Education and studies
A.Y. 1991-1992 Degree in Political Science, social-political
orientation, University of Bologna.
A.Y. 1997-1998: Ph.D. in Sociology and Social Policies,
University of Bologna.
A.Y. 1996 Essex Summer School in Social Science Data
Analysis and Collection, University of Essex, Colchester, UK.
Research Activities (1996-2008)
1996-1997: IARD- Research Institute S.c.r.l., Milan, survey
“I giovani bolognesi guardano la città e l'amministrazione
1997-2000: EGRIS (European Group for Integrated Social
Research), co-ordination IRIS (Istitut für regionale Innovation und
Sozialforschung), University of Tübingen, comparative research
“Misleading trajectories? Evaluation of employment policies for
young adults in Europe regarding non-intended effects of social
exclusion”. The research was completed with its publication.
1998-1999: IRESS (Emilia-Romagna Regional Institute for welfare
services and applied research), EU research “Third system and
employment: social promotional itineraries and job placement
of marginal groups”- DGV. The research was completed with its
1998-1999: AECA, project Enter (Enanced Network for Training to
Exclusion Reduction), phase of study and research “Third system and
job placement of groups at risk of exclusion”, published on CD.
1999-2000: University of Bologna, Faculty of Education Science,
unitary interdisciplinary research of Department “Prevention of
school failure and adolescence social marginalization”.
2000-2001: IRRES (Emilia-Romagna Regional Institute for welfare
services and applied research), E.U. research, DG XII, “Active
organizations struggling for local level exclusion: aims,
criteria, intervention modalities”.
2002-2005: National Co-ordination Reception Community (CNCA),
Department or Labour and social Policies, research “Giovani
rappresentanze ed educazione tra pari, indagine nazionale sulla
prevenzione alle tossicodipendenze”. Databank and survey
results are available on the website
2001-2004: National centre of Documentation and Analysis on
Childhood and Adolescence (Istituto degli Innocenti,
Florence), Department of Labour and social Policies, “National
survey on public services for Adolescence”, scientific committee
member. Results are available on the journal “Cittadini in
crescita”, 2-3/2005 (web site:
2005-2006: Metropolitan Demoscopic Centre (MEDEC) Province of
Bologna, “Survey on family motivations of day-care centre
2006-2008: Region Emilia-Romagna, Department of Social and
Education Policy, Immigration Policy, Development of Charity Work
and Associations, Observatory of Childhood and Adolescence,
“Survey on staff working in social-territorial services and in
underage communities of Emilia-Romagna”(published on the web site
of the Region Emilia-Romagna).
Teaching Activities (years 2004-2009) at the Faculty of
Education Science, University of Bologna
A.Y. 2003-2004 Laboratory: “Social policies for Childhood
and Adolescence”- Degree Course in Primary Education Sciences
A.Y 2004-2005 Laboratory: “Social policies for Childhood
and Adolescence: analysis on local projects”- Degree Course in
Primary Education Sciences (16h)
A.Y. 2005-2006 Seminar: “Social and educational
policies for Childhood and Adolescence: rules and planning”- Degree
Course in Social Educator (16h)
A.Y. 2006-2007 Professor of “Sociology of
Education”- Degree Course in Social Educator (30 h)
Professor of “Sociology of Family” Degree Course in Social
Educator (30 h)
Professor of “Sociology of Extra-curricular Education”, Second
Level Degree in Pedagogy.
A.Y. 2007-2008 Professor of “Sociology of Family”- Degree
Course in Social Educator (30h)
A.Y. 2008-2009 Professor of “Sociology of Family”- Degree
Course in Social Educator (30h) and
“Sociology of Extra-curricular Education”, Second Level Degree
in Pedagogy (30h).
Conferences and seminars participation (years
Year 2004
Berlin, 12th-17th April 2004- Technische Universität Berlin,
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - German Research Association
(DFG), International Symposium “What does work mean to children?
Theoretical approaches and international empirical reports” – “Die
Bedeutung von Arbeit aus der Sicht der Kinder. Theoretische Ansätze
und empirische Forschungsergebnisse aus internationaler
Perspektive”. Report: “Child work and child labour in Italy: the
point of view of the children”.
Rome, 19th November 2004- Childhood Parliamentary Committee ,
celebration of the national day for childhood and adolescence
rights. Report: “Children working in Italy. Characteristics
and expressions of child work”.
Year 2005
Bologna, 15th February 2005: Region Emilia-Romagna Department of
Social and Education Policy, Immigration Policy, Youth Project,
International Cooperation, Seminar “ Towards the first report on
childhood and adolescence”. Report: “Supporting and promoting
rights of childhood and adolescence, a glance starting from
the services”.
Year 2007
Bologna, 9th May 2007- Municipality of Bologna,Department of
School, Education and Policies of Differences. Seminar “I register
him but…..I renounce. Survey on family motivations of day-care
centre renunciation”. Report: “Survey on family motivations of
day-care centre renunciation”.
Year 2009
Bologna, 30th May 2007- Municipality of Bologna, Department of
Social and Education Policy, Immigration Policy, Development of
Charity Work and Associations, Observatory of Childhood and
Adolescence, “Survey on staff working in social-territorial
services and in underage communities of Emilia-Romagna”.
Napoli, 18th-20th November - Childhood Parliamentary Committee ,
Department of Labour, Health and Social Policies, Department of
Family Policies, Ministry of Napoli, National conference about
Childhood and Adolescence “ The future of children is now”. Report
“Law 285/97, past, present and future”.