Foto del docente

Lucia Quaglia

Full Professor

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Academic discipline: GSPS-02/A Political Science


Quaglia L, Central Banking Governance in the European Union: A Comparative Analysis, London, Routledge, 2008, pp. 195 . [Research monograph]

Quaglia L, Committee Governance in the Financial Sector in the European Union, «REVUE D'INTÉGRATION EUROPÉENNE = JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION», 2008, 30, pp. 565 - 580 [Scientific article]

Quaglia L, Explaining the reform of banking supervision in Europe: An integrative approach, «GOVERNANCE», 2008, 21, pp. 439 - 463 [Scientific article]

Quaglia L, Setting the pace? Private financial interests and European financial market integration, «BRITISH JOURNAL OF POLITICS AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS», 2008, 10, pp. 46 - 64 [Scientific article]

Quaglia L, The Politics of Financial Service Regulation and Supervision Reform in the European Union, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF POLITICAL RESEARCH», 2007, 46, pp. 269 - 290 [Scientific article]

Quaglia L; Moxon-Browne E, What makes a good EU Presidency? Italy and Ireland compared, «JOURNAL OF COMMON MARKET STUDIES», 2006, 42, pp. 377 - 395 [Scientific article]

Quaglia L, An Integrative Approach to the Politics of Central Bank Independence: Lessons from Britain, Germany and Italy, «WEST EUROPEAN POLITICS», 2005, 28, pp. 549 - 568 [Scientific article]

Quaglia L, Civil Servants, Economic Policies and Economic Ideas: Lessons from Italy, «GOVERNANCE», 2005, 18, pp. 545 - 566 [Scientific article]

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