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Lucia Romani is Full Professor in Numerical Analysis (MAT/08) since October 2022. Her research interests mainly deal with geometric modelling and approximation theory, but also with their interactions with numerical linear algebra and their applications in the fields of computer aided design and image processing. She is author of over 80 scientific publications and has participated in numerous national and international conferences as invited or plenary speaker. Since 2008 she has been involved in editorial boards of international journals. She also industriously participates in the activities of SIAM and Solid Modeling Association (SMA). For the two-year period 2023-2024 she was Vice Chair of the SIAM activity group on Geometric Design (SIAG-GD), and in the years 2021-2022 she was Program Director of the same group. She also served as Conference co-Chair of SIAM-GD 2023, Program co-Chair of SPM 2024, SPM 2023 and GMP 2021, as well as Program Committee Member for many other international conferences organized in the last decade. This year she is currently serving as Program co-Chair of SPM 2025.
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