Foto del docente

Luca Gasperini

Adjunct professor

Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences

Useful contents

Software ChirCor, generation of synthetic seismograms and stratigraphic correlations

ChirCor, a program developed by Luca Gasperini (ISMAR) for managing physical-log data (P-wave velocity and density) and chirp-sonar seismograms, also equipped with a synthetic-trace generator, that could be used for correlating real seismograms to synthetics. The software, designed with a user-friendly ...

Rivista Sapere

Rubrica di Geologia

Software SeisPrho, processing and interpretation of seismic reflection profiles

SeisPrho is an interactive computer program for processing and interpreting high-resolution seismic reflection profiles developed using the Delphi/Kylix multiplatform programming environment. For this reason, it is available under Windows? and Linux? operating systems. The program allows the users to ...