Nguyen, L.; Connelly, L. B.; Birch, S.; Nguyen, H. T., Origins and developmental paths of medical conditions from mid-childhood to mid-adolescence in Australia: Early-life adverse conditions and their lasting effects, «SSM - POPULATION HEALTH», 2024, 28, Article number: 101717 , pp. 101717 - 101725 [Scientific article]
Duenow, P.; Connelly, L. B., The effect of gun buy-back law reform on homicides and suicides in Australia, «HEALTH ECONOMICS», 2024, 33, pp. 248 - 279 [Scientific article]Open Access
Nguyen H.T.; Le H.T.; Connelly L.; Mitrou F., Accuracy of self-reported private health insurance coverage, «HEALTH ECONOMICS», 2023, 32, pp. 2709 - 2729 [Scientific article]Open Access
Rebbeck T.; Bandong A.N.; Leaver A.; Ritchie C.; Armfield N.; Arora M.; Cameron I.D.; Connelly L.B.; Daniell R.; Gillett M.; Ingram R.; Jagnoor J.; Kenardy J.; Mitchell G.; Refshauge K.; Scotti Requena S.; Robins S.; Sterling M., Implementation of a risk-stratified, guideline-based clinical pathway of care to improve health outcomes following whiplash injury (Whiplash ImPaCT): A multicentre, randomized, controlled trial, «PAIN», 2023, 164, pp. 2216 - 2227 [Scientific article]
Moy N.; Flynn D.; Henriquez J.; Connelly L.B.; Vale L.; Paolucci F., Interventions for improving clinical outcomes and health-related quality-of-life for people living with skeletal dysplasias: an evidence gap map, «QUALITY OF LIFE RESEARCH», 2023, 32, pp. 2751 - 2762 [Scientific article]Open Access
Connelly L.; Courbage C., On insurance and health risks, «GENEVA PAPERS ON RISK AND INSURANCE-ISSUES AND PRACTICE», 2023, 48, pp. 1 - 4 [Scientific article]Open Access
Sterling M.; Andersen T.; Carroll L.; Connelly L.; Côté P.; Curatolo M.; Grant G.; Jull G.; Kasch H.; Ravn S.L.; MacDermid J.; Malmström E.M.; Rebbeck T.; Söderlund A.; Treleaven J.; Walton D.M.; Westergren H., Recommendations for a core outcome measurement set for clinical trials in whiplash associated disorders, «PAIN», 2023, 164, pp. 2265 - 2272 [Scientific article]
Crawford D.H.G.; Mellor R.; Duenow P.; Connelly L.B., The impact of posttraumatic stress disorder on upper gastrointestinal investigations in Australian Defence Force veterans: a retrospective review, «INTERNAL MEDICINE JOURNAL», 2023, 53, pp. 841 - 844 [Scientific article]Open Access
Nguyen H.T.; Christian H.; Le H.T.; Connelly L.; Zubrick S.R.; Mitrou F., The impact of weather on time allocation to physical activity and sleep of child-parent dyads, «SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT», 2023, 880, Article number: 163249 , pp. 1 - 19 [Scientific article]
Ritchie C.; Andersen T.E.; Ravn S.L.; Soderlund A.; Sterling M.; Carroll L.; Connelly L.B.; Cote P.; Curatolo M.; Grant G.; Jull G.; Kasch H.; MacDermid J.; Malmstrom E.M.; Rebbeck T.; Treleaven J.; Walton D.; Westergren H., A systematic review shows minimal evidence for measurement properties of psychological functioning outcomes in whiplash, «JOURNAL OF CLINICAL EPIDEMIOLOGY», 2022, 151, pp. 29 - 44 [Scientific article]
Connelly L.; Birch S., Answers in search of questions: What does the comparison of COVID19 data among Regions in Northern Italy tell us?, «HEALTH ECONOMICS, POLICY AND LAW», 2022, 17, pp. 224 - 226 [Scientific article]Open Access
Foot, Holly; Scott, Ian; Sturman, Nancy; Whitty, Jennifer A.; Rixon, Kylie; Connelly, Luke; Williams, Ian; Freeman, Christopher, Impact of pharmacist and physician collaborations in primary care on reducing readmission to hospital: A systematic review and meta-analysis, «RESEARCH IN SOCIAL & ADMINISTRATIVE PHARMACY», 2022, 18, pp. 2922 - 2943 [Scientific article]
Crawford D.H.G.; Mellor R.; Teo A.; Duenow P.; Connelly L.B., Post-traumatic stress disorder is associated with a higher rate of polypectomy independent of an increased frequency of colonoscopy in Australian veterans: a retrospective review, «INTERNAL MEDICINE JOURNAL», 2022, 53, pp. 1423 - 1428 [Scientific article]Open Access
Nikles J.; Keijzers G.; Mitchell G.; Farrell S.F.; Perez S.; Schug S.; Ware R.S.; McLean S.A.; Connelly L.B.; Sterling M., Pregabalin vs placebo to prevent chronic pain after whiplash injury in at-risk individuals: Results of a feasibility study for a large randomised controlled trial, «PAIN», 2022, 163, pp. 274 - 284 [Scientific article]
Connelly L.; Fiorentini G.; Iommi M., Supply-side solutions targeting demand-side characteristics: causal effects of a chronic disease management program on adherence and health outcomes, «THE EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH ECONOMICS», 2022, 23, pp. 1203 - 1220 [Scientific article]Open Access