Foto del docente

Marcello Russo

Full Professor

Department of Management

Academic discipline: ECON-08/A Organization Studies

Director of Second Cycle Degree in Business Administration and Sustainability

Useful contents

Frequently Asked Questions

Dear students,

this page contains answers to a series of frequently asked questions that you often ask at the end of classes or emails. This list is updated regularly so please check it multiple times.

1 – Can I refuse a mark?

Yes, students can refuse the mark of an exam, either full-exam or mid-term, by sending an email to within 5 days after the marks have been posted online. If you refuse only the mark of partial, you can re-sit only to re-do that one, keeping the score of the first partial.

2 – Where can I access the exam's results?

The results of the exam, without last and first name, are published on the platform "Insegnamenti On Line" within the specific course the exam refers to. 

3 – How can I be supervised in my thesis/final project?

If you wish to be followed by me in the final thesis/final project, you need to send an email by specifying also some tentative topics you would be interested in exploring. I usually do not assign topics to students and I do expect you are proactive in making proposal based on your own interest and expertise and taking into consideration the need to enrich the case an empirical case.

This resource can be very useful to understand where you could start in designing the thesis. I recommend you to follow the effectual reasoning and start from your means and answering these three important questions: (i) who am I? (ii) what do I know? and (iii) whom do I know? Answering to them can help you understanding the starting point and what is the network you can mobilise to access company and insert data/real cases to your thesis.

4 – Where can I find the class material?

Class material is published on the Learning Management Platform of the school "Insegnamenti On Line". You need to be enrolled to the course to access the class material. All the readings indicated in the syllabus can be consulted through the university digital resources.