Howarth David; Quaglia Lucia, Failing forward in Economic and Monetary Union: explaining weak Eurozone financial support mechanisms, «JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN PUBLIC POLICY», 2021, 28, pp. 1555 - 1572 [Scientific article]Open Access
Quaglia, Lucia, It Takes Two to Tango: The European Union and the International Governance of Securitization in Finance, «JOURNAL OF COMMON MARKET STUDIES», 2021, 59, pp. 1364 - 1380 [Scientific article]Open Access
Howarth D.; Quaglia L., One money, two markets? EMU at twenty and European financial market integration, «REVUE D'INTÉGRATION EUROPÉENNE = JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION», 2020, 42, pp. 433 - 448 [Scientific article]Open Access
Quaglia Lucia, The Politics of Regime Complexity in International Derivatives Regulation, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020, pp. 256 . [Research monograph]
Scott James; Lucia Quaglia, The UK and Multi-level Financial Regulation: From Post-crisis Reform to Brexit, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020, pp. 240 . [Research monograph]
James, Scott; Quaglia, Lucia*, Brexit, the City and the Contingent Power of Finance, «NEW POLITICAL ECONOMY», 2019, 24, pp. 258 - 271 [Scientific article]Open Access
Moschella M.; Quaglia L., European Banking Union to the Rescue? How Supranational Institutions Influenced Crisis Management in Italy, «SOUTH EUROPEAN SOCIETY & POLITICS», 2019, 24, pp. 421 - 440 [Scientific article]
Quaglia L.; Spendzharova A., Regulators and the quest for coherence in finance: The case of loss absorbing capacity for banks, «PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION», 2019, 97, pp. 499 - 512 [Scientific article]
Lavery, Scott; Quaglia, Lucia*; Dannreuther, Charlie, The Political Economy of Brexit and the Future of British Capitalism First Symposium, «NEW POLITICAL ECONOMY», 2019, 24, pp. 252 - 257 [Scientific article]
Quaglia, Lucia, The politics of an ‘incomplete’ Banking Union and its ‘asymmetric’ effects, «REVUE D'INTÉGRATION EUROPÉENNE = JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION», 2019, 41, pp. 955 - 969 [Scientific article]
Quaglia, Lucia*, The politics of state compliance with international “soft law” in finance, «GOVERNANCE», 2019, 32, pp. 45 - 62 [Scientific article]Open Access
James S.; Quaglia L., The uk as a conflicted pace-setter in trading up post-crisis international derivatives regulation, «ANNALS OF THE FONDAZIONE LUIGI EINAUDI», 2019, 53, pp. 229 - 246 [Scientific article]
James S.; Quaglia L., Why does the United Kingdom (UK) have inconsistent preferences on financial regulation? the case of banking and capital markets, «JOURNAL OF PUBLIC POLICY», 2019, 39, pp. 177 - 200 [Scientific article]
Howarth, David*; Quaglia, Lucia, Brexit and the battle for financial services, «JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN PUBLIC POLICY», 2018, 25, pp. 1118 - 1136 [Scientific article]Open Access
Burns, Charlotte; Clifton, Judith; Quaglia, Lucia, Explaining policy change in the EU: financial reform after the crisis, «JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN PUBLIC POLICY», 2018, 25, pp. 728 - 746 [Scientific article]