Associate professor at the University of Bologna since 2005 I have conducted research within the scope of the theory and the semiotics of art. My research interests are particularly addressed to the modalities of reception of the artistic text, the mechanism of signification of the art work and the staging of passions. At present I am focusing my research on the relationship between works of art of the past and contemporaneity.
Graduate in Art, Music and Drama in 1982 at the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy of the University of Bologna, tutored by the professors Omar Calabrese and Umberto Eco; I completed my research doctorate in history of art in 1992. In 1993 I won a two-year post-doc scholarship concerning the disciplinary area “Scienze dell’Antichità Filologico-letterarie e Storico-artistiche”, art the Department of Visual Arts of the University of Bologna, ending in 1995.
Academic career
After many years of contract teaching (Milan, Siena, Ravenna), in 1998 I became researcher in the disciplinary sector L25D, at the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy of the University of Bologna, as member of the Department of Visual Arts. In 2013 I obtained the “Scientifica Nazionale” qualification for the role of Associate Professor. Since 1 February 2015 I have been associate professor at the Alma Mater Studiorum.
Teaching activities
Since 1998 I have been a lecturer on bachelor’s and master’s degree courses at the school of Letters and Cultural Heritage.
At present I am lecturer of Semiotics of the Visible for the master’s degree course in Visual Arts of the University of Bologna and for Semiotics of Art for the degree course in DAMS of the University of Bologna. From 1998 to 2010 I taught the course Artistic Literature again at Bologna University. As contract lecturer I taught a degree course in Conservation of Cultural Heritage at Ravenna, at the University Institute of Modern Languages of Milan, at the University of Siena.
From 2001-2002 to 2012-2013 I held the course of “Modern Art and Architecture” at the Eastern College Consortium (Vassar College, Wellesley College, Wesleyan College) situated in Bologna.
From 2015-2016 I held the course in Modern Art at the Eastern College Consortium (Vassar College, Wellesley College, Wesleyan College) situated in Bologna.
Scientific activity
From 2003 to 2005 I was scientific manager of the research project L’hétérogénéité du visuel. Syncrétismes, synesthésies, multimodalité, connotations et méta-sémiotiques, funded by the Ministère de la Recherche (France), Action Concertée Incitative, coordinated by Prof. Jacques Fontanille of the Université de Limoges and with the partnership of the Université de Louvain and the Iuav of Venice.
From 2006 to 2008 I was scientific manager of the research project Images et dispositifs de visualisation scientifique. Nouvelles images, nouvelle pratiques, funded by the Ministère de la Recherche Française, coordinated by Prof. Jacques Fontanille of the Université de Limoges and with the partnership of the Université de Louvain and the Iuav of Venice.
From 2006 to 2009 I was scientific manager of the Prin entitled Il disegno sottostante alla pittura nel Veneto e in Emilia. (The drawing underlying painting in Veneto and Emilia).
From 2008 to 2012 I took part in the PRIN research programme titled Architettura e identità locali: centri egemoni, periferie, “fines”. Dalle architetture e l’antico alle corti, dalla letteratura architettonica agli scritti letterari, costituzione di una tradizione alla conservazione. (Architecture and local identities: hegemonic centres, peripheries, ‘fines. From architectures and the antique to the courts, from the architectural literature to the literary writings, constitution of a tradition of conservation.)
Referee on Italian and international journals in the sector of semiotics of art and contemporary art.
Institutional activities and academic posts
From November 2012 to September 2016 I was coordinator of the master’s degree course in Visual Arts at the school of Letters and Cultural Heritage.
From 1998 to 2010 I was member of the syndicate of lecturers of the research doctorate in history of art at the Department of Arts of the University of Bologna.
Since 2012 I have member of the research commission of the Department of Arts of the University of Bologna.
Membership of scientific and editorial committees From 1995 to 1998 general secretary of the
Association internationale de sémiotique visuelle. From 1996 to 2004 member of the International Board of the journal
Visio Revue international de sémiotique visuelle.
Since 2004 member of the scientific committee of the journal Visible (Centre de recherches sémiotiques – Université de Limoges).
Since 2010 member of the scientific committee of the journal Il capitale culturale. Studies on the Value of Cultural Heritage (University of Macerata).
Since 2012 member of the scientific committee of the journal Carte semiotiche. Rivista internazionale di Semiotica e Teoria dell’Immagine.
Since 2012 member of the scientific committee of the series “I libri di Omar”, published by La Casa Usher di Firenze.