEERING», 2005, 52, pp. 1073 - 1087 [Scientific article]

Virgilio M.; Maci S.; Abbiati M., Comparisons of genotype-tolerance responses in populations of Hediste diversicolor (Polychaeta: Nereididae) exposed to copper stress, «MARINE BIOLOGY», 2005, 147, pp. 1305 - 1312 [Scientific article]

Coordination of a Research Project: Erupean Marine Genbetic Biodiversity - EUMAR.

L. Airoldi; F. Bacchiocchi; C. Cagliola; F. Bulleri; M. Abbiati, Impact of recreational harvesting on assemblages in artificial rocky habitats, «MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES», 2005, 299, pp. 55 - 66 [Scientific article]

P.S. Moschella; M. Abbiati; P. Åberg; L. Airoldi; J.M. Anderson; F. Bacchiocchi; F. Bulleri; G.E. Dinesen; M. Frost; E. Gaçia; L. Granhag; P.R. Jonsson; M.P. Satta; A. Sundelöf; R.C. Thompson; S.J. Hawkins, Low-crested coastal defence structures as artificial habitats for marine life: using ecological criteria in design, «COASTAL ENGINEERING», 2005, 52, pp. 1053 - 1071 [Scientific article]

M. Ponti; S. Giaquinta; M. Abbiati, Pialassa Baiona Lagoon, Ravenna, in: Nutrient fluxes in transitional zones of the Italian coast, TEXEL, LOICZ, 2005, pp. 41 - 48 (Nutrient fluxes in transitional zones of the Italian coast) [Chapter or essay]

M. Abbiati; G. Badino; A. Basset; F. Boero; S. Bonotto; M. F. Cotrufo; V. Coccolo; G. Crosa; R. Danovaro; C. Gaggi; M. Gatto; A. Quaglino; A. Viarengo; P. Viaroli, XV Congresso della S.It.E. - Ambiente, Risorse e Sviluppo., 2005. [Exhibition]

Virgilio, M.; Abbiati, M., Allozyme genotypes and tolerance to copper stress in Hediste diversicolor (Polychaeta: Nereididae), «MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN», 2004, 49, pp. 978 - 985 [Scientific article]

BASSET A.; ABBIATI M., Challenges to transitional water monitoring: ecological descriptors and scales, «AQUATIC CONSERVATION-MARINE AND FRESHWATER ECOSYSTEMS», 2004, 14, pp. S1 - S3 [Scientific article]

Coordination of a Research Project: European Marine Genetic Biodiversity - EUMAR.

F. Costantini; F. Tinti; M. Abbiati, Genetic structure of Corallium rubrum populations along the North-western Mediterranean coasts, in: , «BIOLOGIA MARINA MEDITERRANEA», 2004, 11, pp. 21 - 21 [Abstract]

VIRGILIO M; ABBIATI M., Habitat discontinuity and genetic structure in populations of the estuarine species Hediste diversicolor (Polychaeta: Mereididae), «ESTUARINE, COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE», 2004, 61, pp. 361 - 367 [Scientific article]

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