2005 Ph.D. in Electronics, Computer Science and
Telecommunication Engineering , University of Bologna (Italy),
Context Related Information Sharing and Retrieval in Mobile
Cultural Heritage Applications. The aim of this work resides in the
understanding of how mobile technology may improve a cultural
heritage experience, by capturing the visitors' attention and
offering them location-dependent multimedia content on-demand
2001 M.D. in Computer Science Engineering, University of
Bologna, Motori per videogames e grafica 3D interattiva (Videogame
Engines and 3D Interactive Graphics). The thesis was about the
development of a 3D interactive graphic application for Virtual
Museums by means of a 3D videogame engine where a visitor can
access painting information (audio, text, image) by clicking on
2021 DASI Breaker (Data Silos Breaker) EU H2020, grant agreement n. 87149
2022 DESMO-LD (Decentralized Smart Oracles for Trusted Linked Data) EU H2020, grant agreement n. 957338
2023 My3Sec (The Ultimate PM & HR Suite by Smart Workers for Smart Workers) EU H2020 cascade funding, n. 957338 ONTOCHAIN
2020 VAIMEE srl (co-founder and CEO) startup and spinoff of the University of Bologna ()
Since November 2010, I am member of the Smart Space working
group and reference contact of the University of Bologna for the
Finnish-Russian University Cooperation in Telecommunications
(FRUCT) program supported by the Nokia Research Center
During my PhD, I spent 4 months (1/08/2004-30/11/2004) as
visiting researcher at the Mixed Reality Laboratory of the
University of Nottingham (UK) investigating on sharing
context data between mobile devices.
I matured my research experiences by taking part to the following
research projects:
2017-2020 SWAMP (Swart Water Management Platform) H2020, ID: 777112
2017-2018 HABITAT (Home Assistance Basata su Internet of Things per l’Autonomia di Tutti), POR-FESR 2014 - 2020
2009–2011 SOFIA (Smart Objects for Intelligent
Applications), VII European Framework Program, founded through the
European Artemis programme under the subprogramme SP3 “Smart
environments and scalable digital service”, grant agreement n.
100017. The project, leaded by Nokia, aims to investigate how to
make "information" in the physical world available for smart
services - connecting physical world with information world
2005-2007 EPOCH (European Network of Excellence in Open
Cultural Heritage), VI European Framework Program, contract number
IST-2002-507382. The project aimed to join a hundred European
cultural institutions efforts to improve the quality and
effectiveness of the use of Information and Communication
Technology for Cultural Heritage
2001-2003 MUSE (Museums and Sites Explorer) within the
Italian National Industrial Research Program PARNASO, MURST
contract number 4946, October 2000. The project, leaded by Ducati
Sistemi S.p.a, aimed to develop a prototype of a sensor augmented
mobile multimedia guide to be used in museums and archaeological
and by collaborating with industrial partners, including:
Since 2013 ArTeN S.r.l. AutoCAD and ZWCAD software
development (
2012 CCPB S.r.l. within a Regional
project on LCA analysis of agro-food chain
2009–2011 Eurotech, Consorzio Cooperative Costruzioni
(CCC), Nokia within the SOFIA project on the design of Smart
Environment Applications for supporting large buildings
2007-2009 Telecom Italia S.p.a. on context aware services
for mobile devices
2007-2008 Ducati Sistemi S.p.a. on applying RFID to control
the access to limited traffic zones
2007 SADEL S.p.a. on designing an embedded module to monitor
the ECG signal
2007 Elettronica GF on ZigBee mobile video streaming for
embedded devices
2006 Ducati Sistemi S.p.a. on developing a multimedia
context aware mobile guide for the Coliseum and the Roman Forum in