Foto del docente

Luca Camanzi

Full Professor

Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Academic discipline: AGRI-01/A Agricultural and Food Economics, and Rural Appraisal


Keywords: agri-food products markets and marketing agriculture-industry relations mediterranean agri-food products supply chain organization agri-food policy new food product development

The main research subjects dealth with relate to the following areas:
- macroeconomic analysis of international institutions and policy; studies of sectoral policies, trade flows and related impacts on the agri-food system at European, National and Regional level, with special attention to the Mediterranean Basin area;
- studies on markets, entrepreneurial strategies and the competitiveness of agricultural and food production and marketing, economic and territorial development ;
- industrial organization analysis in the agri-food system and agriculture-industry relationships; supply chain analysis, study of integration and contractual coordination forms; agricultural inputs demand and supply.

The main sectors of interest are:
- mediterranean agri-food productions, such as fisheries, wine, fruit and vegetables;
- agricultural inputs: chemicals, seeds, machinery and agri-food biotechnologies;
- oil seeds.

July 2007 - Feb. 2008
Research project executor for Emilia Romagna Regional Authority. Project name: CORIN - Coordinating Regional Primary Sector Policies for Boosting Innovation. Trans-regional project, financed under the auspices of the 6th EU Framework Programme for research, in order to promote greater and better investment in research and development in the regions involved in the primary sector, by means of activities aimed at the promotion, implementation and exploitation of innovation. Regions involved in the project: Emilia Romagna (IT), Veneto (IT), Friuli Venezia Giulia (IT), Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Greece.

Member of the research team “Osservatorio Permanente sul Sistema Agroalimentare dei Paesi del Mediterraneo” [“Permanent Observatory on the agri-food system in Mediterranean Countries”] by ISMEA [National Institute for Agricultural Markets Studies] and IAMB [Agri-Mediterranean Institute of Bari] and financed by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture. Research project: Sistemi di qualità, rapporti commerciali e cooperazione euromediterranea [Quality systems, trade relations and euro-mediterranean partnership].

2005 -2006
Member of the research team “Osservatorio del Mercato del Pecorino Romano e dei prodotti ovicaprini” [“Observatory on Pecorino Romano and dairy products market”] sponsored by Consorzio di Tutela del Formaggio Pecorino Romano [Consortium for the Safeguarding of Pecorino Romano cheese];

Apr. 2004 – Jan. 2005
Research contract recipient at the Department of Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Engineering, University of Bologna. Project title:  Effetti dell'allargamento UE sui flussi commerciali di prodotti agroalimentari dei Paesi del Bacino Mediterraneo. [Effects of the EU enlargement to CEECs on Mediterranean Countries agri-food trade flows]

Apr. 2002 – Sept. 2003
Research contract recipient at the Department of Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Engineering, University of Bologna. Project title:  Competitività e prospettive del settore dei semi oleosi in provincia di Ferrara: aspetti economici, istituzionali e organizzativi. [Oil seeds sector competitiveness and perspectives in Ferrara province: economic, institutional and organizational issues]

Member of the research team “Osservatorio Permanente sul Sistema Agroalimentare dei Paesi del Mediterraneo” [“Permanent Observatory on the agri-food system in Mediterranean Countries”] by ISMEA [National Institute for Agricultural Markets Studies] e IAMB [Agri-Mediterranean Institute of Bari] and financed by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture. Research project: Le dinamiche commerciali dei prodotti agroalimentari nel Mediterraneo  [Agri-food trade dynamics in the Mediterranean Basin] -  Sistemi di qualità, rapporti commerciali e cooperazione euromediterranea.