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Lucia Quaglia

Professoressa ordinaria

Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali


Quaglia, Lucia; Howarth, David; Liebe, Moritz, The Political Economy of European Capital Markets Union, «JOURNAL OF COMMON MARKET STUDIES», 2016, 54, pp. 185 - 203 [articolo]

Moschella, Manuela; Quaglia, Lucia, To agree or not to agree? Explaining the cohesiveness of the European Union in the Group of Twenty, «JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN PUBLIC POLICY», 2016, 23, pp. 906 - 924 [articolo]

Quaglia, Lucia; Royo, Sebastián, Banks and the political economy of the sovereign debt crisis in Italy and Spain, «REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL ECONOMY», 2015, 22, pp. 485 - 507 [articolo]

Gren, Jakub; Howarth, David; Quaglia, Lucia, Supranational Banking Supervision in Europe: The Construction of a Credible Watchdog, «JOURNAL OF COMMON MARKET STUDIES», 2015, 53, pp. 181 - 199 [articolo]

Howarth, David; Quaglia, Lucia, The political economy of the euro area's sovereign debt crisis: introduction to the special issue of the Review of International Political Economy, «REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL ECONOMY», 2015, 22, pp. 457 - 484 [articolo]

Quaglia, Lucia, The Politics of ‘Third Country Equivalence’ in Post-Crisis Financial Services Regulation in the European Union, «WEST EUROPEAN POLITICS», 2015, 38, pp. 167 - 184 [articolo]

Quaglia, Lucia, The European Union and Global Financial Regulation, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2014, pp. 240 . [libro]

Quaglia, Lucia, The European Union, the USA and International Standard Setting by Regulatory Fora in Finance, «NEW POLITICAL ECONOMY», 2014, 19, pp. 427 - 444 [articolo]

Quaglia, Lucia, The sources of European Union influence in international financial regulatory fora, «JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN PUBLIC POLICY», 2014, 21, pp. 327 - 345 [articolo]

Howarth, David; Quaglia, Lucia, The Steep Road to European Banking Union: Constructing the Single Resolution Mechanism, «JOURNAL OF COMMON MARKET STUDIES», 2014, 52, pp. 125 - 140 [articolo]

Howarth D; Quaglia L, Banking on Stability: The political economy of new capital requirements in the European Union, «REVUE D'INTÉGRATION EUROPÉENNE = JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION», 2013, 35, pp. 333 - 346 [articolo]

Quaglia L; Howarth D, ‘Banking Union as Holy Grail: Rebuilding the Single Market in Financial Services, Stabilizing Europe’s Banks and “Completing” Economic and Monetary Union, «JOURNAL OF COMMON MARKET STUDIES», 2013, 49, pp. 119 - 141 [articolo]

Serricchio, F; Tsakatika, M; Quaglia, L., Euroscepticism and the global financial crisis, «JOURNAL OF COMMON MARKET STUDIES», 2013, 51, pp. 51 - 64 [articolo]

Quaglia, Lucia, Financial regulation and supervision in the European Union after the crisis, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC POLICY REFORM», 2013, 16, pp. 17 - 30 [articolo]

Moschella M; Quaglia L, Speaking with one voice in international finance? The EU and the institutional features of global financial regulatory bodies, «RIVISTA ITALIANA DI SCIENZA POLITICA», 2013, 43, pp. 179 - 200 [articolo]

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