Foto del docente

Luca Pasquini

Associate Professor

Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"

Curriculum vitae

Luca Pasquini obtained the Master degree in Physics at the University of Bologna in 1994, summa cum laude. He gained the Ph.D. title in Condensed Matter Physics at the University of Bologna in 1999, discussing a thesis on the synthesis, mechanical and magnetic properties of nanostructured materials. Afterwards he performed a research stage of six months at the University of Stuttgart (Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics and Max Planck Institut fuer Metallforschung) studying structural stability and diffusion processes in nanophase materials by positron annihilation and radiotracer analysis, in collaboration with Prof. H.-E. Schaefer's group. He returned in Bologna with research fellows granted by the National Institute for the Physics of Matter and by the University of Bologna. During this period of about five years he carried out research activity on the synthesis, structural analysis and physical properties of advanced nanostructured materials. He spent six months as visiting scientist at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble, working on applications of Nuclear Resonant Scattering techniques to the study of magnetism and lattice dynamics in nanocrystalline metals and composites.

In 2005 he moved for about three years to the private industry, dealing with measurement and automation and consulting services in the field of automotive applications.

In September 2007 he was employed as coordinator of the technical research staff at the Department of Physics, University of Bologna.

From December 2008 to December 2015 he has been Assistant Professor (permanent staff member) at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, School of Science of the University of Bologna.

Since January 2016 he is Asssociate Professor at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, School of Science of the University of Bologna.

In November 2017 he obtained the National Scientific Qualification as Full Professor in the field "Experimental Condensed Matter Physics".

His experimental research activity focuses on the synthesis of advanced materials and on the study of their structure and physical properties, with a particular interest towards nanostructured systems: metallic nanoparticles,  interfaces and thin films, metal hydrides for hydrogen storage, nanostructured oxides with photo-catalytic properties. He has a strong expertise in modern physical methods for sample preparation and in advanced investigation techniques also at large scale facilities for the use of synchrotron radiation, neutrons, and electron microscopy. He has been member of the Managemet Committee and Grant Holder of the European COST Action "Nanostructured Materials for Solid-State Hydrogen Storage" in the priod 2011-2015. He represents the University of Bologna within the Joint Programme "AMPEA - Advanced Materials and Processes for Energy Applications" of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA). He is Expert Member of Task 40 - "Energy Storage and Conversion Based on Hydrogen" of the Hydrogen Implementing Agreement - International Energy Agency.

He has strong  interests in the design, development and automation of research instruments. Some examples include: apparatuses for the synthesis of nanophase materials in high and ultra-high vacuum; anelastic spectrometers in acoustic regime operating under high vacuum and variable temperature / magnetic field; analog and digital data acquisition systems; gas-volumetric Sieverts apparatus for the analysis of sorption kinetics and pressure-composition isotherms. He obtained the title “Certified LabVIEW Developer” released by National Instruments.

He is co-author of about 110 publications on international peer-reviewed journals and has presented his research results at about 40 international conferences and workshops, giving several invited talks.


Course "Microscopic Kinetic and Thermodynamics" - Master Degree in Physics - 6 ECTS

Course "Struttura della materia" - Bachelor degree in Astronomia- 6 ECTS

Course "Fisica" - Bachelor degree in Ingegneria e Scienze Informatiche - 6 ECTS

Course "Laboratorio di elettromagnetismo e ottica" - Bachelor degree in Fisica - module on computer-based data acquisition.

Supervisor of twenty Bachelor Degree theses in Physics

Supervisor of eighteen Master Degree theses in Physics

Supervisor of two Ph.D. theses in Physics.

Member of the Teaching board of the Doctoral School in Nanoscience

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