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Lucia Quaglia

Professoressa ordinaria

Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali

Settore scientifico disciplinare: GSPS-02/A Scienza politica


James S.; Quaglia L., Why are international standards not set? Explaining "weak" cases in shadow banking regulation, «JOURNAL OF PUBLIC POLICY», 2024, 44, pp. 208 - 228 [articolo]Open Access

James S.; Quaglia L., Differentiated de-Europeanisation: UK policy-making in finance after Brexit, «JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN PUBLIC POLICY», 2023, 30, pp. 2445 - 2467 [articolo]Open Access

James S.; Quaglia L., Epistemic contestation and interagency conflict: The challenge of regulating investment funds, «REGULATION & GOVERNANCE», 2023, 17, pp. 346 - 362 [articolo]Open Access

Manuela Moschella, Lucia Quaglia, and Aneta Spendzharova, European Political Economy. Theoretical Approaches and Policy Issues, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2023, pp. 392 . [curatela]

Quaglia L.; Spendzharova A., Explaining the EU’s Uneven Influence Across the International Regime Complex in Shadow Banking, «POLITICS AND GOVERNANCE», 2023, 11, pp. 6 - 16 [articolo]Open Access

Quaglia L.; Verdun A., Explaining the response of the ECB to the COVID-19 related economic crisis: inter-crisis and intra-crisis learning, «JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN PUBLIC POLICY», 2023, 30, pp. 635 - 654 [articolo]Open Access

Hogenauer A.-L.; Howarth D.; Quaglia L., Introduction to the special issue: the persistent challenges to European Banking Union, «REVUE D'INTÉGRATION EUROPÉENNE = JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION», 2023, 45, pp. 1 - 14 [articolo]Open Access

Quaglia L.; Verdun A., The COVID-19 pandemic and the European Union: politics, policies and institutions, «JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN PUBLIC POLICY», 2023, 30, pp. 599 - 611 [articolo]

Quaglia L.; Verdun A., The European Central Bank, the Single Supervisory Mechanism and the COVID-19 related economic crisis: a neofunctionalist analysis, «REVUE D'INTÉGRATION EUROPÉENNE = JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION», 2023, 45, pp. 139 - 156 [articolo]Open Access

Lucia Quaglia, The non-reversal of delegation in international standard-setting in finance: The Basel Committee and the European Union, «GOVERNANCE», 2023, 36, pp. 41 - 57 [articolo]Open Access

Quaglia L.; Verdun A., Weaponisation of finance: the role of European central banks and financial sanctions against Russia, «WEST EUROPEAN POLITICS», 2023, 46, pp. 872 - 895 [articolo]Open Access

Quaglia Lucia; Spendzharova A., Disentangling derivatives: international policy reforms concerning central counterparties, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC POLICY REFORM», 2022, 25, pp. 305 - 321 [articolo]Open Access

Quaglia L.; Spendzharova A., Regime complexity and managing financial data streams: The orchestration of trade reporting for derivatives, «REGULATION & GOVERNANCE», 2022, 16, pp. 588 - 602 [articolo]Open Access

James S.; Quaglia L., Rule maker or rule taker? Brexit, finance and UK regulatory autonomy, «INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW», 2022, 43, pp. 390 - 403 [articolo]Open Access

James Scott; Quaglia Lucia, Brexit and the political economy of euro-denominated clearing, «REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL ECONOMY», 2021, 28, pp. 505 - 527 [articolo]Open Access

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