vai alle Pubblicazioni
Publications prior to 2004
Howarth, D. and Quaglia, L. (2016), The Political Economy of Banking Union, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Quaglia, L. (2014) The European Union and Global Financial Regulation, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Quaglia, L. (2010) Governing Financial Services in the European Union, Routledge, London (this book was published also in paperback in 2014).
Quaglia, L. (2008) Central Banking Governance in the European Union: A Comparative Analysis, Routledge, London (this book was published also in paperback in 2010).
Quaglia, L. (2006) Italy and Economic and Monetary Union: The Politics of Ideas, Edwin Mellen Press, NY.
Edited volumes
Dyson, K., Quaglia, L. (2010) European Economic Governance and Policies. Volume I: Commentary on Key Historical and Institutional Documents, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Dyson, K., Quaglia, L. (2010) European Economic Governance and Policies. Volume II: Commentary on Key Policy Documents, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Special issues
Howarth, D. and Quaglia, L. guest editors (2015), special issue on the ‘Euroarea’s sovereign debt crisis’, Review of International Political Economy, 22, 3.
Hodson, D. and Quaglia, L., guest editors (2009), special issue on ‘The global financial crisis: European perspective and lessons’ of the Journal of Common Market Studies.
Articles in refereed journals
Quaglia, L. and Spendzharova, A. (2017) 'Post-crisis reforms in banking: Regulators at the interface between domestic and international governance', Regulation & Governance
Howarth, D. and Quaglia, L. (2017) 'Brexit and the Single Financial Market', Journal of Common Market Studies Annual Review, DOI 10.1111/jcms.12589
Burns, C. J. Clifton, J. & Quaglia, L. (2017) 'Explaining policy change in the EU: financial reform after the crisis, Journal of European Public Policy,
Quaglia, L. and Spendzharova, A. (2017), ‘The Conundrum of Solving ‘Too Big to Fail’ in the European Union: Supranationalization at Different Speeds’, Journal of Common Market Studies,
Quaglia, L. (2017), ‘The political economy of post-crisis international standards for resolving financial institution’, New Political Economy,
Quaglia, L. (2017), ‘Regulatory power, post-crisis transatlantic disputes and the network structure of the financial industry’, Business & Politics 19 (2): 241-66.
Quaglia, L., Howarth, D. and Liebe, M. (2016) ‘The Political Economy of European Capital Markets Union’, Journal of Common Market Studies Annual Review, 54 (s1): 185-203.
Howarth, D. and Quaglia, L. (2016), ‘The Comparative Political Economy of Basel III in Europe’, Policy and Society 35 (3): 205-214.
Howarth, D. and Quaglia, L. (2016), ‘Internationalized Banking and National Preferences on European Central Bank Supervision’, West European Politics 39 (3): 438-461.
Moschella, M. and Quaglia, L. (2016), ‘To agree or not to agree: the EU in the G 20’, Journal of European Public Policy, 23 (6): 906-924.
Fenger, M. and Quaglia, L. (2016), ‘The global financial crisis in comparative perspective: Have policy makers ‘learnt their lessons’?’, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, 18 (5): 502-517.
Howarth, D. and Quaglia L. (2016), ‘The ebb and flow of transatlantic regulatory cooperation in banking, Journal of Banking Regulation, 17 (1): 21–33.
Gren, J., Howarth D. and Quaglia L. (2015), ‘Supranational banking supervision in Europe: The construction of a credible watchdog’, Journal of Common Market Studies Annual Review, 53 (s1): 181–199.
Howarth, D. and Quaglia L. (2015), ‘The political economy of the euro area’s sovereign debt crisis: Introduction’, special issue of the Review of International Political Economy, 22 (3): 457-484.
Quaglia, L. and Royo, S. (2015), ‘Banks and the political economy of the sovereign debt crisis in Italy and Spain’, Review of International Political Economy, 22 (3): 485-507.
Quaglia, L. (2015), ‘The politics of ‘third country equivalence’ in post-crisis financial services regulation in the European Union’, West European Politics, 38 (1): 167-184.
Howarth, D. and Quaglia, L. (2014), ‘The Steep road to Banking Union: the setting up of the Single Resolution Mechanism’, Journal of Common Marker Studies Annual Review, 50 (s1): 125-140.
Quaglia, L. (2014) ‘The sources of European Union influence in international financial regulatory for a’, Journal of European Public Policy, 21 (3): [] 327-345.
Quaglia, L. (2014) ‘The European Union, the USA and International Standard Setting in Finance’, New Political Economy, 19 (3), 427-444.
Moschella, M. and Quaglia, L. (2013) ‘Speaking with one voice in international finance? The EU and the institutional features of global financial regulatory bodies’, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica (in English).
Howarth, D., and Quaglia, L. (2013) ‘Banking on Stability: The Political Economy of New Capital Requirements in the European Union’, Journal of European Integration, 35 (3): 333–46.
Howarth, D., and Quaglia, L. (2013) ‘Banking Union as Holy Grail: Rebuilding the Single Market in Financial Services, Stabilizing Europe’s Banks and “Completing” Economic and Monetary Union’, Journal of Common Market Studies, 49 (s1): 119–41.
Serricchio, F., Tsakatika, M., Quaglia, L. (2013) Euroscepticism and the global financial crisis, Journal of Common Market Studies, 51 (1): 51-64.
Quaglia, L. (2013) ‘The Europeanisation of Macroeconomic Policies and Financial Regulation in Italy’, South European Society and Politics, 18 (2): 159-176
Buckley, J., Howarth, D. and Quaglia, L. (2012), ‘’Internal market: The Ongoing Struggle to ‘Protect’ Europe from its Money Men’, Journal of Common Market Studies, Annual Review, 48 (s1): 119–141.
Quaglia, L. (2012) ‘The “old” and “new” politics of financial services regulation in the European Union’, New Political Economy 17 (4): 515-535.
Quaglia, L. (2011) ‘The ‘Old’ and ‘New’ Political Economy of Hedge Funds Regulation in the European Union’, West European Politics, 34 (4): 665-682.
Quaglia, L. (2011) 'The politics of insurance regulation reform in the European Union', Comparative European Politics, 9 (1): 100-122.
Quaglia, L. (2011): ‘The Ebb and Flow’ of Euroscepticism in Italy, South European Society and Politics, 16 (1): 31-50.
Quaglia, L. (2010) ‘Completing the Single Market in Financial services: The politics of competing advocacy coalitions’, Journal of European Public Policy, 17 (7): 1007-1022.
Hodson, D. and Quaglia, L. (2009) ‘European Perspectives on the Global Financial crisis: Introduction’, special issue of the Journal of Common Market Studies, 47 (5): 939-952.
Quaglia, L. (2009) ‘The ‘British plan’ as a pace-setter: the Europeanisation of banking rescue plans in the EU?’, special issue of the Journal of Common Market Studies, 47 (5): 1059-1079.
Quaglia, L., Eastwood R. and Holmes, P. (2009) ‘The financial turmoil and EU policy cooperation 2007-8’, Journal of Common Market Studies Annual Review, 47 (1): 1-25.
Quaglia, L. (2009) ‘The response to the global financial turmoil in Italy’, South European Society and Politics, 14 (3): 7-18.
Christopoulos, D. and Quaglia, L. (2009) ‘Network constraints in EU banking regulation: The case of the Capital Requirements directive’, Journal of Public Policy, 29 (2): 1-22.
Quaglia, L. (2009) ‘Political Science and the Cinderellas of Economic and Monetary Union: Payments services and clearing and settlement of securities’, Journal of European Public Policy, 16 (4): 623-639.
Quaglia, L. (2008) ‘Committee Governance in the Financial Sector in the European Union’, Journal of European Integration, 30 (3), 565-580.
Quaglia, L. (2008) ‘Explaining the reform of banking supervision in Europe: An integrative approach’, Governance, 21 (3): 439-63.
Quaglia, L., Radaelli, C.and De Francesco, F. (2008) ‘Committee governance and socialisation in the EU: The State of the Art’, Journal of European Public Policy, 15 (1): 1-12.
Quaglia, L. (2008) ‘Setting the pace? Private financial interests and European financial market integration’, British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 10 (1): 46-64.
Quaglia, L. (2007) ‘The Politics of Financial Service Regulation and Supervision Reform in the European Union’, European Journal of Political Research, 46 (2): 269-90.
Quaglia, L., Drachenberg, R. (2007) ‘Negotiating the Constitutional Treaty: a rejoinder to liberal intergovernmentalism’, [in Italian: Negoziando il Trattato Costituzionale: Una rivisitazione del liberalism intergovernativo], Rivista Italiana Scienza Politica, 3: 1-24.
Quaglia, L., Radaelli, C. (2007) ‘Italian Politics and the European Union’, West European Politics, 30 (4): 924-43.
Benedetto, G., Quaglia, L. (2007) ‘The Comparative Politics of Communist Euroscepticism In France, Spain And Italy’, Party Politics, 13 (4): 479-500.
Quaglia, L. (2007) ‘Italy in the European Union: Between Continuity and Change’, Southern Europe and the Balkans, 9 (2): 133-48.
Maes, I. and Quaglia, L. (2006) ‘Germany and Italy’s policy towards European Monetary Integration: Competing Policy Paradigms?’, Constitutional Political Economy, 17 (3): 235-56.
Quaglia, L., Moxon-Browne, E. (2006) ‘What makes a good EU Presidency? Italy and Ireland compared’, Journal of Common Market Studies, 44 (2): 377-95.
Quaglia, L. (2005) ‘Civil Servants, Economic Policies and Economic Ideas: Lessons from Italy’, Governance, 18 (4): 545-566.
Quaglia, L. (2005) ‘An Integrative Approach to the Politics of Central Bank Independence: Lessons from Britain, Germany and Italy’, West European Politics, 28 (3): 549-568.
Quaglia, L. (2005) ‘Europe and the Right in Italy: An Ambivalent Relationship’, South European Society and Politics, 10 (2): 277-91.
Quaglia, L. (2004) ‘Italy’s Policy Towards European Monetary Integration: Bringing Ideas Back in?’, Journal of European Public Policy, 11 (6): 1096–1111.
Quaglia, L. (2004) ‘Italy’s Presidency of the European Union in 2003: A successful Business Manager?, South European Society and Politics, 9 (3): 149–165.
Quaglia, L. and Maes, i. (2004) ‘France’s and Italy’s policies on European monetary integration: A comparison of “strong” and “weak” states’, Comparative European Politics, 2 (1): 51-72.
Quaglia, L. (2003) ‘Economic and Monetary Union: the Constitutionalisation of Macroeconomic Policy-Making?’ (2003), Constitutional Political Economy, 14 (3): 235-51.
Maes, I. and Quaglia, L. (2003) ‘The Process of European Monetary Integration: A Comparison of the Belgian and Italian Approaches’, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review, 224: 451-78.
Maes, I. and Quaglia, L. (2003) ‘Il Processo di Integrazione Monetaria Europea: un Confronto tra gli Approcci Belga ed Italiano’, Moneta e Credito, 224: 345-72 [in Italian].
Articles in academic journals
Howarth, D. and Quaglia L. (2015), ‘Die Bankenunion als Krönung der Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion?’, Integration, 1, pp. 43-58.
Hough, D. and Quaglia, L. (2007) ‘Italy and the German presidency of the European Union’, Foreign Policy in Dialogue, 8 (21): 36-45.
Quaglia, L. (2009) 'The Left in Italy and the Lisbon Treaty: a 'political' Europe, a 'social' Europe and an 'economic' Europe, Bulletin of Italian Politics, 1 (1): 1-25.
Book Chapters
Quaglia, L. (2015), ‘The European Union and the Post-Crisis Multilevel Reform of Financial Regulation, in R. Maynz (ed), Negotiated Reform: The Multilevel Governance of Financial Regulation, Campus Verlag, pp. 85-97.
Howarth, D. and Quaglia, L. (2015), ‘The New Intergovernmentalism in Financial Regulation and European Banking Union’, in Bickerton, C., Hodson, D. and Puetter U. (eds), The New Intergovernmentalism, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 146-162.
Quaglia, L. (2014) ‘Insurance Regulation’, in Mügge, D. (ed.) Europe and the Governance of Global Finance, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Howarth D. and Quaglia, L. (2014) ‘Hedge Fund Regulation’ in Mügge, D. (ed.) Europe and the Governance of Global Finance, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Quaglia, L. (2013) ‘Is the European Union governance ready to deal with the next financial crisis?’, in Anheier, H.K. and List, R.A. (eds) Governance Challenges and Innovations: Financial and Fiscal Governance, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 63-87.
Pagoulatos, G. and Quaglia, L. (2013) ‘Turning the Crisis on its Head: Sovereign Debt Crisis as Banking Crisis in Italy and Greece’, in I. Hardie and D. Howarth (eds) Market-Based Banking, Varieties of Financial Capitalism and the Financial Crisis, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 179-200.
W. Roberts Clark, M. Copelovitch, M. Hallenberg, L. Quaglia, S. Walter (2013) ‘Financial and Fiscal Governance’, in The Governance Report 2013, Sovereignty, Fiscal Policy, Innovations, Trade-Offs, Indicators, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 59-82.
Quaglia, L. (2012), ‘Regulatory changes in the European Union after the global financial crisis' in M. Moschella and E. Tsingou (eds), Change Agents and Veto Players: Explaining Incremental Change in Global Financial Governance Post-Crisis, ECPR press.
Dyson, K. and Quaglia, L. (2012) ‘EMU and the Lisbon process’ in D. Papadimitriou, P. Copeland (eds) 10 Years of the EU’s Lisbon Agenda, Manchester University Press, Manchester, pp. 189-207.
Dyson, K. and Quaglia, L. (2012) ‘The International Financial Crisis, Central Bank Networking, and the Appointment of Mario Draghi as ECB President’ , in Italian Politics, Bergman books.
Dyson, K. And Quaglia, L. (2012) ‘La crisi finanziaria internazionale, networking tra banche centrali e la nomina di Mario Draghi come president della BCE’ , in Politica in Italia, Il Mulino.
Quaglia, L. (2012), ‘The Regulatory response of the European Union to the global financial crisis’, in R. Mayntz (ed.), Max Planck Institute, pp. 171-196.
Quaglia, L. (2012) ‘The financial crisis and financial regulation in the UK’, in J. Hopkins and G. Baldini (eds) Coalition Britain: UK Politics: The UK election of 2010, Machester University Press, Machester, pp.95-110.
Quaglia, L. (2011) ‘The Left in Italy and the Lisbon Treaty: A ‘political’ Europe, a ‘social’ Europe and an ‘economic’ Europe’ in Holmes, M. and Roder, K. (eds) The Left and the European Constitution: from Lisbon to Laeken, Manchester University Press, Manchester, pp. 118-135.
Quaglia, L. (2011) ‘Crisi e regolamentazione del settore finanziario nel Regno Unito’, in Hopkins and G. Baldini (eds) La Gran Bretagna di Cameron, Il Mulino, Bologna, pp. 103-119.
Carbone, M. and Quaglia, L. (2011) ‘Italy and the EU: Seeking Visibility, Fearing Exclusion’, in Carbone, M. (ed.) Italy in the Post-Cold War Order: Adaptation, Bipartisanship, Visibility, Lexington Books, Lanham, pp. 161-178.
Quaglia, L. (2010) 'Italy: the importance of party politics in treaty negotiations', in Carbone, M. (ed.), National Politics and European Integration, Edward Elgar, pp. 90-107.
Quaglia, L. (2009) ‘The Bank of Italy between Europeanisation and Globalisation’, in K. Dyson and M. Marcussen (eds), The Changing World of Central Banking, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 183-199.
Quaglia, L. and Furlong, P. (2008) ‘Italy in the Eurozone: Surviving the First Decade’, in K. Dyson (ed.), European States and the Euro, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 204-221.
Christopoulos, D. and Quaglia, L. (2008) ‘Networks in financial services regulation in the EU’, in Kaiser, W. (ed.) Network Governance in the EU, Böhlau, pp. 217-31.
Quaglia, L. (2008) ‘The Reform of the supervisory authorities: the new role of the Bank of Italy’, Italian Politics, in Donovan, M. and Onofri, S. (eds), Politica Italiana, Berghahn, pp. 141-156.
Quaglia, L. (2008) ‘La riforma delle autorità di controllo, il nuovo ruolo di Banca d’Italia’, Donovan, M. and Onofri, S. (eds), Politica Italiana, Mulino, Bologna, pp. 175-193.
Quaglia, L. and Radaelli, C. (2008) ‘Italian Politics and the European Union’, Bull, M. and Rhodes, M. (eds),
Italy - A Contested Polity, Routledge, London.
Quaglia, L. (2008) ‘Euroscepticism in Italy’, in A. Szczerbiak and P. Taggart (eds), Opposing Europe: The Comparative Party Politics of Euroscepticism, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 58-74.
Quaglia, L. (2007) ‘Une Analyse de la politique menee par l’Italie en favour de l’integration monetaire europeenne 1979-1992’, in E. Bussiere, M. Dumoulin and S. Schirmann (eds), Milieux economiques et integration europeene au XX siecle. La relance des annes quatre-vingt 1979-1992’, Comite pour l’ Histoire Economique et Financiere de la France, Paris, 207-229.
Quaglia, L., M. Cini, M., M. Miyakoshi, M. Neuvannen (2006) ‘Europeanisation’ in M. Cini (ed.), European Union Politics, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 405-20.
Quaglia, L. (2005) (in Italian) ‘La Destra e l’Europa’, in P. Baldini (ed.), I Partiti Politici e l’Europa, Carocci, Roma, pp. 177-96.
Review Articles
Quaglia, L., (2015) Financial Regulation. In: James D. Wright (editor-in-chief), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Vol 9. Oxford: Elsevier. pp. 191–196.
Quaglia, L. (2004) ‘The Italian Presidency of the European Union in 2003’, Journal of Common Market Studies Annual Review, 42, 4, pp. 53-56
Quaglia, L. (2004) ‘The European Central Bank’, Journal of Common Market Studies, 42, 3, pp. 667-70.
Policy-oriented publications
Quaglia, L. (2015), ‘The European Union’s role in the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision’, Directorate General for Internal Policies: Economic and Scientific Policy, IP/A/ECON/2014-15, PE 542.194, May 2015
Quaglia, L. (2016), ‘The tug of war about the inclusion of financial services in TTIP ’, Policy Network – FEPS Policy Brief, February.
Working papers
Howarth, D. and Quaglia, L. (2015), The Comparative Political Economy of Basel III in Europe’, Edinburgh School of Law Research Paper 2015/19; Europa Working Paper No 2015/ 03.
Quaglia, L. and Royo, S. (2014), ‘Banks and the political economy of the sovereign debt crisis in Italy and Spain’, CES Working Paper, University of Harvard, 18.
Quaglia, L. (2012) ‘The European Union and Global Financial Harmonisation’, Working Paper of the European University Institute.
Quaglia, L. (2010) ‘The “old” and “new” politics of financial services regulation in the European Union’, Research Paper of the European Social Observatory (OSE), N 1, April.
Quaglia, L. (2009) 'The Politics of Regulating Credit Rating Agencies in the European Union', Working paper of the Centre for Global Political Economy at the University of Sussex, N 5, June.
Quaglia, L. (2008) ‘Completing the Single Market in Financial services: An Advocacy Coalition Framework’, Working Paper of the Sussex European Institute N 102.
D. Hough, A. Mayhew, Quaglia, L. (2007) ‘You can't always get what you want, but do you sometimes get what you need? The German presidency of the EU in 2007’, Working Paper of the Sussex European Institute N 98.
Quaglia, L. (2007) ‘Committee Governance in the Financial Sector in the European Union’, Working Paper of the Sussex European Institute N 96.
Quaglia, L. (2006) ‘Setting the pace? Private financial interests and European financial market integration’, Working Paper of the Sussex European Institute N 89.
Quaglia, L. (2003) ‘France’s and Italy’s policies on European monetary integration: A comparison of “strong” and “weak” states’, co-authored with I. Maes (National Bank of Belgium), Working Paper Pierre Werner Chair Programme, Robert Schuman Centre, European University Institute, N 2
Quaglia, L. (2003) ‘The Process of European Monetary Integration: A Comparison of the Belgian and Italian Approaches’, co-authored with I. Maes, Working Paper of the National Bank of Belgium, N 40
Quaglia, L. (2003) ‘Euroscepticism in Italy amongst right-wing and centre-right political parties’, Working Paper of the Sussex European Institute N 60