Foto del docente

Luca Roffia

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering "Guglielmo Marconi"

Academic discipline: IINF-05/A Information Processing Systems

Short Bio

Fixed term Assistant Professor since 2020, his research interests are mainly focused on investigating interoperable solutions based on Semantic Web technologies. He is the principal investigator of the SEPA (SPARQL Event Processing Architecture) project aiming at implementing a publish-subscribe software architecture based on Linked Data technologies, like SPARQL, RDF and OWL. SEPA can support the development of open, distributed and context aware applications in all scenarios characterized by dynamic and heterogenous data like for example the Web of Things domain. Go to the Curriculum vitae


+39 051 20 9 5423

Other contacts


Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Energia Elettrica e dell'Informazione "Guglielmo Marconi"
Viale del Risorgimento 2, Bologna - Go to map

Online Resources

Office hours

Every Friday at 16:00, from February to June.

Online on TEAMS sending a request at:

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